Welcome! Look to this blog for daily rumors/postings/news on the Real World and Road Rules. We won't give you bull here. Just information strictly on Road Rules and Real World. If you're looking for other information, we'll get you there too with our comprehensive section of links! So, stay tuned and enjoy our blog!

Friday, August 02, 2002

Hey! Hey! How's the gang doing?

In news today, the original information that we provided seems to conflict with this latest press release. Apparently, Puck from the San Francisco season is currently serving a one-year jail sentence for assault on his girlfriend (the one he met on the show.) Prior to the tenth anniversary special he has been booked on charges. So, apparently, he's not a part of the Battle of the Sexes: Here's the Link to the article.

NOTE: Heheh... The article at people.com didn't have a date, so naturally we assumed it was new news. It's not. He has not been arrested again. This article is the original article when he was arrested back in 1998. Hehhe. We're people too! We make mistakes!

Also, along with setting a date for the Real World: Las Vegas book, BMP is currently releasing the entire first season of the Real World on DVD September 24. It is also releasing it's second Vacations video. They had released one based on Seasons 1-3. Look for this one to cover the vacations in Kenya (London), the Bahamas (Miami), Puerto Rico (Boston), Nepal (Seattle), India (Hawaii), South Africa (New Orleans), Morocco (Back to New York), and New England (Chicago). That is also available September 24. So look for it!

Thanks to BacktoRendezvous, jakatac, and glitzygirl for this information! Have a good day!

Thursday, August 01, 2002

Teen People interviewed 21-year-old Shani Pride and Real World alumn Amaya in their September issue about the upcoming Real World: Vancouver movie. Here's the article:

"VCR ALERT Real World: The Lost Season

This is the true story of seven strangers picked to live in a loft, have their lives taped - well, you know the drill. In the fictional MTV movie, Real World: The Lost Season (August 6), a disgruntled Real World reject kidnaps a group of Vancouver housemates and holds them hostage. "The characters are all stereotypical," says Shani Pride, 21, who plays Omara, the controlling, hard-as-nails roommate. Which means they also must have a healthy sense of humor, as several real-life Real World-ers have cameos (as themselves) in the film. "We're making fun of ourselves," says Real World: Hawaii alum Amaya, 24, adding that if she were kidnapped, "I would not cry. We'd probably all just end up fighting!"

There's a picture of Amaya and the Vancouver cast scared in a van. The caption says: The housemates are in for a bumpy ride in Real World: The Lost Season. Unlike the show, there was a script, says RW: Hawaii's Amaya, who makes a cameo, "but we were allowed to improvise and we went a little wild."

Thanks to Colleen for that little piece. Pride who has recently been featured in promos for the movie as the first cast member to come forward previously appeared in the made for video movie The Vault. More to come soon!

Also, funny thing actually... After we posted the upcoming information about the next few episodes of Road Rules (see below) MTV.com quickly deleted it off it's site with the following garbage as each episodes description:

"There's nothing old-school about the 11th season of Road Rules: The Campus Crawl."

Also, we'd like to note that we recieved some sort of encrypted email from MTVI which handles MTV.com with the return name of RW11_Keri. (It actually almost looked like one of those virus emails.) It was a bogus email. Looks like MTV.com is trying to keep an eye on us. Heheh! Hi guys!

That's it for now! Have a good day!
Just more info on BMPs interview with MSNBC. It's finally confirmed! Real World 13 will start shooting in January; though there still isn't a set location, nor a cast. Casting according to BMP's website will occur sometime in September. Here is the interview. Brought to you by MSNBC.

MSNBC:"And then, presumably, there will be yet another “Real World”? No. 13?"

Bunim: Yes, we’re going to start shooting in January. We’re prepping now. But no, we have yet to decide where it’s going to be located.

That's it for now.

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Just a further update on Kelley from New Orleans, it seems that a little bit close to the Battle of the Seasons she had moved to New York to persue her entertainment career. She was working at an internet radio station prior. She tried to make the long distance relationship between her and Peter work out, but it didn't come through. Prior to the breakup, rumors were flying that they were to be engaged.

Also, BMP also gave a recent interview with MSNBC on the premiere of the twelfth season and the wrapup of the eleventh season. Well, they said they are WORKING on getting Real World 13 off the ground... However, they said the location is not decided yet. (BMP always lies)

That's about it homies! Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 30, 2002


There's an alumni update! Kelley from the Real World: New Orleans and Battle of the Seasons is said to be dating none other than Scott Wolf from Party of Five fame. Scott Wolf actually told reporters this from People Magazine and it appears in the issue with Sharon Obsourne on the cover. No word with what happened with Peter, the doctor from New Orleans. Thanks to Jakatac for that.

Also, here's the short blurb about Road Rules... I thought it was an OK episode last night.

"OK, I think that whole Kendal/Eric thing was so stupid, so childish. It was like... I hate you, I love you, I hate you, I love you! Both of them should get over themselves! They seem like they're so much in high school. It was so annoying. Kendal with her 'I don't want to like him.' and Eric with his 'All I thought about was you.' Ughghgh.... And, why were the Road Rulers afraid of showing a little skin? They were all hunky dory in front of the cameras in the shower. Kendal was flashing at Mardi Gras. The only one who I understand was Eric, because he was shy all around. And did anyone else get pissed off at Shane during the mission? Moving his foot... Pshshs!!!!!!!!!!! These Road Rulers are too much!"

Boston, MA

Thanks to everyone who sent in a synposis. That's all the news for today. Have a good day!
After I posted about the upcoming Real World Las Vegas cast, I got an e-mail. This is what it said.

"The other name, the 7th one not on your site's list, that's I've heard thrown around a lot is Geneve. I'm trying to remember all of what I've heard about her. However I do remember that a post, (long before RR11 premiered) said that he knew two people on the shows. He said that there was an Eric on RR and a girl named Geneve on RW. Also I'm fairly certain that it isn't Brie, it's Brynn. I know that someone saw a suitcase marked Bryan in the house and admitted that he glanced quickly after someone told him that it was probably Brynn's. Steve I think is a for sure, someone mentioned knowing him. I personally believe that Alton is real too. My cousin went to Skin in LV and said she heard that named thrown around quite a bit with the workers. Every post that had a Michelle on the cast, probably misheard Trishelle's name. I also think that people reporting on the cast have confused the descriptions of Trishelle and Geneve. Trishelle is your "hot black girl" as one poster called her and Geneve is the "very attractive short brown haired white girl". So if I had to guess I would say that for sure, five of them are...


Now for the subject of Lars and Ariel. I could be true, we've been told that one person chose to leave the Chicago cast. In some instances we've heard two people...this might explain why Kyle and Cara arrived late to the house. Going off of all the information I've heard about Lars and Ariel I can tell you this. Lars is a surfer boy from Cali and Ariel is a very punky girl. Having Ariel as part of the cast would confirm the rumors of Ally being on the cast, I'm fairly sure people could mix up her name with Ally much like Michelle and Trishelle."
This posted information came from Mib5585@columbus.rr.com. Thank you for that information.

Monday, July 29, 2002

Rumors on the upcoming season of Real World 12 set in Las Vegas, Nevada; Tubescan.com's Message Board has reported that "apparently" these are some of the names of the cast members that will be on the upcoming season. Alton, Steve, Brie. Lars, and Ariel are all the names that was reported. Wanda recently reported that Trishelle is officially a member of the cast. (She hooks up with Road Rules Darrell) Also, something interesting to note, most people comment that Lars and Ariel are names that are thrown around every season. However, some also believe that these were the two cast members who opted to go to Las Vegas instead of Chicago, because of the shooting in Chicago. Who knows? Maybe it's just someone who rehashed that information who really likes those names. If you hear any names please feel free to send them to justin@illusionz.net. That's it for now!
Wanda from E!Online brings some jaw-dropping news from the new seasons.

First on the Real World LV/Road Rules CC hook-ups:

"Trust me, it's going to be insane. The highlights reel shows Darrell in a hot tub with a girl...that's actually Trishelle from The Real World: Vegas cast. The two casts meet up there (it's the Road Rulers second-to-last mission), and everyone but Shane hooks up. Boom-chicka bow-wow."

Trishelle is officially the first confirmed cast member of the Real World: Las Vegas. Here's Wanda on The Las Vegas shower:

Expect lots of sex in Vegas (as evidenced by the Road Rules romp). Apparently, the shower is in the middle of the suite and has no doors. It's surrounded by clear glass that is only clouded from about your knees to your neck. Peep World: Vegas, here we come.

And you thought the double headed shower in Chicago was good. Finally, AMAZING news on the Battle of the Sexes:

"Yes! And I'm still scraping my jaw from the floor. I heard from someone very close to the show that a cast member got married during the shoot. Also, and this is the one I'm finding hard to believe, someone went nuts after getting voted off the show and attacked the camera crew. I'll give you more details when/if I get confirmation of the craziness."

Who freaking knows about who got married and who went crazy. WOW! Offer up your speculation, but it seems that Battle of the Sexes will be an amazing season!

G'night! Thanks to Wanda!

Third update for the day... and this time it's for our Road Rulers from the Campus Crawl. The following will pretty much SPOIL your viewing pleasure for the next five weeks, as we are pretty much giving you the STORYLINE for the next five weeks... Don't read if you don't want to know... Also, thanks to YurowindsMX300 for providing us with this information.

This Week:

Eric and Kendal's romance turns stormy as her sexual bravado intimidates the less experienced Eric while the cast must decide whether or not they will bare it all by posing completely nude in their "Art Class" mission sponsered by American Eagle.

Week 2:

Shane battles with his own homophobia as he learns that coming out to his parents is only the first step in embracing his sexuality.

Week 3:

In this two part cliff hanger, friendships are tested and loyalties are divided as the cast fails another mission while facing a 'Car Surfing' competition, forcing them to make a decision.

Week 4:

In part two, the group begrudgingly votes Sarah off, forcing Kendal to question her relationship with Eric because of his ambivalence. (Sarah and Kendal vote for Shane; while Eric, Rachel, Darrell, and Shane vote off Sarah.)

Week 5:

The group is introduced to the new sixth cast member Raquel who hails from Round Rock, TX.

This is all confirmed all up to Week 4. We still need to confirm that the sixth cast member is actually named Raquel. How did all this come to light? None other than MTV.com. Yes, they actually revealed all this info at their website, but remember, it took a little prying to get to, but you heard it here first. If you liked tonight's episode of Road Rules, email us at newrwroad@hotmail.com, we'll post the best thoughts of the episode tomorrow.

Have a good night!
Remember to check out the previous post, we got some pretty good stuff...

This just a minor note. Melissa and Julie had their own little squabbles online over that diversity entry that Julie wrote in her journal. Well, soon after coming home from the Battle in Jamaica, she changed it:


"Sam intrigues me. I am glad to have a diverse group of friends. I love the way Sam's mind works. He teaches me alot. Tonight we started talking about race and diversity. He comes from such a different background than me, so it is fascinating for me to hear some of the things that come out of his mouth. I remember when talking to Melissa used to fascinate me. I used to think she was so knowledgable about race issues. I kindof realize now that her views were limited somewhat. Sam really opens my eyes to things because he is so real. He isn't trying to be something. He is just being Sam. That's what's so awesome about him."


"Sam intrigues me. I am glad to have a diverse group of friends. I love the way Sam's mind works. He teaches me alot. Tonight we started talking about race and diversity. He comes from such a different background than me, so it is fascinating for me to hear some of the things that come out of his mouth. I remember when talking to this girl at work used to fascinate me. I used to think she was so knowledgable about race issues. I kindof realize now that her views were limited somewhat. Sam really opens my eyes to things because he is so real. He isn't trying to be something. He is just being Sam. That's what's so awesome about him."

Who knows what preempted the change... Was it something that happened in Jamaica? Was it Julie trying to put that squabble with Melissa to rest? Who knows? But, Melissa's entry remains intact.
We have a lot of news today. Hold onto your hats...

Anyway, welcome our new poster RWRRB Admin3! We are no longer looking for any new posters at this moment. But we are proud to have him as a new poster, bringing you news every single day.

We recieved an email from someone visiting Jamaica, who saw two Real Worlders at the airport. You already know ONE of them, but here's the email:

"As I was flying home from Jamaica on about July 17th and the plane landed in Miami. David from the Real World LA got off the plane as well. I knew that the Challenge was being filmed in Jamaica and I had seen Julie at the airport as well and got her autograph. I asked David what he was doing there and he said he was done with the challenge. Therefore him and Julie must have been voted off at the same time. I heard that Julie was the first to go on the women's side. So David of RW2 must have been the first on the men's side to go."

So, David from the Los Angeles season was voted off early! However, there is speculation that the Battle is windling down to its final contestants. There is no word on if there is an inner circle, if there will be a small group remaining in the end. No one seems to really know. However, we do know that voting off occurs in GENDERS and not SEASONS as Julie was sent home, and not Melissa.

Also, in Las Vegas news... We got the first semi-picture of cast members. Someone was taking pictures in the Palms nightclub and saw the opportunity to take a shot:

You can see the cameraman at the right. They are filming a male and a female. Interesting but not too revealing. :) This is pretty much the first shot of the Real Worlders at all. Usually, there are an abundance of pictures and their names are already all over the internet. Apparently, that's not what it's like this season. Only speculation on message boards. We'll keep you updated as more becomes available.

And finally, Pool and Spa are giving away the hot tub from the Chicago season. It'll be your chance to win the hot tub where Keri, Cara, Tonya, Kyle, Theo, Chris and Aneesa chilled so many a nights. To enter the contest online, go to Pool and Spa.com. Also, if you win, drop us a line at newrwroad@hotmail.com.

Also, there is a Road Rules episode tonight! Watch it, analyze it, write us a little blurb about it. Email it to us at newrwroad@hotmail.com and we'll post the best ones tomorrow!

That's it for now! Have a great day!

Sunday, July 28, 2002

Another thing from the Battle of the Sexes filming right down in good ole' Jamaica: Melissa from New Orleans is still going strong... Here's the passage taken from her journal:

"So, I am in Jamaica right now, and I can't say the internet access is 24 hours as I was promised, but let me not start by complaining. Actually, that is precisely where I will start.

Who is in charge of doling out the punishment around these parts? There have been numerous levels of sheer disappointment, socially speaking, anyway, for me.

Let's start with good old Taye Diggs. We're actually in the same area where they filmed How Stella Got Her Groove Back, but I can't relate because I am still trying to get my groove on. I got all cute on my day off thinking I could snag the precious Taye (the heat must be making me delirious with confidence that doesn't quite exist) only to find that he was here to get married. Yeah, thanks for the fun times Taye.

Moving on to Black Jesus. Know that Madonna video Like A Prayer? Remember old dude on the cross crying that one drop of blood as a tear, yeah him. He's here! Yeah, so I am lounging around by the pool (never confessing to the fact that I can't swim), drinking pina colada (singular) and I recognize this person that I swear I know. It wasn't even a celebrity sighting until after I was embarrassed about how I rolled up on him. I went up to him and actually said the words, "Excuse me, sir, with the shorts on, I know you..." He proceeded to tell me that he didn't, and I proceeded to insist that in fact I did. He said he doesn't live in LA, but that he's an actor so perhaps that's how I know him. At that point, I tried to gather any scrap of dignity and started the long and elaborate apologies. We get to talking and he invites me to this huge concert (featuring Ja Rule and Ashanti) and I explain that I am "not allowed" to leave this here compound. I take many poetic licenses with the "not allowed" thing. I do many of those things thinking I am not being filmed, but whatevs.

Anyway, I ended up flaking on the concert because we were filming the dramatic voting off "ceremony" (that's what they call it, it's really not that ceremonious, it's actually somewhat repetitive) until midnight. So, the next day, I was down at the bar again. Don't worry, I am not drinking my face off while being filmed. Learned that lesson long ago. Not that you were worried, though. So, next day at the bar, I see him and of course, I suck because I flaked. He then invited me to a casual dinner (we'll get to the food situation in a second) and to the concert again (it's like a neverending festival of music).

Listen to why I couldn't hang out with him! Let me preface this by saying if any of you ever have the opportunity to eat with Black Jesus, take it any way you can. I regret flaking already! I couldn't hang because I have a rather unfortunate bout of the Traveler's D. Yeah, the kind with the sense of urgency and fire. I told him I was sick. He asked what kind of sick, and being the girl with no game, I actually told him what kind. So that makes me completely undateable and stupid, but like I said, the heat makes me retarded. No, I wasn't sick and drinking at the bar, but the cameras weren't at the bar so that's where I was.

So, the food situation. I have lost weight, and I dread the possibility of being accused of an eating disorder when this airs. Know those swollen-bellied children in Somalia? Yeah, that's about where I am. Registered in at a whopping 92 pounds, and I feel really gross and at about 88 ish. Steady diet of ramen noodles and pb & j because I can't eat the "catering" they've provided because oh, I don't know, there's a rumor there's a virus. But everybody got the D long before I did. Now everybody's healthy and galavanting, while I am sick and sad but hiding both ailments because it's that type of show. But things don't stay hidden for very long when you're under infrared surveillance.

On to the non-complaining. Jamaica is some beautiful stuff. I can't even explain. Just know that every time I get pissed at production, I have to remember that I fell asleep watching the sunset and woke up looking at the ocean listening to steel drums. It rules here. The humidity makes my hair ugly, but it rules here.

I have tried to be on my best behavior and with the exception of a few times where I suffered really ugly and poor anger management, I have managed to really have fun. Surely they'll air every time I had to bitch about something and make me the ambiguously undedicated contestant who complains, but I swear it's mostly about the way shit is handled by production. Some things just boil down to plain unfair. They're great people, but the fairness goes out of the window sometimes.

So the paranoia has set in for sure. Come airing date, I might just find a hole and die. Some of the missions will make me look insane as some of the boys have told me, but whatever, I can't deny that I am scared shitless (I actually wish I was shitless) every mission. I don't really get down with jumping to my death and sinking into a coma, nor do I enjoy sweating profusely. But it's all under wraps. I just stand there, not really understanding the directions or the strategy and pretend that it's the least terrifying shit I have ever heard of. Go team!

But did I say I was having fun? I really am having fun. Interesting how I enjoy the company of the folks here. I have actually had to apologize for any negative judgments I've made about a few folks here so that's really refreshing.
Before I start singing Kumbaya (which is sung ad nauseum around here, along with the Juicy Fruit song which I do co-sign), let me go. Somebody's waiting for the computer and might vote me off because I took too long. Joke. Joke. But is it really?"

Interesting. Some slight insight on what's going on!

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