Welcome! Look to this blog for daily rumors/postings/news on the Real World and Road Rules. We won't give you bull here. Just information strictly on Road Rules and Real World. If you're looking for other information, we'll get you there too with our comprehensive section of links! So, stay tuned and enjoy our blog!

Saturday, August 10, 2002

Thanks to everyone who has been filling out the Survey! We've been getting some great responses!

In new news... Have you ever wanted to be on Road Rules? Have you ever wanted to take a trip with five of your closest friends and fight the whole way through? Well, now you can! MTV.com in connection with American Eagle is holding the Road Rules Midterm Exam Sweepstakes. One lucky winner will be able to enjoy the trip of a lifetime by answering a set of questions through the MTV.com website. The contest begins August 16th, and as the website beckons, START STUDYING! Good luck!

Also, the Real World Chicago hot tub is still up for grabs at this website. That's it!

Friday, August 09, 2002

Eric from both the Campus Crawl and Battle of the Sexes is selling another item on E-bay. He didn't post this one on the Road Rules Blog, so the bid is only at $45.00 at this time. Here's the link. If you're davidonfox or win this auction, please contact us at newrwroad@hotmail.com.

Also, I'll be bothering a few days about this one... I am looking into buying a domain name for the site. A domain name is a dot-com address. So, it would be www.whateverthenameichoose.com... However, I am looking to the visitors to see if they would be willing to help out with managing costs, etc., Also, I'm looking to see if you would like to see new features on the site... (ie., episode reviews, cast bios, interviews, contests, etc.,) You can fill out the survey at this link. The survey is only four questions long... Your input would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you!
Hey! Wanda from eonline.com has provided some juicy updates from our Chicago cast! Seems like some are doing well... While others are NOT. Plus, Theo who has been rumored to be on the Battle was at the Teen Choice Awards.

"Also at the Teen Choice kudofest were four cast members of the best damn Real World ever--Kyle, Chris, Cara and Theo of Real World: Chicago.

Cara, who bemoaned the fact that she can't find a single person in this town interested in repping her, said this when asked what advice she would give to future Real Worlders: "Don't do it." (I'd agree, based on what a sweetheart she is in real life compared with her slutty she-devil persona onscreen.)

Kyle, on the other hand, seems to have no regrets. Looks like he's swung into full supermodel mode, donning a gauzy white linen shirt untucked and unbuttoned to mid-chest, with lots of hair peeping out. Ooh-la-la! He said things are going "quite well" for him, pointing out that he just played the lead in an indie film. (Oh, and did he mention he played the lead role?)

Hey Hey!

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Hey everybody!

Melissa from the Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Sexes posted again. Nothing really revealing. She just asks about the tv shows, news, etc., occuring lately. Nothing about the Battle. Check it out at this link. Shane might've been booted lately. She might've. We'll see. The challenge is scheduled to wrap up within days.

That's it. MORE updates later. We promise

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

Hello! Long time I haven't updated in! Things have been busy! I've been away for three days with no internet access, so I couldn't update. I did just come home in time for the Real World: Lost Season. As a Real World fanatic, I thought it had its good points and its bad points. The beginning where they're being filmed in their "natural Real World" state was HORRIBLE. It was overacted and BAD. Also, sad to say... the alumni cameos were also not so good. Funny at times, but not good. They should've just let them do whatever they wanted to. The good points were some of the technical stuff. Just picking up everything in between. The small things, references to other shows. Pretty much horrible storyline, sorry.

Also, we did see the Las Vegas house, a little, little itty bitty part of it during the Lost Season. But you also saw more. The high definition cameras that were used for the Lost Season, giving it that movie kind of vibe at the end, will be used in Las Vegas. DONT WORRY, I've been assured that it won't be like the movie at all. Also, I was told to look at the house closely at the psuedo-Real World house built in the woods because some of the stuff in that house was actually taken from Las Vegas. The most notable was the shower Omara and Adam did the deed in. It is like the Las Vegas shower with the shaded portion in the middle. Look for more to be uncovered in the future.

Also, more info on the vacation video. The Real World Exotic Vacations will feature vacations from The Bahamas (Miami) to South Africa (New Orleans). Exotic Vacations is hosted by
Amaya (RW8), Jamie (RW9) and Theo (RW11). Buy it now at amazon!

That's it!
Melissa with the Real World/Road Rules: Battle of the Sexes is still going strong... She noted in her latest journal entry that she "heard the movie sucked" and it did. Here's the entry:

"I will preface this with an apology for complaining yet again, but this must be done.

See, I don't understand how one could argue with the dictionary definition of obsequious. Two people now have told me that the word means "fishing for compliments" but the dictionary clearly states that it means something along the lines of trying too hard to please or promptly obedient. Now, I can understand holding fast to a wrong definition because that's all one has known, but the dictionary doesn't lie. And with that, I will never use the term ever again because now it's tainted. Dude, and even after the dictionary (that does not lie) I am still being told that it means something it doesn't mean. What is the deal?

Oh. I just remembered this doesn't matter. Boredom besets me...

P.S. Damn, I heard the RW movie sucked. Haven't seen it. Quite scared to even bother."

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

The Real World 1 : Season - New York DVD comes out on September 24, 2002. You can preorder it over at amazon.com. The DVD features: 1) A pilot episode of The Real World (with a different cast -- featuring the woman who is the voice of Daria) in 1991. 2) A letter from Julie (or message). 3) The Producers audio commentary. 4) Information on the cast. 5) Casting interviews 6) And more. All the informaiton was featured here at Tubscan.com. Later.

Monday, August 05, 2002

Real Worlder, Melissa is still going strong...Thanks to a fan of the site for pointing out her latest journal post and here it is:

"Hi. Shane's (that cute ass boy on Road Rules now) keeps bugging me to update, so what up what up?

A Few Good Reasons for Not Complaining!

The groundskeeper named Termite is also a bush doctor. I find that intriguing and this coconut lime concoction that he made me really did stop the d.

The ladies Joan and Faye in the kitchen wear the cutest pink uniforms and how about I just special ordered a miniskirt version of it.

Actually having people to argue over the definition of the term "obsequious." It's really nice to meet people that also enjoy vocabulary and other boring things like Scrabble. Since there has been no consensus, we've decided that the term obsequious can be used however you want. Sample: I have no idea what's going on around here. I guess I am just obsequious to the day's events.

Wearing lingerie as gear. Hi Mariah, it is indeed kinda a good idea.

A girl left these bad ass Puma socks with blue blue poms poms on them. Yes, I am wearing them.

Trading beer that we get for free for mixed drinks at the bar. Three beers equals two pina coladas. But, what sucks is that some folks don't tip and I think that's mean.

Not breaking any bones.

Voice mails and emails from boys that kinda just fell out of the picture but are now coming back. See, that ignoring and not really caring thing works."

And there you have it, seems that Melissa and Shane are still going strong in the RR/RW Challenge: Battle of the Sexes. Also, seems that BMP gives them free beer to get really drunk so they do crazy things.....hint: Melissa don't do what you did last time. Remember RW/RR Blog, your source for RW/RR news 24/7. RR is on tonight send your synopsis to me at CompExpert1986@aol.com.

Sunday, August 04, 2002

I got this message about 3 days ago, I didn't have a chance to post it. It has information to do with the "Lars" character, so if you don't want to know anything about "Lars" or the upcoming season of "Real World" don't read.

(edited for spelling errors)

"Hi, my name is Dan and I am from Chicago and i know Lars (not that well, but i used to flirt with him non stop... He is gay) and I remember trying out for the Las Vegas season and seeing him at the open call and he told me that he had already been chosen so i think it is true that he opted to go to Las Vegas so he wouldn't have to be in Chicago . but I just had to let you know that he is definately on the new cast!!! If you need any more tidbits on him, I will let you know although I do not know that much. All i know really is that he used to be a watier at IHOP and that is where I met him and I would flirt with him non-stop (but he told me he was seeing someone (but i did not care!!) and then i went back and another waitress has told me that he did not work there anymore and that he went to las vegas to be on the Real World and I just could not believe it and I said that I would have to wait and see for myself... And when you posted that name I just knew that what he and others was teling me was true and that he did make it on the Real World. He is not that cute and it has been a while since I had seen him but from what i remember he has spiked blond tips and he was sort of long in the face and just sort of cute!!! So I think I can officially tell you that Lars is on the Real World 12 and he is gay. Now if i am wrong then i have been totally bullsh***ed all the way!!! But i am 100% sure that he is on the cast. He told me he made and I did not beleive him and then his former co-workers told me that he left for Las Vegas!! I mean that is it!!! He made it!! But I have not seen or talked to him since Nov. 2001."

Interesting, eh?!
The following is a SPOILER. As you all know we're only a day away from seeing the Road Rules: Campus Crawl episode where Shane get's out of control. Shane also battles with his own homophobia as he learns that coming out to his parents is only the first step in embracing his sexuality. In the the coming weeks on Road Rules: Campus Crawl Sarah will be the first to be voted off and Eric and Kendal will confront their close relationship. Well, tommorow please send in your RR: Campus Crawl synopsis to CompExpert1986@aol.com, make sure you include your first name and state. That's all for now.....
Hey everybody, sorry it's been so long since you heard from me! I've been keeping a close eye on my T.V. set watching Real World marathons, haven't you? Well send me your comments, quotes, and greatest momments. I know that you have like a note pad FULL of them and if you don't get one, cause there's more re-runs to go. Send all that stuff to CompExpert1986@aol.com. I will post as many comments as I can, make sure you include your first name and city and state....if you want to you can remain anonymous. Thanks!

And here are some of your comments:

I'm really glad they are showing the Real World 10:Back to New York. I watched all of the episodes again. I realized how selfish Nicole was. If I would have been living in that house, I don't believe I could have been able to deal with her actions, she was way harsh to all the roommates I thought. Especially Malik,Mike and Rachel! This was my favorite cast, so I really enjoyed watching the reruns. I also liked watching the Boston cast. That was a good season too.
Stoneville, North Carolina

I couldn't agree more with you! I like New Orleans, a lot, so much so that I am taping it and staying up until 5 AM just to watch it. :-) Send more comments!

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