Welcome! Look to this blog for daily rumors/postings/news on the Real World and Road Rules. We won't give you bull here. Just information strictly on Road Rules and Real World. If you're looking for other information, we'll get you there too with our comprehensive section of links! So, stay tuned and enjoy our blog!

Friday, March 21, 2003

Ever wonder what happened to Adam (The Quest) and Timmy (USA - Tour II)? We'll they're living life with Ethan and Jenna from Survivor. Check it out!

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Ever wonder what happen to Pier 70 of Seattle fame? Take a look here. It's been completely remodeled.
SPOILER - Highlight to read (It's about who wins BOTS):

Colin, Mark, and Jamie win the Battle of the Sexes.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

A new website has been discovered: Chadwick (RR6)

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Apparently, the two reported cast members who were in the process of finals, were cast in Road Rules: South Pacific. Both Ace and Cristina join the cast of Road Rules 12... Along with Donell.

Also, here's info on a new Battle of the Sexes mission.
If you're in the NY area and want to be a part of the Las Vegas Reunion, go here. Hurry!
Kristin from E-Online revealed something. This is actually something we reported wwwwwwayyyyyy long time ago: ;) These again, are SPOILERS. Mask your eyes and don't look if you don't want to see. Colin wins this year Battle. No big deal. And she actually revealed the first Road Ruler from the South Seas. His name is Donell and he's a hysterical, overweight guy. She says that this is the first overweight cast member. Which I dont think is neccesarily true... And she also met up with them in New Zealand (not the South Pacific). BMP was really lucky to get this filming done. With the war and what not, it probably isn't the safest place for an American cast and crew to be. Filming is probably wrapped on the show. She also made the comment that only five out of the six were at the promo. She didn't specify why. But who knows?
There's been question as to which three female cast members will make it to the final inner circle. Colin has commented that Mark and Ellen do both appear on the reunion special for the Battle. So, if they run the same format as last year's reunion, that means Mark, Colin, and Ellen all make it to the inner circle. But, who are the other two ladies who arrive in the Inner Circle? Well, it's been speculated that both Melissa and Lori make it because of the fact that they both say they lasted a month in Jamaica on their websites. However, that means that Ruthie, who is considered to be a front runner doesn't make it. Doubtful. I'd say the lead is between these four ladies though. Probably expect Jamie to take the third spot for the males.

Monday, March 17, 2003

Just one of them things that we noticed on one of our "bored runs". If you are thinking of inviting a Real World or Road Rules cast member to your school or event, don't do so with out looking at this. Yes, it's about Julie and Melissa. (We were just bored. But it was one of those things where you're like "WOW" if you haven't read it before. Which we haven't.) To our knowledge, Julie hasn't listed any speaking engagements on her website since that first episode ended. She's only done appearances with her band, nothing to do with the Real World. Bored? So are we.
Lori has posted her synposis of tonight's episode. A couple of spoilers! Everything Lori

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Ayanna (Semester At Sea) has her own website.

Also, a Real World: Las Vegas reunion is in the works. It is probably going to be filmed in the next couple of days. Las Vegas is nearing the end of its run. Also expect a New Orleans, Back to New York and Chicago reunion as well. It'll be interesting to see Julie, Melissa, Kyle, Lori and Keri reunite all together in one place.
Rachel in Spring Break

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