Welcome! Look to this blog for daily rumors/postings/news on the Real World and Road Rules. We won't give you bull here. Just information strictly on Road Rules and Real World. If you're looking for other information, we'll get you there too with our comprehensive section of links! So, stay tuned and enjoy our blog!

Thursday, November 07, 2002

Well we've got a story from Candace in Baltimore, MD saying that Alton, Trishelle, Brynn, and Steven were on 98 Rock in Baltimore, MD, www.98online.com. They were in the studio for the morning show. Alton was asked if future episodes will show something more with Irulan. He said there would be more down the line and that they are currently living together. The cast all live very close together (Brynn lives on the beach)...but they live in L.A. and are all very close. They will be at Jillians in Columbia, MD tonigh but they will be hanging out doing Karaoke. Also, I'd like to thank Danielle T., Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

We recently performed an e-mail interview with Julie from the Real World: New Orleans and here is what we found out (KEY: C- Comment, A- Answer, Q- Question):

From Gil in New Jersey
Q: What made you audition for the show?
A: Curiousity
Q: I heard somewhere that you were unfamiliar with the show. I also want to ask if you acted fake on the show, to make your season better?
A: No
From Taylor in Michigan
Q: You seemed like you were so on key during your season of Real World, and it seemed like you got along with everybody (well except David, sometimes), what happened between you and Melissa, you guys seemed like you were going to be friends for life. Is everything alright now between you two?
A: I don't talk to many RW kids now because we all live far from one another and have our own lives. Plus the Real World was long ago.
From Nick in Louisiana
Q: Why did you turn down the Playboy deal?
A: You couldn't get me to do Playboy for all the money in the world. The magazine doesn't coinside with my value system and I think it degrades women to jack-off objects. Incidentally - They offered me over 50 Gs.
Q: Do you know who accepted it? or who else declined it?
A: I think Melissa got offered, so she might do it. I don't know anyone else.
From Natalie
Q: Are you still a virgin? and do you still practice the Mormon faith?
A: Yes and Yes.
From Victor in Mississippi
Q: Being that you were rejected from BYU, how has that affected you? and Did you ever go somewhere else to recieve a degree and complete college? Do you still have a bad relationship with BYU?
A: I have never had a bad relationship with BYU. The truth is, I'm so busy with my band and touring that I couldn't go back to school if I wanted to. Eventually, I might go back to finish, but right now that's not a possibility.
From Danny in Chicago, Illinois
Q: Who do you think you have learned from the most ever since your experience on Real World? Also, who do you still keep good contact with?
A: See Question 1
From Dave
Q: When you were in the Belfort, did you or the cast have any problems with fans?
A: Not really.
From Martell in St. Louis, Missouri
Q: How have you dealt with the fame that comes along with being a castmember on the Real World?
A: It's cool.
From Annalisa in Buffalo, NY
Q: How has your love life been treating you? Are you in any relationships at this time?
A: Yeah, I have a boyfriend. I'm all in love and stuff. You can read about him a little on my website PLANETJULIE.com.
From Chris and Tammi
Q: Regarding the episode where you and your father got in a bit of an argument: Have you and your father watched that episode together? Have you all made up?
A: We never fought about that episode. We think it's funny because the whole fight was about The Real World and the cameras and that got editted out. We laugh at it.
From Tracie in North Carolina
These Questions are coming from a fellow Mormon:
Q: Do you find it hard to stand for truth and right?
A: No
Q: Are you very active in your ward?
A: Yes
Q: Do you aim for a temple marriage one day or are you just aiming for love?
A: Please don't degrade love, as if it is a second place prize. A strong loving relationship built on trust, faith, and committment is my first priority. Where the ceremony takes place is not as important as who you are with for eternity.
C: [I] keep up with you through your journal and enjoy reading that someone else goes through the same thoughts and feelings I had a few years ago.
A: Thanks
From Lisa in Franklin, Ohio
Q: What was the biggest misconception you had going into the RWNO house and what happened that made you realize it was a mis conception? What was one event that took place during either RWNO or the Challenge that you wish would have aired in one of the episodes, but didn't?
A: They never aired the guys I dated. Instead they blew up the Matt drama - which was really very small.
From Patty
Q: Are you living with Gabe?
A: No
Q: If so how is that affecting the relationship with your dad? If he's not happy about it, how did he take it?
A: No Comment from Julie for that question
From Micheal
Q: Has your relationship with your parents changed or not changed since you've been on the Real World?
A: No
From Nick
Q: What do you think of that Chicago, New York 2, and Las Vegas casts? Do you keep in contact with any of them?
A: I don't watch it.
From Jennifer in Jackson, Mississippi
Q: What made you do that Eminem video?
A: He asked and it was so fun.

On behalf of our site w all the readers we'd like to thank Julie for partcipating in the interview. We are in the works of setting up another one (possibly with Melissa from Real World: New Orleans), please send people's names of the one's you want to hear from. Send all requests to newrwroad@hotmail.com.
RealityWorldTV.com claims that that girl on the left, Is one of two finalists for the "Real World Paris" and "Road Rules South Seas." The first of the finalists is Ashley Wagner (picture at left), a junior in college from Atlanta. Ashley is most-likely in the top 100 semi-finalists. She says "If they put me in that stupid RV, I'm going to die. I'd rather be in France, just sitting in a badass house and going to EuroDisney." The second finalist, Suzanne Rudnick, is definetly among the top 20 finalists for both shows, giving her a 2/3 shot of being one of the 13 castmembers. She is a sophmore at Lehigh University. MTV will make their final decisions later this month, just several weeks before taping is set to begin. On the idea of whether she made the show, Rudnicj says “No, I wouldn’t make it because I can’t fathom making it. But on the other hand, yes because I’ve already made it from 30,000 people down to 20.” So we will see how true this is. Also, I've recieved the answers back from Julie, and they should be up later tonight.

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Due to the heavy volume of questions that we have recieved for the Julie interview, I am no longer accepting any questions, the final interview has been sent off to her so that she can answer them. When I get the answers, I will post them. Thanks to all that participated.

Remember that tonight The Real World: Las Vegas will be on at 9 central 10 eastern on MTV. So be sure to watch and send in your synopsis' and we will post the best 3!

Monday, November 04, 2002

Just wanted totell you all that Danny's site, http://www.countrytoconcrete.org/
has a new design. Also, I wanted to remind you about the Julie interview, get more creative with the questions, we're getting the same thing, about Melissa and Julie...ask other questions, I know other things are on your minds! So send in your questions to newrwroad@hotmail.com. That's all for now.

Sunday, November 03, 2002

On Amazon.com, we noticed that the release date for the Real World: Las Vegas book has been pushed back from November 5th to December 3rd. Also the release dates for the Real World Movie: The Lost Season DVDs and the Real World You Never Saw: Las Vegas will be released on January 28th, 2003. So some disappointing news there.

Also, Kevin Powell of the first Real World season has got a new book out, as seen on ET on MTV this weekend. Kevin is the editor of "Who Shot Ya?", a new pictorial which documents three decades of hip hop history in photographs. Eminem, Eve, Tupac, Aaliyah, Lauryn Hill, Salt n Pepa, Mark Wahlberg, and Notorious B.I.G. are just some of the past and present hip hop artist whose photos will be featured in the book. No release date has been set yet.

Also, we're still accepting questions, so send them in to us at newrwroad@hotmail.com.
Well we finally set up an interview with Julie from the Real World: New Orleans....and we want you to send in your questions. Send them to us at newrwroad@hotmail.com, and we will add the best ones to the interview. We need all the entries by Friday at 7 PM CST. So they can be sent off. Make sure you include your name and where you are from. The interview will be posted on the site later that weekend or that week. So remember, send in your GOOD questions to us!

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