Last night, MTV aired a introduction special to the Battle of the Sexes. If you missed it, you missed some major Battle drama. Johnny Moseley, the host of the Battle hosted alongside Ruthie (Hawaii). Boy, oh BOY! For months, we've heard this is going to be DRAMA. And boy it is. Even Johnny is going to get in a fight with Jisela (The Quest), when he makes a bad call. They re-introduced each cast member, showing a memorable moment of them, then showing them in the Battle. If you missed it, here's a quick re-cap of the action: Eric (Campus Crawl) is disgusted at the actions of his fellow 30-year old cast members when David (Los Angeles) and Puck (San Francisco) get into a fight. Puck spits at David after a screaming match and David picks up the phone and demands that Puck be ousted. A very dramatic scene. Later on, we see the whole cast gathered around Puck, right after he begins crying, because the director just told him something. David is far off, alone. Speaking of Puck, we see him and Ellen (The Quest) fighting. And Puck telling Ellen that she's made a great mistake. This follows Ellen saying that "He's gonna kick my ass." It's even gone as far as Veronica (Semester At Sea) telling Puck to stop his berating of Ellen. David (New Orleans) and Ayanna (Semester at Sea) get together, with some "feelings" involved. Emily (USA - Tour I) and James (Maximum Velocity Tour)'s relationship is in full blast. However, a hint of drama when Laterrian (Maximum Velocity Tour), James' good friend, says that he never wants to see Emily again, after she's been on the last three Challenges. (This happens when Emily votes herself off, after James gets voted off.) We see James storming about his room and Laterrian becoming the fierce competitor. Dan (Miami) becomes disgusted at the competitiveness of the guys' team. We see Gladys (Latin America) having to sit a mission out because of her pregnancy. We see the marriage scene, but no hint about who gets married... (It's Puck and his girlfriend.) And probably the most dramatic scene that happens in the first few days... We know that Julie (New Orleans) is the first person to get voted off. Within the first three days, Melissa (New Orleans) seeks Julie out... Melissa tells her to keep her name out of her mouth (The same thing she said on her website.) And that Julie is a backstabbing a**hole, who for the past two years of her life has just talked behind her back.
It seems to be a great Battle. Emily puts it well, when she says that it's going to be the Jerry Springer of all the Challenges. They bring back probably the most dramatic characters from each season, and pit them together in this edition in the Battle. The first episode airs January 6th. Check your local listings. (Also, check your local listings for repeats of this episode!)
Welcome! Look to this blog for daily rumors/postings/news on the Real World and Road Rules. We won't give you bull here. Just information strictly on Road Rules and Real World. If you're looking for other information, we'll get you there too with our comprehensive section of links! So, stay tuned and enjoy our blog!
Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Last night, MTV aired a introduction special to the Battle of the Sexes. If you missed it, you missed some major Battle drama. Johnny Moseley, the host of the Battle hosted alongside Ruthie (Hawaii). Boy, oh BOY! For months, we've heard this is going to be DRAMA. And boy it is. Even Johnny is going to get in a fight with Jisela (The Quest), when he makes a bad call. They re-introduced each cast member, showing a memorable moment of them, then showing them in the Battle. If you missed it, here's a quick re-cap of the action: Eric (Campus Crawl) is disgusted at the actions of his fellow 30-year old cast members when David (Los Angeles) and Puck (San Francisco) get into a fight. Puck spits at David after a screaming match and David picks up the phone and demands that Puck be ousted. A very dramatic scene. Later on, we see the whole cast gathered around Puck, right after he begins crying, because the director just told him something. David is far off, alone. Speaking of Puck, we see him and Ellen (The Quest) fighting. And Puck telling Ellen that she's made a great mistake. This follows Ellen saying that "He's gonna kick my ass." It's even gone as far as Veronica (Semester At Sea) telling Puck to stop his berating of Ellen. David (New Orleans) and Ayanna (Semester at Sea) get together, with some "feelings" involved. Emily (USA - Tour I) and James (Maximum Velocity Tour)'s relationship is in full blast. However, a hint of drama when Laterrian (Maximum Velocity Tour), James' good friend, says that he never wants to see Emily again, after she's been on the last three Challenges. (This happens when Emily votes herself off, after James gets voted off.) We see James storming about his room and Laterrian becoming the fierce competitor. Dan (Miami) becomes disgusted at the competitiveness of the guys' team. We see Gladys (Latin America) having to sit a mission out because of her pregnancy. We see the marriage scene, but no hint about who gets married... (It's Puck and his girlfriend.) And probably the most dramatic scene that happens in the first few days... We know that Julie (New Orleans) is the first person to get voted off. Within the first three days, Melissa (New Orleans) seeks Julie out... Melissa tells her to keep her name out of her mouth (The same thing she said on her website.) And that Julie is a backstabbing a**hole, who for the past two years of her life has just talked behind her back.
It seems to be a great Battle. Emily puts it well, when she says that it's going to be the Jerry Springer of all the Challenges. They bring back probably the most dramatic characters from each season, and pit them together in this edition in the Battle. The first episode airs January 6th. Check your local listings. (Also, check your local listings for repeats of this episode!)
It seems to be a great Battle. Emily puts it well, when she says that it's going to be the Jerry Springer of all the Challenges. They bring back probably the most dramatic characters from each season, and pit them together in this edition in the Battle. The first episode airs January 6th. Check your local listings. (Also, check your local listings for repeats of this episode!)
Sunday, December 29, 2002
So you want to date a pseudo-celebrity? Now here's your chance... Remember the bosses on the Real World: Back to New York? The Arista guys?? Well, one of them has listed himself on The Jewish Dating Service... You can go to the site and look for the member NotoriousJEW27... That's him! Maybe you can try and get some Real World insider secrets from him.
And Elka who had been selling her Saturn SC-2 from the Battle of the Seasons failed to get one bid for her car. She listed it for $25,000... Maybe she might re-list it with a lower bidding price later on... And for cheaper Real World memorabilla... Julie and Kelley's (New Orleans) clock that they used in the Belfort is up for sale on E-bay right now! The asking price is $70.00.
That's all folks!
And Elka who had been selling her Saturn SC-2 from the Battle of the Seasons failed to get one bid for her car. She listed it for $25,000... Maybe she might re-list it with a lower bidding price later on... And for cheaper Real World memorabilla... Julie and Kelley's (New Orleans) clock that they used in the Belfort is up for sale on E-bay right now! The asking price is $70.00.
That's all folks! reports on the new season of the Battle of the Sexes. They give insight on some missions for the challenge. Their names include "Dead Man's Drop," "Breath Hold Bungee," "Ice Ice Booty" and the "People Mover". Plus, they also mention a spit-fight between David (Los Angeles) and Puck (San Francisco). They also say that we will see the cat fight between Julie and Melissa (New Orleans erupt. There's really no word to over what the two girls are fueding over, but the fight spilled onto their websites shortly before filming. Melissa, aligning herself with friends such as Amaya (Hawaii) and Lori (Back to New York) is successful in voting Julie off the Battle first.
New news folks! According to some sources, Steve and Trishelle will be in Sayerville, NJ hosting a New Year's Party at the club Abyss tomorrow. If you can make it out there, snap some photos for us! And talking about Steven and Trishelle, the pair made it on MTVs list of the most talked about moments of 2002... Their pregnancy scare that just aired a few weeks ago, alongside Aneesa's battle with Veronica on the Chicago season were both on the countdown. Aneesa, Steven and Trishelle all spoke about the incidents, giving insight to the events that occurred.
In new news, casting on the Road Rules: South Seas and Real World: Paris seasons, the twelfth seasons of the shows is over! The casts have been chosen and filming in set to start within the next two months. Several potential cast members pictures were posted on the internet, so we will probably know a little bit about these two seasons, even though they will be filmed overseas!
And finally, is holding that Battle of the Sexes Fantasy Challenge still... If you want to put in your two cents about your Fantasy Team, email us at We want to put together an awesome team!!! Input is greatly needed! Remember, the people who last until the very end are guaranteed to rack up the most points... Although we have already reported that Colin (highlight to read) is the winner of the Battle, we don't know who the final six really is! The final six are to be three girls and three guys... So email us who you think will make it to the very end! Inside information will be helpful in this one! We'll post your insight on the blog!
In new news, casting on the Road Rules: South Seas and Real World: Paris seasons, the twelfth seasons of the shows is over! The casts have been chosen and filming in set to start within the next two months. Several potential cast members pictures were posted on the internet, so we will probably know a little bit about these two seasons, even though they will be filmed overseas!
And finally, is holding that Battle of the Sexes Fantasy Challenge still... If you want to put in your two cents about your Fantasy Team, email us at We want to put together an awesome team!!! Input is greatly needed! Remember, the people who last until the very end are guaranteed to rack up the most points... Although we have already reported that Colin (highlight to read) is the winner of the Battle, we don't know who the final six really is! The final six are to be three girls and three guys... So email us who you think will make it to the very end! Inside information will be helpful in this one! We'll post your insight on the blog!
Saturday, December 28, 2002
With the Battle of the Sexes premiering in a week, we're counting down the top 5 moments of the Challenges. Although there have been little to no updates in the past few months, this new look to the site is the first step in the Battle saga. On January 6th, we will unveil the results of the Top 5 RW/RR Challenge Moments. Below are the three top moments from each season. Choose your Top 5 from the following list and Email us with your Top 5 Moments at Here are the moments!
Team RW: Nathan, Niel, Jason, Janet, Montana, Beth S.
Team RR: Mark, Kefla, Noah, Roni, Anne, Kalle
Moment 1: Beth S. breaks her foot and ultimately causes her team's loss.
Moment 2: After Montana and Beth fail to complete the bungee jump, Janet begins to have hand spasms right before bungee jumping.
Moment 3: Janet and Jason hook up on the tennis courts at the Playboy mansion.
Challenge 2000
Team RW: Teck, Mike, David, Heather, Kat, Amaya
Team RR: Los, Dan, Yes, Piggy, Holly, Veronica
Moment 1: Kat breaks the bungee jumping world record off the Stratosphere in Las Vegas.
Moment 2: Amaya and Veronica get into a near fist fight during the football game.
Moment 3: Los almost walks off after getting into a fight with Piggy.
Extreme Challenge
Team RW: Syrus, Jamie, Dan, Julie, Kameelah, Rebecca
Team RR: Laterrian, James, Christian, Michelle, Emily, Susie, Ayanna
Moment 1: Julie gets kicked out of BYU during filming.
Moment 2: Ayanna gets booted after hitting Christian.
Moment 3: The Real World finally takes their first win in a Challenge.
Battle of the Sexes
Team RW: Norman, Becky, Jon, Beth S., Mike, Sharon, Mike, Flora, Sean, Elka, Stephen, Lindsay, Danny, Kelley, Mike, Coral
Team RR: Timmy, Emily, Chris, Belou, Dan, Tara, Chadwick, Piggy, Josh, Holly, Yes, Veronica, Theo, Holly, Adam, Jisela
Moment 1: Chadwick and Piggy are voted off after Road Rules chooses to vote off the strongest teams.
Moment 2: Belou fights with Chadwick and Holly after they accuse her of bad parenting.
Moment 3: Team Real World comes back to win the Battle after a disappointing disadvantage in physical challenges.
And be sure to tune in MTV at 10/9C to see Eric, David, Puck, Dan, Syrus, Colin, Jamie, David, Theo, Mark, Antoine, Jake, Yes, James, Laterrain, Blair, Shane, Eric, Beth S., Genesis, Ruthie, Amaya, Julie, Melissa, Lori, Tonya, Aneesa, Emily, Anne, Christina, Gladys, Veronica, Ayanna, Jisela, Ellen, and Rachel battle it out in the fifth season of the Challenge series!
Team RW: Nathan, Niel, Jason, Janet, Montana, Beth S.
Team RR: Mark, Kefla, Noah, Roni, Anne, Kalle
Moment 1: Beth S. breaks her foot and ultimately causes her team's loss.
Moment 2: After Montana and Beth fail to complete the bungee jump, Janet begins to have hand spasms right before bungee jumping.
Moment 3: Janet and Jason hook up on the tennis courts at the Playboy mansion.
Challenge 2000
Team RW: Teck, Mike, David, Heather, Kat, Amaya
Team RR: Los, Dan, Yes, Piggy, Holly, Veronica
Moment 1: Kat breaks the bungee jumping world record off the Stratosphere in Las Vegas.
Moment 2: Amaya and Veronica get into a near fist fight during the football game.
Moment 3: Los almost walks off after getting into a fight with Piggy.
Extreme Challenge
Team RW: Syrus, Jamie, Dan, Julie, Kameelah, Rebecca
Team RR: Laterrian, James, Christian, Michelle, Emily, Susie, Ayanna
Moment 1: Julie gets kicked out of BYU during filming.
Moment 2: Ayanna gets booted after hitting Christian.
Moment 3: The Real World finally takes their first win in a Challenge.
Battle of the Sexes
Team RW: Norman, Becky, Jon, Beth S., Mike, Sharon, Mike, Flora, Sean, Elka, Stephen, Lindsay, Danny, Kelley, Mike, Coral
Team RR: Timmy, Emily, Chris, Belou, Dan, Tara, Chadwick, Piggy, Josh, Holly, Yes, Veronica, Theo, Holly, Adam, Jisela
Moment 1: Chadwick and Piggy are voted off after Road Rules chooses to vote off the strongest teams.
Moment 2: Belou fights with Chadwick and Holly after they accuse her of bad parenting.
Moment 3: Team Real World comes back to win the Battle after a disappointing disadvantage in physical challenges.
And be sure to tune in MTV at 10/9C to see Eric, David, Puck, Dan, Syrus, Colin, Jamie, David, Theo, Mark, Antoine, Jake, Yes, James, Laterrain, Blair, Shane, Eric, Beth S., Genesis, Ruthie, Amaya, Julie, Melissa, Lori, Tonya, Aneesa, Emily, Anne, Christina, Gladys, Veronica, Ayanna, Jisela, Ellen, and Rachel battle it out in the fifth season of the Challenge series!
Tuesday, December 03, 2002
Short news update today... Lori from the Real World Back to New York is selling her laptop that she got from Arista and the scooter she got from the Hamptons. You can buy them at!
That's it
That's it
Monday, December 02, 2002
OK, about the 11/18... I must've got hundreds of posts threatening to cut my head off. Here's the story. Arissa is living in Las Vegas. She is the one who would stay up hours gambling and such. She was also the one who was seen at Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday party smuggling up to him. Here is where we messed up: Arissa was asked about Irulan's relationship wtih Gabe. Arissa then said "They are not together."... Then they asked if it had anything to do with Alton she offered no comment followed by "I guess you can figure out what that means." Sorry to get everyone confused on that one!
And an update about Cara. She is now on the college lecture circuit talking about depression and her own bout with it. She says that she still takes antidepressant pills and she also comments on the Real World. She says that she'd do it again, but the fact that MTV edited it like they did annoys her. The fact that they only included fights or sex in the episodes shows that it wasn't really everything that went on in the house. She also commented on the fact how producers don't allow tv or music, which eventually leads to fights.
And according to E!Online, there are two definite cast members picked for either Real World Paris or Road Rules South Seas. Supposedly, casting is whittling down and E! claims to know two defnite finalists. Fatima is from Cardiff, England who manages a coffee shop and Soraya is from North Platte, Nebraska and works as a cocktail waitress in a bar called Skinny's. Most likely, if this information turns out to be true, Fatima will most likely end up on The Real World. Producers went overseas looking for castmembers, just like they did in the London season when Sharon, Jacinda, Lars and Niel were cast opposite Jay, Mike and Kat. But producers may opt to the very same thing like the Europe season of Road Rules where they cast Belou, Patrice, and Antoine opposite Michelle and Chris. Who knows? The fun part is in the guessing!
That's it. Thanks for reading
And an update about Cara. She is now on the college lecture circuit talking about depression and her own bout with it. She says that she still takes antidepressant pills and she also comments on the Real World. She says that she'd do it again, but the fact that MTV edited it like they did annoys her. The fact that they only included fights or sex in the episodes shows that it wasn't really everything that went on in the house. She also commented on the fact how producers don't allow tv or music, which eventually leads to fights.
And according to E!Online, there are two definite cast members picked for either Real World Paris or Road Rules South Seas. Supposedly, casting is whittling down and E! claims to know two defnite finalists. Fatima is from Cardiff, England who manages a coffee shop and Soraya is from North Platte, Nebraska and works as a cocktail waitress in a bar called Skinny's. Most likely, if this information turns out to be true, Fatima will most likely end up on The Real World. Producers went overseas looking for castmembers, just like they did in the London season when Sharon, Jacinda, Lars and Niel were cast opposite Jay, Mike and Kat. But producers may opt to the very same thing like the Europe season of Road Rules where they cast Belou, Patrice, and Antoine opposite Michelle and Chris. Who knows? The fun part is in the guessing!
That's it. Thanks for reading
Sunday, December 01, 2002
Sorry about not updating within the past few days. A lot going on in a little amount of time. We realize that the website has suffered a lot because of the lack of updates. But we will try to begin updating more frequently now. With the last update, the information was about Irulan and not Arissa. Plus, look for the upcoming Real World/Road Rules Fast Enuff Challenge. Thirteen recently chosen cast members race to the finish line to become one of five finalists. The five finalists will then face off against Coral (Back to New York), Darrell (Campus Crawl), Mike (Back to New York), Rachel (Campus Crawl) and Shane (Campus Crawl). The winner will then have the opportunity to race against a professional race car driver. The Challenge airs December 7th. Check for your local airtimes.
Monday, November 18, 2002
Sorry for the lack of updates, Blogger has been slow the past few days.
Anyway, news on Arissa from Las Vegas? Remember reports of her gambing problems surfaced back when the season was about to premiere. Well, according to Arissa herself, she did not go to Gamblers Anonymous. She did have a taste for it though. She reports that she would spend 12-hour periods in the wee hours of the morning, gambling her life away. Also, when asked whether she was still with Gabe she offered no comment. When asked about Alton, she also said no comment, followed by "I guess you can figure out what that means." She also reported to us that she is now living in Las Vegas, while the six other cast members are living in Los Angeles.
That's it for today.
Anyway, news on Arissa from Las Vegas? Remember reports of her gambing problems surfaced back when the season was about to premiere. Well, according to Arissa herself, she did not go to Gamblers Anonymous. She did have a taste for it though. She reports that she would spend 12-hour periods in the wee hours of the morning, gambling her life away. Also, when asked whether she was still with Gabe she offered no comment. When asked about Alton, she also said no comment, followed by "I guess you can figure out what that means." She also reported to us that she is now living in Las Vegas, while the six other cast members are living in Los Angeles.
That's it for today.
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Hello, Hello! More alumni news!
Ever wonder what's going on with your Seattle crew? Well, Nathan has been recently spotted in a Ross commercial. Since the end of his Real World days and VMI, he's gotten the acting bug. Also, Janet is still on Channel One, the educational news program that Lisa Ling from ABCs the View appeared on. Maybe Janet will become the next Diane Sawyer?
And according to Melissa... she was not offered to pose for Playboy. We recently conducted an interview with Julie from her cast, who said that Melissa was offered and she might've have done it. Melissa commented that, "I am not posing for Playboy nor was I offered to and I wouldn't if I had been. I'll be keeping my tatas to myself :). I have zero idea why Julie would make that up."
That's it for tonight!
Ever wonder what's going on with your Seattle crew? Well, Nathan has been recently spotted in a Ross commercial. Since the end of his Real World days and VMI, he's gotten the acting bug. Also, Janet is still on Channel One, the educational news program that Lisa Ling from ABCs the View appeared on. Maybe Janet will become the next Diane Sawyer?
And according to Melissa... she was not offered to pose for Playboy. We recently conducted an interview with Julie from her cast, who said that Melissa was offered and she might've have done it. Melissa commented that, "I am not posing for Playboy nor was I offered to and I wouldn't if I had been. I'll be keeping my tatas to myself :). I have zero idea why Julie would make that up."
That's it for tonight!
Monday, November 11, 2002
In more Lori news... Remember when Lori said something about doing a Yoga video, which made her body hurt at her website? Well, if you were looking for the video, this is it. It's called MTV Yoga and it is slated to be released November 26th (Just in time for Thanksgiving Sales)! It is hosted by Lori but is guided by a Yoga instructor named Kristin McGee.
This review was taken off off AMAZON:
Host Lori Trespicio is from The Real World. Instructor Kristin McGee is also referred to as "choreographer." The setting is a New York hotspot, and a cool DJ supplies the music. These are not promising signs if you're seriously into yoga, but MTV Yoga is surprisingly good. Advertised as a "faster-paced, upbeat" alternative to standard yoga workouts, the practice is actually quite traditional, based on the "vinyasa" (i.e., flowing series of poses) style. Beginning with several sun salutations, which are among the most vigorous sets of poses in yoga, it includes a variety of standing positions, lunges, twists, backbends, and so on. McGee knows her stuff, especially when it comes to breath instruction, the focus of any good practice; she also breaks down several of the more difficult asanas following the main 40-minute practice. The only real flaw is that not nearly enough time is allotted for warmup, but experienced yogis could do far worse than MTV Yoga.
Buy your copy today!
Ever wonder about former Real Worlders and what they're doing? Well, one of the most elusive Real Worlders seems to be doing quite well for herself. Jacinda, the beautiful Australian model on the London season, recently finished production on The Human Stain, which stars Oscar-nominated/winners Nicole Kidman, Anthony Hopkins, Ed Harris, and Gary Sinise. Jacinda who distances herself from reunions, challenges, and other reality television appearances, plays a young mistress to Anthony Hopkins, who in turn is battling a raging controversy, because he has been a black man posing as a white man. The film is set to be released in early 2003.
Plus, if you have moments or quotes from the Las Vegas season... SEND THEM OVER to It'll be greatly appreciated!
Plus, if you have moments or quotes from the Las Vegas season... SEND THEM OVER to It'll be greatly appreciated!
So, Lori from Real World: Back To New York got a new design, and she's got a new header too. And yes... She is dating Kyle from the Chicago season... But that's old news... (Yawn!) Check out her site at!
In Battle of the Sexes news, Lori did add a little commentary on the upcoming Battle. The following is taken from her site:
"Battle of the Sexes" is the Challenge of summer '02. It is scheduled to air January 2003. I'm really looking forward to this one, mostly because I'm not terrified of what the world will see. I think it will be fun-loving. Less action/adventure, more focus on group relations. I stayed out of trouble, which gave me peace of mind. Peace of mind = no air time, so you may not see me. I think what we see on this show will be as new to me as it is to you. I know a lot of shit went down when I was reading Prince of Tides and hanging in the girls villa with Anne and Ruthie (confirmation that Anne and Ruthie will be on the Challenge this year). I'm curious to see, and I'm so excited. Should be fun."
Check it out here. I think we're in for a good season of the Challenge this year.
And for those of you asking about Melissa's (New Orleans) beloved Princess Melissa, it will be back. Melissa recently took up a 9-5 type of job... something she hasn't done since the days before New Orleans. So, she probably doesn't have as much time to post daily on her website. But look for it to reopen January 2003 (she'll probably complement it towards the Challenge.) where we can catch more of Melissa's crazy antics.
In Battle of the Sexes news, Lori did add a little commentary on the upcoming Battle. The following is taken from her site:
"Battle of the Sexes" is the Challenge of summer '02. It is scheduled to air January 2003. I'm really looking forward to this one, mostly because I'm not terrified of what the world will see. I think it will be fun-loving. Less action/adventure, more focus on group relations. I stayed out of trouble, which gave me peace of mind. Peace of mind = no air time, so you may not see me. I think what we see on this show will be as new to me as it is to you. I know a lot of shit went down when I was reading Prince of Tides and hanging in the girls villa with Anne and Ruthie (confirmation that Anne and Ruthie will be on the Challenge this year). I'm curious to see, and I'm so excited. Should be fun."
Check it out here. I think we're in for a good season of the Challenge this year.
And for those of you asking about Melissa's (New Orleans) beloved Princess Melissa, it will be back. Melissa recently took up a 9-5 type of job... something she hasn't done since the days before New Orleans. So, she probably doesn't have as much time to post daily on her website. But look for it to reopen January 2003 (she'll probably complement it towards the Challenge.) where we can catch more of Melissa's crazy antics.
Sunday, November 10, 2002
Julie from Real World: New Orleans has said that on her website she will be filming an episode on the Blind Date today. She also said that her boyfriend, Gabe, doesn't mind "since I'm getting paid and all. It'll be cool." So she's going on a date with someone she doesn't even know, possibly meeting someone that she likes!? and what happens then? Buh-Bye Gabe? Or Move-over Blind Date! We'll see.
I also wanted to share this picture of Arissa from Real World: Las Vegas that has been popping up in my e-mail box: Click here to view it. That's all I have for now. Send news to me at
I also wanted to share this picture of Arissa from Real World: Las Vegas that has been popping up in my e-mail box: Click here to view it. That's all I have for now. Send news to me at
Thursday, November 07, 2002
Well we've got a story from Candace in Baltimore, MD saying that Alton, Trishelle, Brynn, and Steven were on 98 Rock in Baltimore, MD, They were in the studio for the morning show. Alton was asked if future episodes will show something more with Irulan. He said there would be more down the line and that they are currently living together. The cast all live very close together (Brynn lives on the beach)...but they live in L.A. and are all very close. They will be at Jillians in Columbia, MD tonigh but they will be hanging out doing Karaoke. Also, I'd like to thank Danielle T., Keep up the good work!
Wednesday, November 06, 2002
We recently performed an e-mail interview with Julie from the Real World: New Orleans and here is what we found out (KEY: C- Comment, A- Answer, Q- Question):
From Gil in New Jersey
Q: What made you audition for the show?
A: Curiousity
Q: I heard somewhere that you were unfamiliar with the show. I also want to ask if you acted fake on the show, to make your season better?
A: No
From Taylor in Michigan
Q: You seemed like you were so on key during your season of Real World, and it seemed like you got along with everybody (well except David, sometimes), what happened between you and Melissa, you guys seemed like you were going to be friends for life. Is everything alright now between you two?
A: I don't talk to many RW kids now because we all live far from one another and have our own lives. Plus the Real World was long ago.
From Nick in Louisiana
Q: Why did you turn down the Playboy deal?
A: You couldn't get me to do Playboy for all the money in the world. The magazine doesn't coinside with my value system and I think it degrades women to jack-off objects. Incidentally - They offered me over 50 Gs.
Q: Do you know who accepted it? or who else declined it?
A: I think Melissa got offered, so she might do it. I don't know anyone else.
From Natalie
Q: Are you still a virgin? and do you still practice the Mormon faith?
A: Yes and Yes.
From Victor in Mississippi
Q: Being that you were rejected from BYU, how has that affected you? and Did you ever go somewhere else to recieve a degree and complete college? Do you still have a bad relationship with BYU?
A: I have never had a bad relationship with BYU. The truth is, I'm so busy with my band and touring that I couldn't go back to school if I wanted to. Eventually, I might go back to finish, but right now that's not a possibility.
From Danny in Chicago, Illinois
Q: Who do you think you have learned from the most ever since your experience on Real World? Also, who do you still keep good contact with?
A: See Question 1
From Dave
Q: When you were in the Belfort, did you or the cast have any problems with fans?
A: Not really.
From Martell in St. Louis, Missouri
Q: How have you dealt with the fame that comes along with being a castmember on the Real World?
A: It's cool.
From Annalisa in Buffalo, NY
Q: How has your love life been treating you? Are you in any relationships at this time?
A: Yeah, I have a boyfriend. I'm all in love and stuff. You can read about him a little on my website
From Chris and Tammi
Q: Regarding the episode where you and your father got in a bit of an argument: Have you and your father watched that episode together? Have you all made up?
A: We never fought about that episode. We think it's funny because the whole fight was about The Real World and the cameras and that got editted out. We laugh at it.
From Tracie in North Carolina
These Questions are coming from a fellow Mormon:
Q: Do you find it hard to stand for truth and right?
A: No
Q: Are you very active in your ward?
A: Yes
Q: Do you aim for a temple marriage one day or are you just aiming for love?
A: Please don't degrade love, as if it is a second place prize. A strong loving relationship built on trust, faith, and committment is my first priority. Where the ceremony takes place is not as important as who you are with for eternity.
C: [I] keep up with you through your journal and enjoy reading that someone else goes through the same thoughts and feelings I had a few years ago.
A: Thanks
From Lisa in Franklin, Ohio
Q: What was the biggest misconception you had going into the RWNO house and what happened that made you realize it was a mis conception? What was one event that took place during either RWNO or the Challenge that you wish would have aired in one of the episodes, but didn't?
A: They never aired the guys I dated. Instead they blew up the Matt drama - which was really very small.
From Patty
Q: Are you living with Gabe?
A: No
Q: If so how is that affecting the relationship with your dad? If he's not happy about it, how did he take it?
A: No Comment from Julie for that question
From Micheal
Q: Has your relationship with your parents changed or not changed since you've been on the Real World?
A: No
From Nick
Q: What do you think of that Chicago, New York 2, and Las Vegas casts? Do you keep in contact with any of them?
A: I don't watch it.
From Jennifer in Jackson, Mississippi
Q: What made you do that Eminem video?
A: He asked and it was so fun.
On behalf of our site w all the readers we'd like to thank Julie for partcipating in the interview. We are in the works of setting up another one (possibly with Melissa from Real World: New Orleans), please send people's names of the one's you want to hear from. Send all requests to
We recently performed an e-mail interview with Julie from the Real World: New Orleans and here is what we found out (KEY: C- Comment, A- Answer, Q- Question):
From Gil in New Jersey
Q: What made you audition for the show?
A: Curiousity
Q: I heard somewhere that you were unfamiliar with the show. I also want to ask if you acted fake on the show, to make your season better?
A: No
From Taylor in Michigan
Q: You seemed like you were so on key during your season of Real World, and it seemed like you got along with everybody (well except David, sometimes), what happened between you and Melissa, you guys seemed like you were going to be friends for life. Is everything alright now between you two?
A: I don't talk to many RW kids now because we all live far from one another and have our own lives. Plus the Real World was long ago.
From Nick in Louisiana
Q: Why did you turn down the Playboy deal?
A: You couldn't get me to do Playboy for all the money in the world. The magazine doesn't coinside with my value system and I think it degrades women to jack-off objects. Incidentally - They offered me over 50 Gs.
Q: Do you know who accepted it? or who else declined it?
A: I think Melissa got offered, so she might do it. I don't know anyone else.
From Natalie
Q: Are you still a virgin? and do you still practice the Mormon faith?
A: Yes and Yes.
From Victor in Mississippi
Q: Being that you were rejected from BYU, how has that affected you? and Did you ever go somewhere else to recieve a degree and complete college? Do you still have a bad relationship with BYU?
A: I have never had a bad relationship with BYU. The truth is, I'm so busy with my band and touring that I couldn't go back to school if I wanted to. Eventually, I might go back to finish, but right now that's not a possibility.
From Danny in Chicago, Illinois
Q: Who do you think you have learned from the most ever since your experience on Real World? Also, who do you still keep good contact with?
A: See Question 1
From Dave
Q: When you were in the Belfort, did you or the cast have any problems with fans?
A: Not really.
From Martell in St. Louis, Missouri
Q: How have you dealt with the fame that comes along with being a castmember on the Real World?
A: It's cool.
From Annalisa in Buffalo, NY
Q: How has your love life been treating you? Are you in any relationships at this time?
A: Yeah, I have a boyfriend. I'm all in love and stuff. You can read about him a little on my website
From Chris and Tammi
Q: Regarding the episode where you and your father got in a bit of an argument: Have you and your father watched that episode together? Have you all made up?
A: We never fought about that episode. We think it's funny because the whole fight was about The Real World and the cameras and that got editted out. We laugh at it.
From Tracie in North Carolina
These Questions are coming from a fellow Mormon:
Q: Do you find it hard to stand for truth and right?
A: No
Q: Are you very active in your ward?
A: Yes
Q: Do you aim for a temple marriage one day or are you just aiming for love?
A: Please don't degrade love, as if it is a second place prize. A strong loving relationship built on trust, faith, and committment is my first priority. Where the ceremony takes place is not as important as who you are with for eternity.
C: [I] keep up with you through your journal and enjoy reading that someone else goes through the same thoughts and feelings I had a few years ago.
A: Thanks
From Lisa in Franklin, Ohio
Q: What was the biggest misconception you had going into the RWNO house and what happened that made you realize it was a mis conception? What was one event that took place during either RWNO or the Challenge that you wish would have aired in one of the episodes, but didn't?
A: They never aired the guys I dated. Instead they blew up the Matt drama - which was really very small.
From Patty
Q: Are you living with Gabe?
A: No
Q: If so how is that affecting the relationship with your dad? If he's not happy about it, how did he take it?
A: No Comment from Julie for that question
From Micheal
Q: Has your relationship with your parents changed or not changed since you've been on the Real World?
A: No
From Nick
Q: What do you think of that Chicago, New York 2, and Las Vegas casts? Do you keep in contact with any of them?
A: I don't watch it.
From Jennifer in Jackson, Mississippi
Q: What made you do that Eminem video?
A: He asked and it was so fun.
On behalf of our site w all the readers we'd like to thank Julie for partcipating in the interview. We are in the works of setting up another one (possibly with Melissa from Real World: New Orleans), please send people's names of the one's you want to hear from. Send all requests to
Tuesday, November 05, 2002
Due to the heavy volume of questions that we have recieved for the Julie interview, I am no longer accepting any questions, the final interview has been sent off to her so that she can answer them. When I get the answers, I will post them. Thanks to all that participated.
Remember that tonight The Real World: Las Vegas will be on at 9 central 10 eastern on MTV. So be sure to watch and send in your synopsis' and we will post the best 3!
Remember that tonight The Real World: Las Vegas will be on at 9 central 10 eastern on MTV. So be sure to watch and send in your synopsis' and we will post the best 3!
Monday, November 04, 2002
Just wanted totell you all that Danny's site,
has a new design. Also, I wanted to remind you about the Julie interview, get more creative with the questions, we're getting the same thing, about Melissa and Julie...ask other questions, I know other things are on your minds! So send in your questions to That's all for now.
has a new design. Also, I wanted to remind you about the Julie interview, get more creative with the questions, we're getting the same thing, about Melissa and Julie...ask other questions, I know other things are on your minds! So send in your questions to That's all for now.
Sunday, November 03, 2002
On, we noticed that the release date for the Real World: Las Vegas book has been pushed back from November 5th to December 3rd. Also the release dates for the Real World Movie: The Lost Season DVDs and the Real World You Never Saw: Las Vegas will be released on January 28th, 2003. So some disappointing news there.
Also, Kevin Powell of the first Real World season has got a new book out, as seen on ET on MTV this weekend. Kevin is the editor of "Who Shot Ya?", a new pictorial which documents three decades of hip hop history in photographs. Eminem, Eve, Tupac, Aaliyah, Lauryn Hill, Salt n Pepa, Mark Wahlberg, and Notorious B.I.G. are just some of the past and present hip hop artist whose photos will be featured in the book. No release date has been set yet.
Also, we're still accepting questions, so send them in to us at
Also, Kevin Powell of the first Real World season has got a new book out, as seen on ET on MTV this weekend. Kevin is the editor of "Who Shot Ya?", a new pictorial which documents three decades of hip hop history in photographs. Eminem, Eve, Tupac, Aaliyah, Lauryn Hill, Salt n Pepa, Mark Wahlberg, and Notorious B.I.G. are just some of the past and present hip hop artist whose photos will be featured in the book. No release date has been set yet.
Also, we're still accepting questions, so send them in to us at
Well we finally set up an interview with Julie from the Real World: New Orleans....and we want you to send in your questions. Send them to us at, and we will add the best ones to the interview. We need all the entries by Friday at 7 PM CST. So they can be sent off. Make sure you include your name and where you are from. The interview will be posted on the site later that weekend or that week. So remember, send in your GOOD questions to us!
Saturday, November 02, 2002
In today's Celebrity Dodgeball Game at UCLA, the cast of The Real World: Las Vegas was slated to appear. However, as the people who attended the event saw, some cast members were evidently missing. A sorority from UCLA put on the event, benefitting the Elizabeth Glacer AIDS Foundation. They were posting fliers and posters around campus with pictures of Trishelle, Brynn, Steven, Frank, Alton, Arissa and Irulan, saying that they would be slated to appear. However, the only one to appear was Frank who seemed to be in good spirits. (Maybe because Steven and Trishelle were absent. However, they did put together an MTV team consisting of Timmy (USA Tour 1/Battle of the Seasons), Veronica (Semester At Sea/Challenge 2000/Battle of the Seasons), Yes (Semester At Sea/Challenge 2000/Battle of the Seasons) and Frank (Las Vegas). The MTV team took the competition beating out other teams like Survivor and the TV team.
The other cast members, reportedly went to Jillians in South Carolina to sponser a nationwide event.
The other cast members, reportedly went to Jillians in South Carolina to sponser a nationwide event.
Friday, November 01, 2002
For those of you in the area, every single castmember of the Real World: Las Vegas will be on the UCLA campus Saturday from 11pm-3pm participating in a dodgeball tournament benefitting a local group on campus. There are other celebrities set to appear as well. The event will take place at the LA Tennis Center next to Drake Stadium. Go to for directions to the campus. Admittance is free!
Thursday, October 31, 2002
We just wanted to remind you that if you have any news, tidbits from interviews, quotes, moments, anything else send them to us...Send them to, Also we are trying to find a cast member from a previous season of the Real World or Road Rules that would like to speak to us in an interview with questions sent in from the readers. So if you want us to interview you and you read this blog, please e-mail us too. We'd like to chat.
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Frank said in a recent interview with on last night's episode:
Brynn's hot. Brynn is much better looking than all those other girls on those boxes. I'd say Brynn is a nine in a city of sixes of go-go dancers. On top of that, I look at her and I'm just like, oh yeah, our roommate. She's so hot. That's why she's obviously a go-go dancer. Then I looked at all the other go-go dancers and they seem half-retarded. They barely move around. It' just kinda like they're sick of it. They're like, oh yeah, look at me. Look at me. And they barely move their hips and then I look at Brynn and she's going crazy. She looks terrific. I think she's fabulous. And this is probably what she should be doing for the rest of her life.
I agree, I think she is hot. She's a very good dancer too, she got me on the up side dancing like that. I love her now.
Brynn's hot. Brynn is much better looking than all those other girls on those boxes. I'd say Brynn is a nine in a city of sixes of go-go dancers. On top of that, I look at her and I'm just like, oh yeah, our roommate. She's so hot. That's why she's obviously a go-go dancer. Then I looked at all the other go-go dancers and they seem half-retarded. They barely move around. It' just kinda like they're sick of it. They're like, oh yeah, look at me. Look at me. And they barely move their hips and then I look at Brynn and she's going crazy. She looks terrific. I think she's fabulous. And this is probably what she should be doing for the rest of her life.
I agree, I think she is hot. She's a very good dancer too, she got me on the up side dancing like that. I love her now.
Fulton wanted to tell us that Mrs. Melissa Howard from the Real World: New Orleans has been keeping herself busy. She's one of the hosts on Oxygen Network's 'Girls Behaving Badly.' Ya see Melissa keeps herself busy....and she also looks like she lost a lot of weight, and she looks great! I always did like Melissa, but she looks wonderful now days. Check her little Oxygen website at
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Well on the day of the Real World: Las Vegas night, I'd like to tell you that Kendal has a site now! It's (We clicked on several of the 'butterflies' and they didn't link to anything, so it may not be complete yet, stay tuned) thanks to Savannah for the tip! This and more sites should be popping up on the net as the season for the Road Rules: Campus Crawl ended. Anyways....On tonight's episode of the Real World: Las Vegas......Brynn tries to Go-Go dance, and some other stuff happens, watch to find out tonight on the 10 spot on MTV.
Also reports that Julie from Real World: New Orleans turned down a deal with Playboy Magazine and Julie mentioned that there will be an upcoming Real World Playboy issue. She turned down a deal to pose for 120,000 dollars! Can we call her dumb or smart? The site claims that more details will be revealed later.....I'm wondering what other details are there? If you know something e-mail us at Thanks!
Also reports that Julie from Real World: New Orleans turned down a deal with Playboy Magazine and Julie mentioned that there will be an upcoming Real World Playboy issue. She turned down a deal to pose for 120,000 dollars! Can we call her dumb or smart? The site claims that more details will be revealed later.....I'm wondering what other details are there? If you know something e-mail us at Thanks!
Sunday, October 27, 2002
I forgot to ask you all, what did you all think of that fork incident? Did Steven make the right choice? and was I the only that saw Steven move his head like that or what? That was gay. LOL.....that was funny. So send in your comments to me and I'll post the best ones to Thank you to all that send in your comments. Also send in news links, we would appreciate it. Thanks!
Friday, October 25, 2002
We've got an update on our girl from Real World: Las Vegas, Arissa....she's getting a site it's It's a very nice site at that! I like that picture, but it's not open yet. Thanks to Danielle T. for this tip.
Monday, October 21, 2002
Saturday, October 19, 2002 has uncovered some interesting news about the Real World: Las Vegas house:
George Maloof, whose family owns The Palms (the casino in which 'The Real Worlders' live), said the value of return from the heavy promotion on the show "is hard to measure" — in part because MTV's core audience is 12-to 24-year-olds, and the Palms covets adults, but he is quick to mention that many young celebrities are finding his hotel to be Las Vegas' new hot spot. "Every young celebrity watches MTV, and we're getting a lot of interest in the Palms because of that," Maloof said. Not only are they interested in the hotel, but in 'The Real World' house. According to, "an A-list movie guy and 10 of his buddies" will have a bachelor party in the suite. They also mention that Mike Tyson, Lara Flynn Boyle, and Tobey Maguire, have all paid over $5,000 dollars to rent the suit for one night.
George Maloof, whose family owns The Palms (the casino in which 'The Real Worlders' live), said the value of return from the heavy promotion on the show "is hard to measure" — in part because MTV's core audience is 12-to 24-year-olds, and the Palms covets adults, but he is quick to mention that many young celebrities are finding his hotel to be Las Vegas' new hot spot. "Every young celebrity watches MTV, and we're getting a lot of interest in the Palms because of that," Maloof said. Not only are they interested in the hotel, but in 'The Real World' house. According to, "an A-list movie guy and 10 of his buddies" will have a bachelor party in the suite. They also mention that Mike Tyson, Lara Flynn Boyle, and Tobey Maguire, have all paid over $5,000 dollars to rent the suit for one night.
Thursday, October 17, 2002
Man has it been slow or what? NO news...or is it that we just aren't seeing it...After that last episode of The Real World: Las Vegas I was was kinda fake if you ask me. But that's just my opinion. "Brynn, I want you gone" ---- CLASSIC! from Steve. Anyway got any news? Send it to us at
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
Sorry about that brief pause in the news updates.....really busy this weekend. Here's what I have found on the web today...
Becka sent me a link to which was HOT! The Real World: Las Vegas word----FINE!
Also we've got some news from
Marc Portugal, boss for 'The Real World: Las Vegas' cast, no longer works for N9NE Group. He was dismissed after sexual harassment charges were aired during last week's episode. "[W]e have zero tolerance for such behavior," said Michael Morton, co-owner of the company that owns N9NE steakhouse, the nightclub Rain and the pool lounge Skin at the Palms. "Obviously, we were unaware of the things that were going on," said Morton.
also some news on Kyle and Lori's relationship:
At last night's E!Online Wanda Chat, Wanda revealled just how serious 'Real Worlder's' Kyle and Lori's relationship is. She says "they are very much in love. Just spent a weekend in Vegas and were spotted at the Bellagio. She's still debating a move to the West Coast to be closer to her honey."
That's all for now, send in your comments on tonight's show to . Thanks!
Becka sent me a link to which was HOT! The Real World: Las Vegas word----FINE!
Also we've got some news from
Marc Portugal, boss for 'The Real World: Las Vegas' cast, no longer works for N9NE Group. He was dismissed after sexual harassment charges were aired during last week's episode. "[W]e have zero tolerance for such behavior," said Michael Morton, co-owner of the company that owns N9NE steakhouse, the nightclub Rain and the pool lounge Skin at the Palms. "Obviously, we were unaware of the things that were going on," said Morton.
also some news on Kyle and Lori's relationship:
At last night's E!Online Wanda Chat, Wanda revealled just how serious 'Real Worlder's' Kyle and Lori's relationship is. She says "they are very much in love. Just spent a weekend in Vegas and were spotted at the Bellagio. She's still debating a move to the West Coast to be closer to her honey."
That's all for now, send in your comments on tonight's show to . Thanks!
Friday, October 11, 2002
An anonymous e-mailer sent in this portion of the guidelines or was really unclear. But I'll paste the quote from the guidelines (or whatever they're called, maybe for the Cheap Slots game):
The Promotion will be conducted based on the airing of approximately (30) thirty episodes of "The Real World Las Vegas" (the "Program")scheduled to air weekly from September 17, 2002 through April 22, 2002 (MTV reserves the right to modify the total number of episodes and the actual airdates to accommodate changes in the onair programming schedule).
We'll see how true this is in the coming weeks....The Battle of the Sexes air date is unclear to us, we are trying to gather facts on it, and we will get it to you as soon as it's confirmed with sources at MTV.
We need your help! Send in your comments, questions, news tips, links to RW/BOTS news articles, etc. send them to
The Promotion will be conducted based on the airing of approximately (30) thirty episodes of "The Real World Las Vegas" (the "Program")scheduled to air weekly from September 17, 2002 through April 22, 2002 (MTV reserves the right to modify the total number of episodes and the actual airdates to accommodate changes in the onair programming schedule).
We'll see how true this is in the coming weeks....The Battle of the Sexes air date is unclear to us, we are trying to gather facts on it, and we will get it to you as soon as it's confirmed with sources at MTV.
We need your help! Send in your comments, questions, news tips, links to RW/BOTS news articles, etc. send them to
Thursday, October 10, 2002
I just wanted to add a tidbit to your Favortie places on the net....Janeen A. provided us with a detailed list of a site that has all the cast members that were ever on the Real World. If you click on the cast member's names it will have all kinds of information about what they've been up too since the show, and more. Goto it at >>> And yet another article....We found this Entertainment Weekly article...and it's located at,6115,339480~3~0~meetcastofreal,00.html. That's all for now. Send news to Thanks!
Here are some of your comments from that enquire about "Is the Real World REAL anymore?"
Anna Norman wrote us and she said:
"The Real World has really lost it's element of reality
this season. People know what fame being a cast
member can bring, so the people trying out and getting
cast are the actors and potential performers. Not
only this, but BMP tries so hard to get such dynamic
personalities and people with such crazy backgrounds
just for drama. I miss earlier seasons and even more
recent ones like B2NY and Chicago where the people
actually were relatable."
Raven Nichols from Las Vegas, NV wanted to add a comment and here it is:
"I feel that the casting for both Real World and Road Rules have become so appearance oriented. Yes, most of the people on both shows are interesting to watch, but they are also beautiful, physically fit, drink and have sex like rabbits. In the REAL world most of us do not fit those descriptions at all."
Jennifer Newnan from somewhere in GA wrote to say:
No, it's not real anymore. Gone are the days of the "Puck's" and "Irene's." R.I.P.
Michelle and Eric wrote to us and wanted to express their opinions on the current cast:
""Real Word" Las Vegas is a far fetch from reality. How many of the past cast members from previous shows got their bags carried for them on day one? How many people in the real world live in a casino and throw parties as a profession? I am truly disappointed in this season. Not in the cast members, but in the environment they were put in, and their reactions to this environment."
Send more comments to and we will post them only if they are in the 50-75 words range. I will post most of them, if they're good, and not long.
Anna Norman wrote us and she said:
"The Real World has really lost it's element of reality
this season. People know what fame being a cast
member can bring, so the people trying out and getting
cast are the actors and potential performers. Not
only this, but BMP tries so hard to get such dynamic
personalities and people with such crazy backgrounds
just for drama. I miss earlier seasons and even more
recent ones like B2NY and Chicago where the people
actually were relatable."
Raven Nichols from Las Vegas, NV wanted to add a comment and here it is:
"I feel that the casting for both Real World and Road Rules have become so appearance oriented. Yes, most of the people on both shows are interesting to watch, but they are also beautiful, physically fit, drink and have sex like rabbits. In the REAL world most of us do not fit those descriptions at all."
Jennifer Newnan from somewhere in GA wrote to say:
No, it's not real anymore. Gone are the days of the "Puck's" and "Irene's." R.I.P.
Michelle and Eric wrote to us and wanted to express their opinions on the current cast:
""Real Word" Las Vegas is a far fetch from reality. How many of the past cast members from previous shows got their bags carried for them on day one? How many people in the real world live in a casino and throw parties as a profession? I am truly disappointed in this season. Not in the cast members, but in the environment they were put in, and their reactions to this environment."
Send more comments to and we will post them only if they are in the 50-75 words range. I will post most of them, if they're good, and not long.
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
Today Wanda from wrote about Melissa, here's what she wrote:
Bitch, Bitch, Bitch: Get ready. The more I hear about this upcoming Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Sexes, the more I'm convinced it could be the nastiest unscripted catfight in MTV's history.
A source tells me that Melissa of The Real World: New Orleans set up an alliance against former housemate Julie before the show even began in Jamaica. (Rumor is their close friendship went south over a business-related dispute.) And it sounds like Melissa's plan may have paid off--Beth from Real World: Los Angeles, the first bootee from Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Seasons, managed to survive the first voting-off process in Jamaica.
I saw Beth at Mike Boogie's Big Brother bash and, despite the rumors of fire and bitchstone, decided to introduce myself (albeit timidly) and ask how the Challenge went.
"There's a lot of drama, but I think it makes me a stronger person," she said with a lovely smile. "Most of the castmembers are so screwed up I walk away thinking, God, my life's not so bad after all."
Relieved by her charming demeanor, I pressed on, asking Beth if she'd do another show. "They ask me back because they know people are going to fight with me," she said. "And I think they'll keep asking me back until somebody kills me--on the air. And I keep asking myself, Why? Why? Why the bitch comment?! Why are they calling me Osama Beth Laden?!' I'm really nice--I don't get it!" She then let out an evil cackle and the gates of hell opened before my very eyes. LOL, I wish that we seriously could get an interview with that Princess Melissa, I love her! She's hilarious. I will try to request one. E-mail me if you want one too. Our address is Melissa, if you're out there? Please e-mail us if you want us to give you an interview, also fans send in some questions. This is somethingn new we're going to try.
A source tells me that Melissa of The Real World: New Orleans set up an alliance against former housemate Julie before the show even began in Jamaica. (Rumor is their close friendship went south over a business-related dispute.) And it sounds like Melissa's plan may have paid off--Beth from Real World: Los Angeles, the first bootee from Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Seasons, managed to survive the first voting-off process in Jamaica.
I saw Beth at Mike Boogie's Big Brother bash and, despite the rumors of fire and bitchstone, decided to introduce myself (albeit timidly) and ask how the Challenge went.
"There's a lot of drama, but I think it makes me a stronger person," she said with a lovely smile. "Most of the castmembers are so screwed up I walk away thinking, God, my life's not so bad after all."
Relieved by her charming demeanor, I pressed on, asking Beth if she'd do another show. "They ask me back because they know people are going to fight with me," she said. "And I think they'll keep asking me back until somebody kills me--on the air. And I keep asking myself, Why? Why? Why the bitch comment?! Why are they calling me Osama Beth Laden?!' I'm really nice--I don't get it!" She then let out an evil cackle and the gates of hell opened before my very eyes. LOL, I wish that we seriously could get an interview with that Princess Melissa, I love her! She's hilarious. I will try to request one. E-mail me if you want one too. Our address is Melissa, if you're out there? Please e-mail us if you want us to give you an interview, also fans send in some questions. This is somethingn new we're going to try.
Here are some of your comments:
Here's one on the fact that Brynn is not leaving.
Of course she doesn't get kicked off. We already know she was there to
compete in the RW/RR Challenge AND that pic of her in the newspaper
article you posted yesterday shows her in Australia holding a koala. So
obviously she's around for the trip which usually falls much later in
the season.
From Micheal H., Las Vegas, NV
Please make sure to include City, and state when submitting comments, it is optional though. Send your comments or opinions too us at
NEW: We've got New Guy that sent us a link to this article on the Las Vegas Weekly it has information about Arissa Hill. Thanks to New Guy for that link.
Here's one on the fact that Brynn is not leaving.
Of course she doesn't get kicked off. We already know she was there to
compete in the RW/RR Challenge AND that pic of her in the newspaper
article you posted yesterday shows her in Australia holding a koala. So
obviously she's around for the trip which usually falls much later in
the season.
From Micheal H., Las Vegas, NV
Please make sure to include City, and state when submitting comments, it is optional though. Send your comments or opinions too us at
NEW: We've got New Guy that sent us a link to this article on the Las Vegas Weekly it has information about Arissa Hill. Thanks to New Guy for that link.
So next week, will Brynn get kicked out the Real World: Las Vegas House? Well as we saw the preview shows Steven and Brynn trying to fight, but both getting held back. This is going to be the most exciting episode! Send us you're opinions on last night's show, and I promise that I'll post some. Send them to Also keep sending in the names and last names of cast members.
Also, to refresh some your memories, since we've goten a few requests for the Battle of the Sexes Cast, well here they are:
Real World guys: Eric, David (LA), Puck, Dan, Syrus, Colin, David (NO), Jamie, and Theo.
Real World girls: Beth S., Genesis, Amaya, Ruthie, Julie (NO), Melissa (NO), Lori, Keri, and Tonya.
Road Rules guys: Mark, Antoine, Jake, Yes, James, Laterrian, Blair, Eric, and Shane (CC).
Road Rules girls: Emily, Anne, Christina, Gladys, Ayanna, Veronica, Ellen, Jisela, and Rachel.
I don't know about some of you, but I can't wait to see the Real World: New Orleans cast members again! AND they had to put Jisela on this show didn't they? As much as she bitches about BMP how would she sign on to do the show? Since she claims they screwed her over? I don't get that, and then she wants to talk about the fans. Whatever, this will be an interesting season. We've also recieved some rumoring air dates, Wanda from says January, but they may push it up or back, it depends. They have to fill the spot that Road Rules: Campus Crawl occupied, so it may be earlier. We'll see, I haven't even seen any commercials for it. Off-topic discussion, Is MTV bringing back Jackass (the show)???? Please E-mail me concerning that
Also, to refresh some your memories, since we've goten a few requests for the Battle of the Sexes Cast, well here they are:
Real World guys: Eric, David (LA), Puck, Dan, Syrus, Colin, David (NO), Jamie, and Theo.
Real World girls: Beth S., Genesis, Amaya, Ruthie, Julie (NO), Melissa (NO), Lori, Keri, and Tonya.
Road Rules guys: Mark, Antoine, Jake, Yes, James, Laterrian, Blair, Eric, and Shane (CC).
Road Rules girls: Emily, Anne, Christina, Gladys, Ayanna, Veronica, Ellen, Jisela, and Rachel.
I don't know about some of you, but I can't wait to see the Real World: New Orleans cast members again! AND they had to put Jisela on this show didn't they? As much as she bitches about BMP how would she sign on to do the show? Since she claims they screwed her over? I don't get that, and then she wants to talk about the fans. Whatever, this will be an interesting season. We've also recieved some rumoring air dates, Wanda from says January, but they may push it up or back, it depends. They have to fill the spot that Road Rules: Campus Crawl occupied, so it may be earlier. We'll see, I haven't even seen any commercials for it. Off-topic discussion, Is MTV bringing back Jackass (the show)???? Please E-mail me concerning that
Tuesday, October 08, 2002
and We're back!
First off I was tipped off about this article on Brynn (Thanks to AJ for the link) it's here.
We want to know if you know the Real World: Las Vegas cast member's last names. This is always fun to do. I think we know some. But just send in the one's you know to and then we'll post the final list eventually. Please send in confirmed names. Thanks a lot!
Also, just a quick note from on Coral and Mike (Thanks!) --- Mike and Coral of 'The Real World: Back To NY' were at Saginaw Valley State University on Thursday updating the crowd on what their lives has been like since the show has ended. Mike is working at a charity organization for terminally ill children, attending wrestling and acting school, and traveling to colleges across the country doing open talks. Coral is also working for charity. Coral founded Zapatos, a charity organization that gives shoes to the homeless, travels with Mike to colleges and is trying to find a job hosting a television show. (Reality World TV is also going to do an interview with Sarah from RR Campus Crawl, so go there and submit your questions.)
On tonight's episode of the Real World: Las Vegas the TVGuide has it saying that this is what's going to go down.:
Irulan flirts with her boss Marc, but becomes uncomfortable with his attention; Arissa is hurt by a “joke” Frank makes, causing Alton to come to her defense.
That's all for now, Check back later for those full names (first and last). We'll credit thosee that send!
First off I was tipped off about this article on Brynn (Thanks to AJ for the link) it's here.
We want to know if you know the Real World: Las Vegas cast member's last names. This is always fun to do. I think we know some. But just send in the one's you know to and then we'll post the final list eventually. Please send in confirmed names. Thanks a lot!
Also, just a quick note from on Coral and Mike (Thanks!) --- Mike and Coral of 'The Real World: Back To NY' were at Saginaw Valley State University on Thursday updating the crowd on what their lives has been like since the show has ended. Mike is working at a charity organization for terminally ill children, attending wrestling and acting school, and traveling to colleges across the country doing open talks. Coral is also working for charity. Coral founded Zapatos, a charity organization that gives shoes to the homeless, travels with Mike to colleges and is trying to find a job hosting a television show. (Reality World TV is also going to do an interview with Sarah from RR Campus Crawl, so go there and submit your questions.)
On tonight's episode of the Real World: Las Vegas the TVGuide has it saying that this is what's going to go down.:
Irulan flirts with her boss Marc, but becomes uncomfortable with his attention; Arissa is hurt by a “joke” Frank makes, causing Alton to come to her defense.
That's all for now, Check back later for those full names (first and last). We'll credit thosee that send!
Monday, October 07, 2002
Tuesday, October 01, 2002
Thanks to for these news stories:
First off, we've got Cara News!, When asked tonight in her weekly chat what the 'Real World Chicago' cast were up to, E!Online's Wanda replied, "Cara has landed her first TV acting gig, on The Drew Carey Show. She plays the daughter of a Ritz Carlton manager played by Paul Benedict in the episode that airs tonight." It's the first I've heard of the appearance, but Wanda said she heard about it straight from Cara's mouth. The Drew Carey Show airs tonight at 8pm on ABC.
Next, news on the Real World:Miami house, An agent at the Miami Beach office of Coldwell Banker has sold 'The Real World Miami' house for $2.2 million. Miami-Dade property records list the home as last sold in 1994 for $800,000 to an individual buyer. This year, the home was assessed at about $1.67 million, up from $974,534 the prior year. Coldwell Banker would not disclose the names of either seller or buyer or the home.
First off, we've got Cara News!, When asked tonight in her weekly chat what the 'Real World Chicago' cast were up to, E!Online's Wanda replied, "Cara has landed her first TV acting gig, on The Drew Carey Show. She plays the daughter of a Ritz Carlton manager played by Paul Benedict in the episode that airs tonight." It's the first I've heard of the appearance, but Wanda said she heard about it straight from Cara's mouth. The Drew Carey Show airs tonight at 8pm on ABC.
Next, news on the Real World:Miami house, An agent at the Miami Beach office of Coldwell Banker has sold 'The Real World Miami' house for $2.2 million. Miami-Dade property records list the home as last sold in 1994 for $800,000 to an individual buyer. This year, the home was assessed at about $1.67 million, up from $974,534 the prior year. Coldwell Banker would not disclose the names of either seller or buyer or the home.
Monday, September 30, 2002
We were right the season finale for Road Rules: Campus Crawl is next Monday at 10/9 CST. Catch it on MTV. Also tommorow, The Real World: Las Vegas at 10/9 CST. Please send us any news, synopsis', etc. to
Wanda recently had a talk with Real World: Miami's Dan and here's what she uncovered and confirmed:
First there was Rachel and Sean. Then Pam and Judd, Holly and Chadwick, Emily and James, Kendal and Blair. And now, in the long string of Bunim-Murray matchmaking, yet another dynamic duo has arisen from the Real World clan: Lori of The Real World: New York (and the upcoming Battle of the Sexes Challenge) and Kyle of The Real World: Chicago.
A source close to the Chicago cast tells me Lori and Kyle met a few months ago and are "in a very serious, committed relationship--and sickeningly adorable together." Although Lori still lives on the East Coast and Kyle is in Hollywood working on his screen career, they frequently fly back and forth to visit each another, and Lori is considering a move to La-La Land. And by the way, word is that the recently paired Road Rules couples--Kendal and Blair, Emily and James--are still going strong.
So why do these cast members keep dipping their pens in the Bunim-Murray ink? Dan from The Real World: Miami, who just finished the Battle of the Sexes Challenge along with Lori, shed a little light. "If you're on the Real World," he explains, "it's a given that you're crazy and if you can find your crazy brethren, it makes this world a happier place for you. If you're having a tantrum and they understand and even encourage you, that's a beautiful thing."
He also explained how it is that cast members keep hooking up after their shows end (much to the producers' chagrin, natch). "Real Worlders are incestuous. You don't even know. The newer cast members still live with each other. And you go to their apartments, and they still have drama about who'll do the dishes. They talk in soundbites--short, quippy, one-liners. You're looking around like: Is there a camera crew around here? The drama and the hookups do not end."
And that is a beautiful thing.
First there was Rachel and Sean. Then Pam and Judd, Holly and Chadwick, Emily and James, Kendal and Blair. And now, in the long string of Bunim-Murray matchmaking, yet another dynamic duo has arisen from the Real World clan: Lori of The Real World: New York (and the upcoming Battle of the Sexes Challenge) and Kyle of The Real World: Chicago.
A source close to the Chicago cast tells me Lori and Kyle met a few months ago and are "in a very serious, committed relationship--and sickeningly adorable together." Although Lori still lives on the East Coast and Kyle is in Hollywood working on his screen career, they frequently fly back and forth to visit each another, and Lori is considering a move to La-La Land. And by the way, word is that the recently paired Road Rules couples--Kendal and Blair, Emily and James--are still going strong.
So why do these cast members keep dipping their pens in the Bunim-Murray ink? Dan from The Real World: Miami, who just finished the Battle of the Sexes Challenge along with Lori, shed a little light. "If you're on the Real World," he explains, "it's a given that you're crazy and if you can find your crazy brethren, it makes this world a happier place for you. If you're having a tantrum and they understand and even encourage you, that's a beautiful thing."
He also explained how it is that cast members keep hooking up after their shows end (much to the producers' chagrin, natch). "Real Worlders are incestuous. You don't even know. The newer cast members still live with each other. And you go to their apartments, and they still have drama about who'll do the dishes. They talk in soundbites--short, quippy, one-liners. You're looking around like: Is there a camera crew around here? The drama and the hookups do not end."
And that is a beautiful thing.
Saturday, September 28, 2002
Thursday, September 26, 2002
Well we've uncovered some information on the Real World: Las Vegas control room, off of the Boards, we'd like to thank latinosupafly19 for the information the boards..... it is:
Meanwhile, back in the Batcave -- as the show's staff members have dubbed their darkened 28th-floor control room. (Rm. 28102) four large and 25 small TV monitors record the action (or inaction) throughout the "Real World" penthouse, from the office to the kitchen, the pool table to the living room.
Wipe-clean boards posted in the control room list each cast member's whereabouts, along with upcoming schedules, needed background shots and planned excursions. (During their 4 1/2-month stay, various "Real World" cast members ventured to Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Hoover Dam and Los Angeles, among other destinations.)
Isn't this a very interesting summary of the control room, I think it is. It's cool to know that the cast will venture off to the Hoover Dam. That's all for now, e-mail us with news, We'd also like to address a problem that may have occured lately. I read a thread on the boards and it was talking about how we steal posts from them, we don't really steal them and act they are ours. Also, If you send information or news to us, we do get it confirmed before posting it on the blog. So all you people that send fake news or information it will probably not get posted. There are some really loyal fans of this site, that love the information and news we provide and there are times that we will report something false, but we are human too, we do make mistakes. We try our hardest to get stuff confirmed before posting it, and most times do. So we would like to acknowledge those that send in NEWS to us. We regret the confusion that this may have caused on the boards and at the blog. Sorry.
Meanwhile, back in the Batcave -- as the show's staff members have dubbed their darkened 28th-floor control room. (Rm. 28102) four large and 25 small TV monitors record the action (or inaction) throughout the "Real World" penthouse, from the office to the kitchen, the pool table to the living room.
Wipe-clean boards posted in the control room list each cast member's whereabouts, along with upcoming schedules, needed background shots and planned excursions. (During their 4 1/2-month stay, various "Real World" cast members ventured to Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Hoover Dam and Los Angeles, among other destinations.)
Isn't this a very interesting summary of the control room, I think it is. It's cool to know that the cast will venture off to the Hoover Dam. That's all for now, e-mail us with news, We'd also like to address a problem that may have occured lately. I read a thread on the boards and it was talking about how we steal posts from them, we don't really steal them and act they are ours. Also, If you send information or news to us, we do get it confirmed before posting it on the blog. So all you people that send fake news or information it will probably not get posted. There are some really loyal fans of this site, that love the information and news we provide and there are times that we will report something false, but we are human too, we do make mistakes. We try our hardest to get stuff confirmed before posting it, and most times do. So we would like to acknowledge those that send in NEWS to us. We regret the confusion that this may have caused on the boards and at the blog. Sorry.
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
Well we found the brief episode summaries at for the Real World: Las Vegas. Check them out below (Highlight them to read):
The roommates receive their job assignments; Arissa misses her boyfriend and becomes annoyed with Irulan, who blames Frank for the rift.
Irulan flirts with her boss Marc, but becomes uncomfortable with his attention; Arissa is hurt by a “joke” Frank makes, causing Alton to come to her defense.
The roommates receive their job assignments; Arissa misses her boyfriend and becomes annoyed with Irulan, who blames Frank for the rift.
Irulan flirts with her boss Marc, but becomes uncomfortable with his attention; Arissa is hurt by a “joke” Frank makes, causing Alton to come to her defense.
Tuesday, September 24, 2002
Frank (the guy that has been to so many college's) has an arrest record, we've got the news from The Smoking Gun:
Here's hoping that Frank Roessler, a cast member on MTV's "Real World" series,
treated his swanky Las Vegas crib with more respect than he showed a couple of
Pennsylvania residences. The 22-year-old man was convicted last year of criminal
mischief for vandalizing two fraternity houses at Bucknell University, where
Roessler was a student. According to the amusing criminal complaint, Roessler
and codefendant Charles Reiter broke into two frat houses and caused a variety
of damage, including broken toilets, a smashed door, and a broken window. At the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon house, Roessler and Reiter left behind a calling card, of
sorts: "two fresh piles of feces." Charged in a five-count criminal information,
Roessler pleaded guilty to criminal mischief, a misdemeanor. He was sentenced
last June to two years probation, fined $1000, and ordered to pay Bucknell $1000
restitution. When we asked MTV spokeswoman Allison Bennett if any current "Real
World" cast members had criminal records, Bennett initially said she was
"unaware" of any such legal scrapes. However, after TSG provided details of
Roessler's rap sheet, Bennett suddenly recalled hearing about the bust, saying
it "wasn't like he committed a robbery or raped someone. It was a frat prank. He
is not a dangerous person." Roessler--on probation at the time--spent four
months living with six roommates in the palatial "Real World" penthouse atop
Vegas's Palms Hotel.
Thanks to the Smoking Gun for uncovering that dirty little secret!
Frank (the guy that has been to so many college's) has an arrest record, we've got the news from The Smoking Gun:
Here's hoping that Frank Roessler, a cast member on MTV's "Real World" series,
treated his swanky Las Vegas crib with more respect than he showed a couple of
Pennsylvania residences. The 22-year-old man was convicted last year of criminal
mischief for vandalizing two fraternity houses at Bucknell University, where
Roessler was a student. According to the amusing criminal complaint, Roessler
and codefendant Charles Reiter broke into two frat houses and caused a variety
of damage, including broken toilets, a smashed door, and a broken window. At the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon house, Roessler and Reiter left behind a calling card, of
sorts: "two fresh piles of feces." Charged in a five-count criminal information,
Roessler pleaded guilty to criminal mischief, a misdemeanor. He was sentenced
last June to two years probation, fined $1000, and ordered to pay Bucknell $1000
restitution. When we asked MTV spokeswoman Allison Bennett if any current "Real
World" cast members had criminal records, Bennett initially said she was
"unaware" of any such legal scrapes. However, after TSG provided details of
Roessler's rap sheet, Bennett suddenly recalled hearing about the bust, saying
it "wasn't like he committed a robbery or raped someone. It was a frat prank. He
is not a dangerous person." Roessler--on probation at the time--spent four
months living with six roommates in the palatial "Real World" penthouse atop
Vegas's Palms Hotel.
Thanks to the Smoking Gun for uncovering that dirty little secret!
Sunday, September 22, 2002
The Road Rules: Campus Crawl Season Finale will air on Monday October 7. Obviously their are only 3 episodes left.
The Road Rules: End of the Road Marathon will be airing on Saturday October 5th, at 12:30 p.m. Which means that the following Monday will be the finale air date (October 7th, 2002) They may bump the Battle Of the Sexes release date up earlier. Otherwise, The total number of episodes for Road Rules: Campus Crawl is 16. Remember this week on the show the cast will travel to Las Vegas, they will meet up with the Real World: Las Vegas cast and pull a prank on them. This is our chance to see the Real Worlders behavior at the time they filmed this episode.
The Road Rules: End of the Road Marathon will be airing on Saturday October 5th, at 12:30 p.m. Which means that the following Monday will be the finale air date (October 7th, 2002) They may bump the Battle Of the Sexes release date up earlier. Otherwise, The total number of episodes for Road Rules: Campus Crawl is 16. Remember this week on the show the cast will travel to Las Vegas, they will meet up with the Real World: Las Vegas cast and pull a prank on them. This is our chance to see the Real Worlders behavior at the time they filmed this episode.
Friday, September 20, 2002
Is there nothing but confusion created by the BMP site? Well, if you are looking to be cast in The Real World 13: Paris or Road Rules: South Seas Adventure, then you have until October 7, 2002 to turn in your tapes to BMP. (If you need casting tips, look at the left side of the page.) BMP finally changed their site to the correct date and they even changed their address to:
RW/RR Casting
Bunim/Murray Productions
6007 Sepulveda Blvd
Van Nuys, CA 91411
If you think you'd be better at open calls, visit BMP's site for a list of open calls.
RW/RR Casting
Bunim/Murray Productions
6007 Sepulveda Blvd
Van Nuys, CA 91411
If you think you'd be better at open calls, visit BMP's site for a list of open calls.
Thursday, September 19, 2002
Bunim-Murray has thrown another curveball this time. After most of the internet sites had reported that The Real World's 13th season would be filmed in Atlanta, a frontrunner for many years, BMP drops a literal bomb. They announce that The Real World will be filmed in Paris. Only the second season to be filmed overseas, BMP decides to pick a "romantic" location. Many believed that BMP would go overseas soon, as an overseas season was long overdue, however, the frontrunner for an overseas season was supposed to be Sydney. Rumors? Well, they also confirmed that Road Rules will be filmed in the South Seas. Send in those tapes!
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
I've thought about this for a while now....I've come up with a little something for you all to do...send you're cast ratings of the Real World: Las Vegas cast. Like list all the cast: Trishelle, Brynn, Irulan, Arissa, Alton, Steven, and Frank. Then by there names list the score 1-10 and add one sentence as to why you gave them that rating. Send them to us at This is what we like to call Rate the Real Worlder. I'll post some of your opinions. The very good ones. Here are mine:
Trishelle (5) - Damn that was mean what you did to his face..
Brynn (8) - You are way to quite.
Irulan (9.5) - You are HOT!
Arissa (10) - Another hot one.
Alton (8) - Ya that's you, holla at them hot girls in the house.
Steven (2) - That was wrong, but it's all you....You lied....but damn you aint had to play Frank on the first day...that was wrong.
Frank (0.5) - You are a complete idiot....what the hell is wrong with you? You just let crap like that slide? And walk out the door....oh no...there's no way...Do something about that..:-)
SEND in those ratings!
Trishelle (5) - Damn that was mean what you did to his face..
Brynn (8) - You are way to quite.
Irulan (9.5) - You are HOT!
Arissa (10) - Another hot one.
Alton (8) - Ya that's you, holla at them hot girls in the house.
Steven (2) - That was wrong, but it's all you....You lied....but damn you aint had to play Frank on the first day...that was wrong.
Frank (0.5) - You are a complete idiot....what the hell is wrong with you? You just let crap like that slide? And walk out the door....oh no...there's no way...Do something about that..:-)
SEND in those ratings!
Being hailed as one of the most innovative, dramatic seasons of all the twelve, the producers of the long time running show, The Real World promise that their Las Vegas installment would be one of the best. Now that the first episode has aired, there has been mixed reaction to Trishelle, Brynn, Irulan, Arissa, Alton, Steven and Frank and the circus called the Real World.
Personally, I thought that the episode was a little too much too soon. We accurately reported most of the dramatics of the first episode about two weeks ago (That's for all you haters at the message boards.) And we did see the love triangle... (Love square, rather) of Steven, Trishelle, Frank and Brynn. Most people who are new to the show emailed in saying that the first episode absoultely disgusted them. They were appalled by the season's tackiness and fake reactions of the castmembers. However, long standing fans of the series have applauded the first episode, saying that it has all the dramatics of a classic Real World season. More than likely, production decided to jump into a huge issue far too soon. That should've been a third episode topic... not a first episode topic. However, Las Vegas is promising a lot more than this love square, so they probably had to fit that into the first episode. What do you think? Email us at
Have you seen the new issue of TV Guide? Well, there is an article detailing the behind the scenes drama that went on when the castmembers first moved into the house. Apparently, within minutes of meeting each other Steven had his hands on Trishelle's leg, maybe foreshadowing impending moments to come. They also had trouble with the elevator. (They have to push in a secret code.) There's also an incident where on their way to Ghostbar, the cast takes the emergency stairs only to be led to a dead end. On their way back to the elevator, they lock two cameras in the stairwell. It also has a short profile of each castmember. Frank says that he's pretty embarrassed about the first episode, leading us to believe that this will blow over. Brynn rates the Real World experience with a 5, saying that she would never do it again. It's a pretty interesting article.
Wanda over at Eonline had her chat on Monday. Just to keep those who want to know informed, she only reported on Cara's appearance on Jenny Jones. She also talked about Lori and Kyle dating... Which we both reported to you several days ago.
Also, we are unfortunately behind on the site with all the new things. It's a lot of work, but thanks for waiting!
Personally, I thought that the episode was a little too much too soon. We accurately reported most of the dramatics of the first episode about two weeks ago (That's for all you haters at the message boards.) And we did see the love triangle... (Love square, rather) of Steven, Trishelle, Frank and Brynn. Most people who are new to the show emailed in saying that the first episode absoultely disgusted them. They were appalled by the season's tackiness and fake reactions of the castmembers. However, long standing fans of the series have applauded the first episode, saying that it has all the dramatics of a classic Real World season. More than likely, production decided to jump into a huge issue far too soon. That should've been a third episode topic... not a first episode topic. However, Las Vegas is promising a lot more than this love square, so they probably had to fit that into the first episode. What do you think? Email us at
Have you seen the new issue of TV Guide? Well, there is an article detailing the behind the scenes drama that went on when the castmembers first moved into the house. Apparently, within minutes of meeting each other Steven had his hands on Trishelle's leg, maybe foreshadowing impending moments to come. They also had trouble with the elevator. (They have to push in a secret code.) There's also an incident where on their way to Ghostbar, the cast takes the emergency stairs only to be led to a dead end. On their way back to the elevator, they lock two cameras in the stairwell. It also has a short profile of each castmember. Frank says that he's pretty embarrassed about the first episode, leading us to believe that this will blow over. Brynn rates the Real World experience with a 5, saying that she would never do it again. It's a pretty interesting article.
Wanda over at Eonline had her chat on Monday. Just to keep those who want to know informed, she only reported on Cara's appearance on Jenny Jones. She also talked about Lori and Kyle dating... Which we both reported to you several days ago.
Also, we are unfortunately behind on the site with all the new things. It's a lot of work, but thanks for waiting!
Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Well everyone tonight as you all know is the Real World Premire of Las Vegas, We want your synopsis', so please send the in after the show or tommorow to Thanks! That's it for now.
Monday, September 16, 2002
Sorry for no updates yesterday... No real news to report yesterday.
If you remember the San Francisco house was ravaged by a fire a few years back and was restored to its original glory. Prior to the fire, the house hosted an internet company. Anyway, the owner put the house on the market 9 months ago and it has failed to sell. It's price has dropped to a measly 1.2 million dollars. So, if you have the spare change...
Also, The Road Rules Blog, that site where the Road Rulers posted is down now. SO... Sarah started her own online journal at Diaryland! Enjoy!
If you remember the San Francisco house was ravaged by a fire a few years back and was restored to its original glory. Prior to the fire, the house hosted an internet company. Anyway, the owner put the house on the market 9 months ago and it has failed to sell. It's price has dropped to a measly 1.2 million dollars. So, if you have the spare change...
Also, The Road Rules Blog, that site where the Road Rulers posted is down now. SO... Sarah started her own online journal at Diaryland! Enjoy!
Saturday, September 14, 2002
Guess what? I've found a sweeet game it's called MTV: Real World: Las Vegas Cheap Slots and you can check it out here. It's an exciting game that you guess what's going to happen on the next show, then you see if you're right, and the person at the end of the season with the most points, will win:
If you have racked up the most virtual coins at the end of the season, you'll win the grand prize package of a Real World trip to Las Vegas! You and six of your friends will be flown to Las Vegas to enjoy a weekend stay in the Real World suite at the Palms Resort and Casino. You'll receive VIP treatment the entire weekend including:
$500 spending money for Grand Prize Winner
Seven (7) passes to the Palms Spa
$1000 for Grand Prize Winner to spend at Palms Restaurants and Nightclubs (includes: Skin Pool Lounge, N9ne Steakhouse, Little Buddah, Gardunos, Sunrise Café, Alize, Ghostbar and Rain)
VIP admittance for Grand Prize Winner and six (6) guests to Palms nightclubs: Rain, Ghostbar and Skin Pool Lounge
1st Prize:
The runner up will receive a gift package of items from the Real World Las Vegas suite including a set of dinnerware autographed by all seven cast members, a toaster and a Palm painting from the Guys' Bedroom.
2nd Prize:
The second runner up will receive a gift package of items from the Real World Las Vegas suite including a set of dinnerware autographed by six cast members, vases and a clock.
Also, Well, Well, Well.....another Real World weekend and we're looking for your quotes and momments, please send them in to us at Thanks!
If you have racked up the most virtual coins at the end of the season, you'll win the grand prize package of a Real World trip to Las Vegas! You and six of your friends will be flown to Las Vegas to enjoy a weekend stay in the Real World suite at the Palms Resort and Casino. You'll receive VIP treatment the entire weekend including:
1st Prize:
The runner up will receive a gift package of items from the Real World Las Vegas suite including a set of dinnerware autographed by all seven cast members, a toaster and a Palm painting from the Guys' Bedroom.
2nd Prize:
The second runner up will receive a gift package of items from the Real World Las Vegas suite including a set of dinnerware autographed by six cast members, vases and a clock.
Also, Well, Well, Well.....another Real World weekend and we're looking for your quotes and momments, please send them in to us at Thanks!
Friday, September 13, 2002
In preparation for Tuesday's premiere of 'The Real World: Las Vegas' MTV will air a marathon this weekend of some past seasons of 'The Real World', including Back to New York, Chicago, and Miami. Here's the schedule:
The Real World: The Lost Season
Adam, Boomer, Cash, Keith, Liz, Melinda, and Omara are faced with life and death situations.
airs: September 13, 2002 3:30pmPST
The Real World X: Back to New York
Coral, Kevin, Lori, Malik, Mike, Nicole, and Rachel are brought back to the Big Apple.
begins: September 13, 2002 5:00pmPST
ends: September 14, 2002 2:30amPST
The Real World V: Miami
Watch Cynthia, Dan, Flora, Joe, Melissa, Mike, and Sarah in this classic season of the Real World.
begins: September 14, 2002 03:00amPST
ends: September 14, 2002 01:30pmPST
The Real World XI: Chicago
Aneesa, Cara, Chris, Keri, Kyle, Theo and Tonya live it up in the windy city.
begins: September 14, 2002 02:00pmPST
ends: September 15, 2002 02:00amPST
The Real World: Tenth Anniversary Special
The first nine casts reunite for a day of reminiscing, catching up, and Puck.
airs: September 15, 2002 03:00amPST
The Real World: Hook-Ups, Heartbreaks and Happily Ever After
Syrus (Boston) and Becky (New York) recount a decade's worth of hook-ups in the Real World.
airs: September 15, 2002 04:30amPST
The Real World Reunion 2000
Miami, Boston, Seattle, and Hawaii reunite. Hosted by former MTV VJ Dave Holmes.
airs: September 15, 2002 05:00amPST
The Real World XI: New Orleans
David, Danny, Jamie, Julie, Kelley, Matt and Melissa in the Belfort.
begins: September 15, 2002 06:30amPST
ends: September 15, 2002 07:00pmPST
And all this leads to the season premiere of The Real World XII: Las Vegas airing September 17 at 10:00PST.
The Real World: The Lost Season
Adam, Boomer, Cash, Keith, Liz, Melinda, and Omara are faced with life and death situations.
airs: September 13, 2002 3:30pmPST
The Real World X: Back to New York
Coral, Kevin, Lori, Malik, Mike, Nicole, and Rachel are brought back to the Big Apple.
begins: September 13, 2002 5:00pmPST
ends: September 14, 2002 2:30amPST
The Real World V: Miami
Watch Cynthia, Dan, Flora, Joe, Melissa, Mike, and Sarah in this classic season of the Real World.
begins: September 14, 2002 03:00amPST
ends: September 14, 2002 01:30pmPST
The Real World XI: Chicago
Aneesa, Cara, Chris, Keri, Kyle, Theo and Tonya live it up in the windy city.
begins: September 14, 2002 02:00pmPST
ends: September 15, 2002 02:00amPST
The Real World: Tenth Anniversary Special
The first nine casts reunite for a day of reminiscing, catching up, and Puck.
airs: September 15, 2002 03:00amPST
The Real World: Hook-Ups, Heartbreaks and Happily Ever After
Syrus (Boston) and Becky (New York) recount a decade's worth of hook-ups in the Real World.
airs: September 15, 2002 04:30amPST
The Real World Reunion 2000
Miami, Boston, Seattle, and Hawaii reunite. Hosted by former MTV VJ Dave Holmes.
airs: September 15, 2002 05:00amPST
The Real World XI: New Orleans
David, Danny, Jamie, Julie, Kelley, Matt and Melissa in the Belfort.
begins: September 15, 2002 06:30amPST
ends: September 15, 2002 07:00pmPST
And all this leads to the season premiere of The Real World XII: Las Vegas airing September 17 at 10:00PST.
FYI..... Cara form RW-Chicago will be on the Jenny Jones Show. The show is scheduled to air Monday, September 16th. The topic is Pre-Teen Anorexia.
NOTE: Cara was only briefly shown. Jenny came out and talked to her about the incident where Chris pinched her and she broke down. She admitted that she had a problem. She says it was half from the media and half personal issues. She did see a therapist. She also mentioned the problem started when she w around 15. She also continued on how we need to stop comparing ourselves to media figures and whatnot.
NOTE: Cara was only briefly shown. Jenny came out and talked to her about the incident where Chris pinched her and she broke down. She admitted that she had a problem. She says it was half from the media and half personal issues. She did see a therapist. She also mentioned the problem started when she w around 15. She also continued on how we need to stop comparing ourselves to media figures and whatnot.
Thursday, September 12, 2002
and....... happy belated (September 11th) 21st birthday to MTV Real World Alumni, Aneesa from Real World Chicago...we watched that unfold and many talked about how staged that event was on that season....and it was cause the cast was at a photo shoot at Wrigley Field in Chicago home of the Cubs, that morning. They were then sent to the loft to watch the little TV....and then you know what they did...
Another news article Provided by The Sun:
by Kirk Baird
You're young, hip and beautiful.
Las Vegas is your playground.
And MTV is there to record your every step.
Welcome to "The Real World," where a group of seven twentysomethings all strangers was selected to live in a customized suite on the 28th floor of the Palms for 4 1/2 months.
Sound real?
Wait 'til you see the cast of "Real World Las Vegas," which makes its debut with a one-hour premiere Sept. 17 on MTV (Cox cable channel 19) airs from 10 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Tuesdays for the remainder of the season.
The seven cast members are all picture-perfect. Or, as the MTV bios variously describe: "strikingly handsome," "stunning" and "the very picture of all-American charisma and good looks."
"I have to admit we are very fortunate. We have an exceptional-looking cast this season," said series producer Tracy Chaplin, who has been with "The Real World" for seven of its 12 seasons.
"And a lot of it just boils down to the people who apply to the show. They're usually highly motivated," Chaplin said. "They're very active. They are certainly conscious of their appearance. Those are the people who tend to make great cast members."
For those out of the pop-culture loop, "The Real World" was arguably the Adam and Eve of today's reality TV programming when it debuted in 1992.
The original setting was New York, followed by Los Angeles and then San Francisco. Other "Real World" locales have been New Orleans, Chicago, Hawaii, Boston, Seattle and London. The premise is always the same: Take several young adults ages 18 to 24 from different races, places, and social and economic backgrounds, and stick them in a house (or a reasonable facsimile) together for a few months.
And record nearly every moment.
Previous shows have made minor celebrities out of cast members Puck, anyone? as young people nationwide tune in to the real-life soap opera.
And from the way the season is set up after the Las Vegas cast's initial episode, it appears this group will not shortchange viewers on drama, either.
As soon as cast members meet in their "home," there seems to be the kind of chemistry both friendly and sexual that best fuels reality-based TV.
For example, it isn't long before there is an unexpected "hook-up" between roommates, complicated by hurt feelings by two other roommates who feel slighted by the randy couple.
The Las Vegas group includes four women and three men, all of whom were interviewed for this story in June, just as the series had wrapped taping and the cast was a few days from going back to their real lives. (Their last names, incidentally, were not provided.)
Brynn is a "party animal," as she described herself to a bellman when she first made her way through the casino floor of the Palms.
"My friends and I used to make bets on who could be on the show or who could be a VJ. Everyone was always like, 'You'd be so perfect for the show.' And in the back of my head, I thought, 'Oh, I so want to do that.' And I ended up here."
Arissa, too, is about fun, but remains practical and concerned about her finances. She senses a deep bond with fellow cast member Irulan.
"(The cast) went to a lot of different places and met a lot of different people, and we've experienced a lot of different things," Arissa said. "I probably never would have had the opportunity to, had I not been here. Just walking into this front door is the coolest thing that happened."
Irulan initially seems to be the quiet one of the bunch. She also reaches out to Arissa for friendship, and the two wind up sharing a room.
"I don't have any regrets, but I don't think I'd do this same thing all over again," Irulan said. "I think I've taken a lot away from it, but I'm ready to get back to my normal life."
Trishelle is from a small town in Louisiana and is worried her roommates will assume she lacks intelligence because of her background and accent.
"You make what you want of (the show). If you try to hide from (the cameras), they'll be right up on you," she said. "You just have to realize and keep reminding yourself that you chose to do the show."
Steven is the "all-American" to whom MTV was referring. He's funny in a goofy way, and a perennial flirt and women seem to respond -- including at least two roommates.
"We're bound to each other for life. We shared this crazy experience. They're like brothers and sisters. You don't pick your brothers and sisters. There are things you don't like about them, there are things you love about them. But, at the end of the day, you're all close."
Alton is a violinist and in-line skater who also enjoys rock climbing. He comes across as the peacemaker of the group -- but also seems the most likely to push buttons.
"We're just here trying to live our lives. We're not trying to have someone live vicariously through us."
Frank is the kind of son parents may wish they had: smart, athletic, ultra polite. Born and raised in a small town in Pennsylvania, he is also, perhaps, the castmember most out of his element.
"I hope nobody lives vicariously through me because that would be sad. These guys, maybe."
Making it real
To accommodate the cast and crew, six Palms hotel rooms were combined into one massive suite featuring three bedrooms, a communal shower with separate stalls, a bathroom and wash area, a kitchen and dining area, living area and game area.
And, of course, there is "the confessional": the isolated small room with the fixed camera where castmembers can record their thoughts in secret ... at least, until the series airs and the confessions are put to strong dramatic use.
Construction on the room began shortly after the Palms opened in November and took seven weeks to complete. Included in the project was construction of a central room to direct the various camera crews.
Building the show's room was easy, however, compared to shooting the series in Las Vegas -- particularly on the Strip.
"We had about half the casinos on the Strip willing to work with us in an open-door policy," Chaplin said. "And then we had another percentage that, with 24 hours' notice or with an escort, would allow us to come in.
"And then there were some properties that chose not to (participate). And that's no different than any other city. There are always venues that aren't comfortable."
Taping in Las Vegas also limited the choices in cast members. Because of gaming restrictions, Chaplin said the cast selections had to be at least 21 so they could live in the casino.
"So we're losing half our casting potential," he said.
Despite the obstacles, Chaplin said Las Vegas was always very high on the list as a "Real World" setting.
"The show is getting up there in seasons. There are only so many major cities interesting to our market," she said. "In doing market studies and while we were out on the road casting ... overwhelmingly Las Vegas would come up. Not just sporadically; it was an overwhelming consensus from city to city.
"There's just become a fascination with young adults in coming here. It's an adult playground. Young adults get out and they want to have a wild and carefree weekend. And Vegas is a place to do that."
As to what to expect this season, the cast and crew were understandably mum. Reasoning that a studio would never reveal the ending of a film, MTV brass wants the show's twists and turns to remain a surprise.
And, according to the castmembers, the season will have plenty of surprises.
"There's no way to know what's going to happen," Alton promises. "It's going to be a really interesting season with a lot of twists."
No matter what transpired during the taping, though, all seven "Real World" castmembers acknowledge they are parting on friendly terms -- unlike some of the previous groups.
And, none of them have any regrets.
"I don't think there's anything really wrong with what we did," Trishelle said. "We were just having a good time. I just think we did what normal 22- or 23-year-olds would do coming to Vegas and living with six good-looking people and having a good time."

by Kirk Baird
You're young, hip and beautiful.
Las Vegas is your playground.
And MTV is there to record your every step.
Welcome to "The Real World," where a group of seven twentysomethings all strangers was selected to live in a customized suite on the 28th floor of the Palms for 4 1/2 months.
Sound real?
Wait 'til you see the cast of "Real World Las Vegas," which makes its debut with a one-hour premiere Sept. 17 on MTV (Cox cable channel 19) airs from 10 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Tuesdays for the remainder of the season.
The seven cast members are all picture-perfect. Or, as the MTV bios variously describe: "strikingly handsome," "stunning" and "the very picture of all-American charisma and good looks."
"I have to admit we are very fortunate. We have an exceptional-looking cast this season," said series producer Tracy Chaplin, who has been with "The Real World" for seven of its 12 seasons.
"And a lot of it just boils down to the people who apply to the show. They're usually highly motivated," Chaplin said. "They're very active. They are certainly conscious of their appearance. Those are the people who tend to make great cast members."
For those out of the pop-culture loop, "The Real World" was arguably the Adam and Eve of today's reality TV programming when it debuted in 1992.
The original setting was New York, followed by Los Angeles and then San Francisco. Other "Real World" locales have been New Orleans, Chicago, Hawaii, Boston, Seattle and London. The premise is always the same: Take several young adults ages 18 to 24 from different races, places, and social and economic backgrounds, and stick them in a house (or a reasonable facsimile) together for a few months.
And record nearly every moment.
Previous shows have made minor celebrities out of cast members Puck, anyone? as young people nationwide tune in to the real-life soap opera.
And from the way the season is set up after the Las Vegas cast's initial episode, it appears this group will not shortchange viewers on drama, either.
As soon as cast members meet in their "home," there seems to be the kind of chemistry both friendly and sexual that best fuels reality-based TV.
For example, it isn't long before there is an unexpected "hook-up" between roommates, complicated by hurt feelings by two other roommates who feel slighted by the randy couple.
The Las Vegas group includes four women and three men, all of whom were interviewed for this story in June, just as the series had wrapped taping and the cast was a few days from going back to their real lives. (Their last names, incidentally, were not provided.)
Brynn is a "party animal," as she described herself to a bellman when she first made her way through the casino floor of the Palms.
"My friends and I used to make bets on who could be on the show or who could be a VJ. Everyone was always like, 'You'd be so perfect for the show.' And in the back of my head, I thought, 'Oh, I so want to do that.' And I ended up here."
Arissa, too, is about fun, but remains practical and concerned about her finances. She senses a deep bond with fellow cast member Irulan.
"(The cast) went to a lot of different places and met a lot of different people, and we've experienced a lot of different things," Arissa said. "I probably never would have had the opportunity to, had I not been here. Just walking into this front door is the coolest thing that happened."
Irulan initially seems to be the quiet one of the bunch. She also reaches out to Arissa for friendship, and the two wind up sharing a room.
"I don't have any regrets, but I don't think I'd do this same thing all over again," Irulan said. "I think I've taken a lot away from it, but I'm ready to get back to my normal life."
Trishelle is from a small town in Louisiana and is worried her roommates will assume she lacks intelligence because of her background and accent.
"You make what you want of (the show). If you try to hide from (the cameras), they'll be right up on you," she said. "You just have to realize and keep reminding yourself that you chose to do the show."
Steven is the "all-American" to whom MTV was referring. He's funny in a goofy way, and a perennial flirt and women seem to respond -- including at least two roommates.
"We're bound to each other for life. We shared this crazy experience. They're like brothers and sisters. You don't pick your brothers and sisters. There are things you don't like about them, there are things you love about them. But, at the end of the day, you're all close."
Alton is a violinist and in-line skater who also enjoys rock climbing. He comes across as the peacemaker of the group -- but also seems the most likely to push buttons.
"We're just here trying to live our lives. We're not trying to have someone live vicariously through us."
Frank is the kind of son parents may wish they had: smart, athletic, ultra polite. Born and raised in a small town in Pennsylvania, he is also, perhaps, the castmember most out of his element.
"I hope nobody lives vicariously through me because that would be sad. These guys, maybe."
Making it real
To accommodate the cast and crew, six Palms hotel rooms were combined into one massive suite featuring three bedrooms, a communal shower with separate stalls, a bathroom and wash area, a kitchen and dining area, living area and game area.
And, of course, there is "the confessional": the isolated small room with the fixed camera where castmembers can record their thoughts in secret ... at least, until the series airs and the confessions are put to strong dramatic use.
Construction on the room began shortly after the Palms opened in November and took seven weeks to complete. Included in the project was construction of a central room to direct the various camera crews.
Building the show's room was easy, however, compared to shooting the series in Las Vegas -- particularly on the Strip.
"We had about half the casinos on the Strip willing to work with us in an open-door policy," Chaplin said. "And then we had another percentage that, with 24 hours' notice or with an escort, would allow us to come in.
"And then there were some properties that chose not to (participate). And that's no different than any other city. There are always venues that aren't comfortable."
Taping in Las Vegas also limited the choices in cast members. Because of gaming restrictions, Chaplin said the cast selections had to be at least 21 so they could live in the casino.
"So we're losing half our casting potential," he said.
Despite the obstacles, Chaplin said Las Vegas was always very high on the list as a "Real World" setting.
"The show is getting up there in seasons. There are only so many major cities interesting to our market," she said. "In doing market studies and while we were out on the road casting ... overwhelmingly Las Vegas would come up. Not just sporadically; it was an overwhelming consensus from city to city.
"There's just become a fascination with young adults in coming here. It's an adult playground. Young adults get out and they want to have a wild and carefree weekend. And Vegas is a place to do that."
As to what to expect this season, the cast and crew were understandably mum. Reasoning that a studio would never reveal the ending of a film, MTV brass wants the show's twists and turns to remain a surprise.
And, according to the castmembers, the season will have plenty of surprises.
"There's no way to know what's going to happen," Alton promises. "It's going to be a really interesting season with a lot of twists."
No matter what transpired during the taping, though, all seven "Real World" castmembers acknowledge they are parting on friendly terms -- unlike some of the previous groups.
And, none of them have any regrets.
"I don't think there's anything really wrong with what we did," Trishelle said. "We were just having a good time. I just think we did what normal 22- or 23-year-olds would do coming to Vegas and living with six good-looking people and having a good time."
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
News article Provided by The Sun:
By Susan Freudenheim
Originally published September 10, 2002
LAS VEGAS -- "My house in Cutoff is, like, a country house," says the all-smiles Trichelle, a 22-year-old from an aptly named rural Louisiana town, soon after the opening credits of the season premiere episode of MTV's The Real World. The cameras-in-the-house show that helped unleash a flood of so-called reality programming begins its 12th season on Sept. 17, set this time in the new youth-oriented Palms Casino Resort just off the Las Vegas strip.
"This," drawls Trichelle, who -- like all cast members -- uses only her first name, "is a city house."
To call the show's setting a house is a stretch. A three-bedroom, full-service, high-roller hotel suite is more like it. Real World's trademark device is to see what kind of intimacy results when you make roommates of seven photogenic 20-somethings who first meet in their quasi-dormitory living situation.
As Real World moved to the very unreal world of Vegas, the producers left behind the Ikea-style decor of their lofts and houses of past seasons. This time, the cast lives in souped-up modern style on the 28th floor of a casino resort, with incredible views and a relentless 24-hour scene just below.
Part of the voyeuristic appeal of Real World relies on the cast living fully exposed lives. And for it to work, the backdrop that is their home is key.
Walk into the Real World suite today, and it looks pretty much as it did when the cast lived there from mid-February until late June of this year. Palms owner George Maloof has taken care to preserve what the casino and MTV created together, and he is marketing the space to his top customers, personally deciding who can stay there -- "high-rollers, celebrities and sports people" being his first choice, he says.
Maloof says the project cost him $2 million. He paid to configure the rooms and decorate the space, and MTV, which won't say how much it spent on the apartment, added some of the fine touches, including artworks and other details.
Maloof used as designers the Los Angeles-based Jerde Partnership, which had designed the rest of the Palms resort-casino, because he wanted to give the apartment the same signature look. The 2,900-square-foot suite was created by demolishing six hotel rooms, and the entire floor had to remain empty for seven months to accommodate the setup, including 4 1/2 months of taping. Four rooms surrounding the suite were used for production. It was a small price to pay, Maloof says, for the exposure that the show will afford his $265 million Palms enterprise.
There's a definite "wow" effect to Jerde's interior design, created by Sharmila Tankha in partnership with Maloof and Tracy Chaplin, the show's executive producer. The circular suite has three very small bedrooms on one side, two with two queen beds, and a third with three. Quirks abound throughout: The kitchen doesn't have a sink, although the bar has two.
Three washbasins in a tightly fitting row stand out in the open hallway, just outside the bedrooms, and they all have small mirrors. A hot tub gets nearly as much space as the living room.
"The show is about voyeurism," Chaplin says, "and we needed to create unique living spaces for the cast." The sight-lines, he says, drive the flow of the design. In the shower, for example, you can see through windows into the living room and the bath, inviting inclusion -- and a bit of intrusion.
Susan Freudenheim is a reporter for the Los Angeles Times, a Tribune Publishing newspaper.
That's all for now, if anything else surfaces we'll post it! or if you have anything pleae e-mail it to
By Susan Freudenheim
Originally published September 10, 2002
LAS VEGAS -- "My house in Cutoff is, like, a country house," says the all-smiles Trichelle, a 22-year-old from an aptly named rural Louisiana town, soon after the opening credits of the season premiere episode of MTV's The Real World. The cameras-in-the-house show that helped unleash a flood of so-called reality programming begins its 12th season on Sept. 17, set this time in the new youth-oriented Palms Casino Resort just off the Las Vegas strip.
"This," drawls Trichelle, who -- like all cast members -- uses only her first name, "is a city house."
To call the show's setting a house is a stretch. A three-bedroom, full-service, high-roller hotel suite is more like it. Real World's trademark device is to see what kind of intimacy results when you make roommates of seven photogenic 20-somethings who first meet in their quasi-dormitory living situation.
As Real World moved to the very unreal world of Vegas, the producers left behind the Ikea-style decor of their lofts and houses of past seasons. This time, the cast lives in souped-up modern style on the 28th floor of a casino resort, with incredible views and a relentless 24-hour scene just below.
Part of the voyeuristic appeal of Real World relies on the cast living fully exposed lives. And for it to work, the backdrop that is their home is key.
Walk into the Real World suite today, and it looks pretty much as it did when the cast lived there from mid-February until late June of this year. Palms owner George Maloof has taken care to preserve what the casino and MTV created together, and he is marketing the space to his top customers, personally deciding who can stay there -- "high-rollers, celebrities and sports people" being his first choice, he says.
Maloof says the project cost him $2 million. He paid to configure the rooms and decorate the space, and MTV, which won't say how much it spent on the apartment, added some of the fine touches, including artworks and other details.
Maloof used as designers the Los Angeles-based Jerde Partnership, which had designed the rest of the Palms resort-casino, because he wanted to give the apartment the same signature look. The 2,900-square-foot suite was created by demolishing six hotel rooms, and the entire floor had to remain empty for seven months to accommodate the setup, including 4 1/2 months of taping. Four rooms surrounding the suite were used for production. It was a small price to pay, Maloof says, for the exposure that the show will afford his $265 million Palms enterprise.
There's a definite "wow" effect to Jerde's interior design, created by Sharmila Tankha in partnership with Maloof and Tracy Chaplin, the show's executive producer. The circular suite has three very small bedrooms on one side, two with two queen beds, and a third with three. Quirks abound throughout: The kitchen doesn't have a sink, although the bar has two.
Three washbasins in a tightly fitting row stand out in the open hallway, just outside the bedrooms, and they all have small mirrors. A hot tub gets nearly as much space as the living room.
"The show is about voyeurism," Chaplin says, "and we needed to create unique living spaces for the cast." The sight-lines, he says, drive the flow of the design. In the shower, for example, you can see through windows into the living room and the bath, inviting inclusion -- and a bit of intrusion.
Susan Freudenheim is a reporter for the Los Angeles Times, a Tribune Publishing newspaper.
That's all for now, if anything else surfaces we'll post it! or if you have anything pleae e-mail it to
Today, marks the first anniversary of September 11th, 2001, so we have chosen to remember those that were killed on that tragic day. If any Real World or Road Rules news becomes available we will make it available to you as well. For the names of the people that died in the attacks click here. For special MSNBC coverage of the event visit 9/11 Remebered. 9.11.01 - We will never forget ... America Remembers.
Tuesday, September 10, 2002
Wanda from E-online did her weekly chat.
She comments that Brynn is there until the Road Rulers come into town. It's unclear whether she leaves. Also, she says that Angel (Alton?) leaves the show. (A new castmember?) Maybe Wanda doesn't have her information straight.
And finally... Wanda says that she won't reveal the winner of the Battle of the Sexes because MTV may have a sweepstakes coming out. That particular question is not with the other RW/RR questions in the group and is at the end of the chat. She says aloha at the end of the answer... ((Highlight to Read)"Aloha" as in Hawaii... Like we reported earlier... Colin wins the Battle)
That's all folks!
She comments that Brynn is there until the Road Rulers come into town. It's unclear whether she leaves. Also, she says that Angel (Alton?) leaves the show. (A new castmember?) Maybe Wanda doesn't have her information straight.
And finally... Wanda says that she won't reveal the winner of the Battle of the Sexes because MTV may have a sweepstakes coming out. That particular question is not with the other RW/RR questions in the group and is at the end of the chat. She says aloha at the end of the answer... ((Highlight to Read)"Aloha" as in Hawaii... Like we reported earlier... Colin wins the Battle)
That's all folks!
Monday, September 09, 2002
Just for your information... Syrus (Boston), Julie (New Orleans), and Puck (San Francisco) will all be appearing on MTVs Becoming. Remember Becoming? The show that is now that horrid piece of crap hosted by Christina Milian? It's going back to its old format this season. Watch for it on the 10 Spot. Also, Julie has her own band now. Go to her site for more info on that.
Speaking of website, Lori (Back to New York) and her journal is becoming a good visit. You can read about her VMA romp with her fellow RW/RR castmates. Those there included Campus Crawl, Veronica (Semester At Sea), Scott Wolfe, Kelley (New Orleans), Kyle (Chicago). It's quite funny. Read about it at!
Speaking of website, Lori (Back to New York) and her journal is becoming a good visit. You can read about her VMA romp with her fellow RW/RR castmates. Those there included Campus Crawl, Veronica (Semester At Sea), Scott Wolfe, Kelley (New Orleans), Kyle (Chicago). It's quite funny. Read about it at!
Sunday, September 08, 2002
About the Admin2's last post on Road Rules being in Africa next year... Road Rules 11 was originally supposed to happen in the Phillipines. However, after September 11th, Bunim-Murray Productions decided not to go overseas to film Road Rules and stayed in the US with the Campus Crawl. That post about Road Rules being in Africa was on the boards. With the security esclations after September 11th and the difficulty of getting permits to film overseas now and the danger involved to actually go to these countries, we don't know if BMP really plans to go to Africa and its countries. Most likely, it's not true. But it would be a great season if it was.
Saturday, September 07, 2002
For now the TV Guide Listings are saying this for MTV's The Real World: Las Vegas on Tue Sept 17th at 9 PM CST:
The 12th season of the reality series kicks off with the “seven strangers” arriving at their new home: a posh penthouse suite in a Las Vegas casino hotel.
This time around, the group includes Alton, a likable San Diego resident who plays the violin; sweet Arissa, a Boston native with money worries; and Brynn, a self-described “party animal” who has a sharp wit---and a pierced tongue. Rounding out the cast are outgoing Frank, who hails from a small rural town in Pennsylvania; artistic Irulan, who left a boyfriend behind in New York; flirtatious Trishelle, who likes “nice, but not too nice” men; and Steven, who once got married in Vegas---and is now getting divorced.
Remember, if you want to help us provide the best news please e-mail us NEWS, sightings, pictures(that haven't already been posted), and other stuff you may have, we will credit you if you state otherwise. Please e-mail all that too Remember we will credit if you state otherwise.
The 12th season of the reality series kicks off with the “seven strangers” arriving at their new home: a posh penthouse suite in a Las Vegas casino hotel.
This time around, the group includes Alton, a likable San Diego resident who plays the violin; sweet Arissa, a Boston native with money worries; and Brynn, a self-described “party animal” who has a sharp wit---and a pierced tongue. Rounding out the cast are outgoing Frank, who hails from a small rural town in Pennsylvania; artistic Irulan, who left a boyfriend behind in New York; flirtatious Trishelle, who likes “nice, but not too nice” men; and Steven, who once got married in Vegas---and is now getting divorced.
Remember, if you want to help us provide the best news please e-mail us NEWS, sightings, pictures(that haven't already been posted), and other stuff you may have, we will credit you if you state otherwise. Please e-mail all that too Remember we will credit if you state otherwise.
Well, Bunim-Murray is currently casting for the 13th season of 'The Real World' and the 12th season of 'Road Rules.' The deadline for home video tapes is September 22, 2002, while open casting calls have yet to be announced. For more information, visit Some of you have been asking about that, so we decided to inform you like this.
UPDATE: Victor e-mailed us and told us that he saw a Bunim Murray commercial that said the casting of 'Real World' 12 and 'Road Rules' 12 has been extended to October 7th. I don't know how true that is....So I am checking in to it...
Another late breaking update, check your local listings at TV for Road Rules seasons 1-4 syndication. They are now being broadcasted in mass-syndication, we are unable to provide you with a network, because it is in syndication, that means that any network could play it. Just check your listings.
Also, Well we want your comments on the Las Vegas Real World cast. I think they're pretty darn scandalist, so expect to see loads of sex and more. The girls are extrememly hot, and I think there will be another in house relationship, so send in your comments on the cast to, we will post some of the interesting comments. That's all for now.
UPDATE: Victor e-mailed us and told us that he saw a Bunim Murray commercial that said the casting of 'Real World' 12 and 'Road Rules' 12 has been extended to October 7th. I don't know how true that is....So I am checking in to it...
Another late breaking update, check your local listings at TV for Road Rules seasons 1-4 syndication. They are now being broadcasted in mass-syndication, we are unable to provide you with a network, because it is in syndication, that means that any network could play it. Just check your listings.
Also, Well we want your comments on the Las Vegas Real World cast. I think they're pretty darn scandalist, so expect to see loads of sex and more. The girls are extrememly hot, and I think there will be another in house relationship, so send in your comments on the cast to, we will post some of the interesting comments. That's all for now.
Friday, September 06, 2002
Hey, thanks to all off you who emailed us about the Kyle/Lori relationship. Apparently, they've only begun dating recently and it is true. Lori was dating a professional surfer by the name of David Martin. The two broke up several months ago, and now Lori seems to be dating Kyle.
Lori recently wrote in her journal about her trip to the VMAs and the girl who won a date with Kyle. Lori affectionately refers to the girl who won as "Psycho Bi***", and she speaks of it in detail. You can see her journal at The girl's name is Kristin and the contest was held by Steve Madden. You can see pictures from the date, Kyle with "Laurie" at Steve Madden's Website. (Her hand is all up in his shirt in that picture!)
Also, more Kyle news! Remember how Wanda told us about Kyle's appearance in the independent film. Well, it's a film about the 80s called Sherrie. Ariescope Pictures produced the film. To see pictures (including one of a shot of Kyle's bum). He plays the lead character of Craig. You can check out the Ariescope website for more pictures and information. ut you can check out these links to pictures: (BTW, the butt picture matches with the other picture of Kyle in the gown.)
Kyle's Bum
Kyle in Shower (w/ wig)
Kyle in the 80s
Kyle in gown
And Wanda mentions in her article at that Dan (Miami) who appeared on Battle of the Sexes really did like Puck, adding that Puck only did his hijinks for the cameras... Who didn't know that?
Lori recently wrote in her journal about her trip to the VMAs and the girl who won a date with Kyle. Lori affectionately refers to the girl who won as "Psycho Bi***", and she speaks of it in detail. You can see her journal at The girl's name is Kristin and the contest was held by Steve Madden. You can see pictures from the date, Kyle with "Laurie" at Steve Madden's Website. (Her hand is all up in his shirt in that picture!)
Also, more Kyle news! Remember how Wanda told us about Kyle's appearance in the independent film. Well, it's a film about the 80s called Sherrie. Ariescope Pictures produced the film. To see pictures (including one of a shot of Kyle's bum). He plays the lead character of Craig. You can check out the Ariescope website for more pictures and information. ut you can check out these links to pictures: (BTW, the butt picture matches with the other picture of Kyle in the gown.)
Kyle's Bum
Kyle in Shower (w/ wig)
Kyle in the 80s
Kyle in gown
And Wanda mentions in her article at that Dan (Miami) who appeared on Battle of the Sexes really did like Puck, adding that Puck only did his hijinks for the cameras... Who didn't know that?
Thursday, September 05, 2002
I apologize for not updating yesterday... New stuff today!
The RWXII Preview aired yesterday, showing the first inklings of Las Vegas. These previews tend to skimp, A LOT, so expect to see a lot more. Everything that we mentioned about the first episodes, was shown during the RWXII Preview. The Frank/Trishelle/Steve/Brynn crossfire. The hot tubs. The wedding books. Anyway, expect a lot more! We should be getting screen caps of the episodes soon. (I missed the first sin... as I was watching Kelly win American Idol.)
And we hear that Lori (Back to New York) and Kyle (Chicago) are dating? Can anyone confirm that? I've heard that since way back when, but is it true?
Plus, expect the book, the video, and a lot more of money making merchandise to come out of Las Vegas... They're already listed on That's all for today.
The RWXII Preview aired yesterday, showing the first inklings of Las Vegas. These previews tend to skimp, A LOT, so expect to see a lot more. Everything that we mentioned about the first episodes, was shown during the RWXII Preview. The Frank/Trishelle/Steve/Brynn crossfire. The hot tubs. The wedding books. Anyway, expect a lot more! We should be getting screen caps of the episodes soon. (I missed the first sin... as I was watching Kelly win American Idol.)
And we hear that Lori (Back to New York) and Kyle (Chicago) are dating? Can anyone confirm that? I've heard that since way back when, but is it true?
Plus, expect the book, the video, and a lot more of money making merchandise to come out of Las Vegas... They're already listed on That's all for today.
Tuesday, September 03, 2002
Minor note... TVguide, who usually publishes a blurb about upcoming episodes of Real World, recently put up their listing for Episodes 1201/1202. It doesn't have a description, as I'm sure MTV wants to keep a lid on this one, but they do confirm that the first episode (as always) will be a hour long.'s onair schedule is the same as well. More later if more listings pop up.
The RWXII Preview is tomorrow!
The RWXII Preview is tomorrow!
Monday, September 02, 2002
As we reported yesterday, this article in Entertainment Weekly briefly mentions the appearance of Aneesa and Kyle as "seat-fillers". An interesting tidbit. (A lot of people seemed to miss Lori as she just cut and dyed her hair. She mentions that and her trip to the VMAs in her website.
Plus, for those emails we've been getting negative feedback from the way the VMAs looked and the supposed similarity that it will have in Las Vegas, with the new camera equipment... Here's the link to our source: Las Vegas Sun It does say it is a rumor, so hopefully, all your hopes won't be totally crushed.
We also found this small article about Jean Nedel who is training the seven strangers. It looks like they are working at Rain in the Desert, a club at the Palms. Here's the blurb. It's at the end of the article. It says that their principal job is to put on promotion parties. Also, they reportedly worked on teambuilding, leadership skills, etc., with a professional. Also, we hear that the Palms is the place to go if you're hip. We heard the plethora of movie stars that went to the Palms when Real World was there. Add none other than Mario Lopez and Marlon Wayons, who were spotted along with the RWers by a hotel patron (not together) on the same night.
As always, more later!
Plus, for those emails we've been getting negative feedback from the way the VMAs looked and the supposed similarity that it will have in Las Vegas, with the new camera equipment... Here's the link to our source: Las Vegas Sun It does say it is a rumor, so hopefully, all your hopes won't be totally crushed.
We also found this small article about Jean Nedel who is training the seven strangers. It looks like they are working at Rain in the Desert, a club at the Palms. Here's the blurb. It's at the end of the article. It says that their principal job is to put on promotion parties. Also, they reportedly worked on teambuilding, leadership skills, etc., with a professional. Also, we hear that the Palms is the place to go if you're hip. We heard the plethora of movie stars that went to the Palms when Real World was there. Add none other than Mario Lopez and Marlon Wayons, who were spotted along with the RWers by a hotel patron (not together) on the same night.
As always, more later!
Sunday, September 01, 2002
We finally got this sorted out! Kyle, Lori and Aneesa are in the first picture. The second and third pictures are the Real World Las Vegas. The second picture is of the girls. However, the second picture doesn't look like Irulan, Arissa, Brynn and Trishelle. Does someone get kicked out? We'll see. It might be them. However, in the third picture, the guys from left to right, are Steve, Frank and Alton. Hope that helps. You can see the images at They only show them in thumbnailed form as a free service.
Missing your Real World fix? Coming up within the next two weeks MTV will be airing Real World craziness!
Welcome to Sin City: The RW Guide to Vegas
The world is introduced to Alton, Arissa, Brynn, Frank, Irulan, Steve, and Trishelle.
airs: September 4, 2002 10:00pmPST
repeats: September 5, 2002 3:00pmPST & September 7, 2002 12:30PST
The Real World: The Lost Season
Adam, Boomer, Cash, Keith, Liz, Melinda, and Omara are faced with life and death situations.
airs: September 13, 2002 3:30pmPST
The Real World X: Back to New York
Coral, Kevin, Lori, Malik, Mike, Nicole, and Rachel are brought back to the Big Apple.
begins: September 13, 2002 5:00pmPST
ends: September 14, 2002 2:30amPST
The Real World V: Miami
Watch Cynthia, Dan, Flora, Joe, Melissa, Mike, and Sarah in this classic season of the Real World.
begins: September 14, 2002 03:00amPST
ends: September 14, 2002 01:30pmPST
The Real World XI: Chicago
Aneesa, Cara, Chris, Keri, Kyle, Theo and Tonya live it up in the windy city.
begins: September 14, 2002 02:00pmPST
ends: September 15, 2002 02:00amPST
The Real World: Tenth Anniversary Special
The first nine casts reunite for a day of reminiscing, catching up, and Puck.
airs: September 15, 2002 03:00amPST
The Real World: Hook-Ups, Heartbreaks and Happily Ever After
Syrus (Boston) and Becky (New York) recount a decade's worth of hook-ups in the Real World.
airs: September 15, 2002 04:30amPST
The Real World Reunion 2000
Miami, Boston, Seattle, and Hawaii reunite. Hosted by former MTV VJ Dave Holmes.
airs: September 15, 2002 05:00amPST
The Real World XI: New Orleans
David, Danny, Jamie, Julie, Kelley, Matt and Melissa in the Belfort.
begins: September 15, 2002 06:30amPST
ends: September 15, 2002 07:00pmPST
And all this leads to the season premiere of The Real World XII: Las Vegas airing September 17 at 10:00PST.
Welcome to Sin City: The RW Guide to Vegas
The world is introduced to Alton, Arissa, Brynn, Frank, Irulan, Steve, and Trishelle.
airs: September 4, 2002 10:00pmPST
repeats: September 5, 2002 3:00pmPST & September 7, 2002 12:30PST
The Real World: The Lost Season
Adam, Boomer, Cash, Keith, Liz, Melinda, and Omara are faced with life and death situations.
airs: September 13, 2002 3:30pmPST
The Real World X: Back to New York
Coral, Kevin, Lori, Malik, Mike, Nicole, and Rachel are brought back to the Big Apple.
begins: September 13, 2002 5:00pmPST
ends: September 14, 2002 2:30amPST
The Real World V: Miami
Watch Cynthia, Dan, Flora, Joe, Melissa, Mike, and Sarah in this classic season of the Real World.
begins: September 14, 2002 03:00amPST
ends: September 14, 2002 01:30pmPST
The Real World XI: Chicago
Aneesa, Cara, Chris, Keri, Kyle, Theo and Tonya live it up in the windy city.
begins: September 14, 2002 02:00pmPST
ends: September 15, 2002 02:00amPST
The Real World: Tenth Anniversary Special
The first nine casts reunite for a day of reminiscing, catching up, and Puck.
airs: September 15, 2002 03:00amPST
The Real World: Hook-Ups, Heartbreaks and Happily Ever After
Syrus (Boston) and Becky (New York) recount a decade's worth of hook-ups in the Real World.
airs: September 15, 2002 04:30amPST
The Real World Reunion 2000
Miami, Boston, Seattle, and Hawaii reunite. Hosted by former MTV VJ Dave Holmes.
airs: September 15, 2002 05:00amPST
The Real World XI: New Orleans
David, Danny, Jamie, Julie, Kelley, Matt and Melissa in the Belfort.
begins: September 15, 2002 06:30amPST
ends: September 15, 2002 07:00pmPST
And all this leads to the season premiere of The Real World XII: Las Vegas airing September 17 at 10:00PST.
Saturday, August 31, 2002
So what should you expect with the Real World: Las Vegas? Are you eagerly awaiting the first episode of the season? Well, this Wednesday, MTV is airing the RWXII Preview, which will most likely be a casting special of some sorts. They will introduce Alton, Arissa, Brynn, Frank, Irulan, Steve, and Trishelle through interviews most likely. They'll show you a bit of the house as well.
So want to know what happens in the first few episodes? You've come to the right place. We have recieved exclusive information about the first few episodes. This is spoiler information: From what we hear this season is going to be an amazing season, a throwback to Hawaii days. In the first few episodes, there is a love triangle of sorts (Well, it's more like a square.) Frank, the golden boy from PA, immediately falls in love with Trishelle, the bombshell from down south. However, Trishelle doesn't like Frank, and falls for Steven, the other southern boy. However, Brynn, the one from Oregon, has a thing for Steven too, and swears that she and Steve will hook up... So, when Steven and Trishelle hook up on their second night in Vegas, (Did I mention it was in front of Frank?) all hell breaks loose with one cast member. You'll see a little bit of Steven's past, when he breaks out wedding books, showing the roommates his wedding. (However, upon coming to Vegas, he is in the middle of divorce proceedings.) And what's the premiere of a season without a little nudity? Expect the hot tub to be nudity central, as the kids get naked in the hot tub. (Well, the girls get naked and there is a little touching... The guys wear their bathing suits.)
Sound exciting? It should. The Real World: Las Vegas premieres Tuesday, September 17th on MTV. Now for more Battle of the Sexes news. A little old and a little tired. But remember when Julie posted in her journal a week after she left for Jamaica? Well, it apparently does stem from that arguement that Melissa and Julie had on their respective websites. (NOTE: Julie made a comment on her journal about how she felt that Melissa was close minded about ethnic/racial issues in New Orleans. Melissa proceeded to get angry and told her to cool it, telling her that she had way too much on her and how she had told her before, to keep her name out of her mouth.) However, it extends further from that. Whatever had pissed off Melissa that one time, pissed off all of the girls. It was only referred to something that Julie had pulled regarding business outside the show. Therefore, a huge alliance was formed ad she is voted out around the third day. She knew that she was going up against the opposition and when she is voted out she gives a speech about how no one likes her and adds some references to her Mormonism in there too.
Also, on Discovery Health last night, Cara (Chicago), Coral (Back to New York) and Becky (New York) all appeared on Berman & Berman: For Women Only. They talked about how women were portrayed on the media. Cara said she was humilated with how she turned out on the show, when she was outed as the house slut. Coral said she was the house bitch. And Becky, because of the fact that the season was filmed in 1992, wasn't really portrayed in any extreme light. Try to catch a rerun...
That's all everyone! Have a great day!
So want to know what happens in the first few episodes? You've come to the right place. We have recieved exclusive information about the first few episodes. This is spoiler information: From what we hear this season is going to be an amazing season, a throwback to Hawaii days. In the first few episodes, there is a love triangle of sorts (Well, it's more like a square.) Frank, the golden boy from PA, immediately falls in love with Trishelle, the bombshell from down south. However, Trishelle doesn't like Frank, and falls for Steven, the other southern boy. However, Brynn, the one from Oregon, has a thing for Steven too, and swears that she and Steve will hook up... So, when Steven and Trishelle hook up on their second night in Vegas, (Did I mention it was in front of Frank?) all hell breaks loose with one cast member. You'll see a little bit of Steven's past, when he breaks out wedding books, showing the roommates his wedding. (However, upon coming to Vegas, he is in the middle of divorce proceedings.) And what's the premiere of a season without a little nudity? Expect the hot tub to be nudity central, as the kids get naked in the hot tub. (Well, the girls get naked and there is a little touching... The guys wear their bathing suits.)
Sound exciting? It should. The Real World: Las Vegas premieres Tuesday, September 17th on MTV. Now for more Battle of the Sexes news. A little old and a little tired. But remember when Julie posted in her journal a week after she left for Jamaica? Well, it apparently does stem from that arguement that Melissa and Julie had on their respective websites. (NOTE: Julie made a comment on her journal about how she felt that Melissa was close minded about ethnic/racial issues in New Orleans. Melissa proceeded to get angry and told her to cool it, telling her that she had way too much on her and how she had told her before, to keep her name out of her mouth.) However, it extends further from that. Whatever had pissed off Melissa that one time, pissed off all of the girls. It was only referred to something that Julie had pulled regarding business outside the show. Therefore, a huge alliance was formed ad she is voted out around the third day. She knew that she was going up against the opposition and when she is voted out she gives a speech about how no one likes her and adds some references to her Mormonism in there too.
Also, on Discovery Health last night, Cara (Chicago), Coral (Back to New York) and Becky (New York) all appeared on Berman & Berman: For Women Only. They talked about how women were portrayed on the media. Cara said she was humilated with how she turned out on the show, when she was outed as the house slut. Coral said she was the house bitch. And Becky, because of the fact that the season was filmed in 1992, wasn't really portrayed in any extreme light. Try to catch a rerun...
That's all everyone! Have a great day!
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- Hello, Fantasy Challenge starts today at ...
- Wanda comments on the new season of the Battle: "J...
- Happy New Years! 2003 is looking to be a great yea...
- Last night, MTV aired a introduction special to th...
- Last night, MTV aired a introduction special to th...
- So you want to date a pseudo-celebrity? Now here's...
- reports on the new season of the Battle...
- New news folks! According to some sources, Steve a...
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11/03 - 11/10
- Well we've got a story from Candace in Baltimore, ...
- RWRRB EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW We recently performed an...
- claims that that girl on the le...
- Due to the heavy volume of questions that we have ...
- Just wanted totell you all that Danny's site, http...
- On, we noticed that the release date fo...
- Well we finally set up an interview with Julie fro...
10/27 - 11/03
- Also, we have a picture of Kelley from New Orleans...
- In today's Celebrity Dodgeball Game at UCLA, the c...
- For those of you in the area, every single castmem...
- We just wanted to remind you that if you have any ...
- Frank said in a recent interview with on l...
- Fulton wanted to tell us that Mrs. Melissa Howard ...
- Well on the day of the Real World: Las Vegas night...
- I forgot to ask you all, what did you all think of...
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10/06 - 10/13
- An anonymous e-mailer sent in this portion of the ...
- I just wanted to add a tidbit to your Favortie pla...
- Here are some of your comments from that enquire a...
- Today Wanda from wrote about Melissa, ...
- We want to know something.... Has the Real World ...
- Here are some of your comments: Here's one on the...
- So next week, will Brynn get kicked out the Real W...
- and We're back! First off I was tipped off about...
- Bad news, the power has been out since October 4th...
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09/15 - 09/22
- Is there nothing but confusion created by the BMP ...
- Bunim-Murray has thrown another curveball this tim...
- I've thought about this for a while now....I've co...
- Being hailed as one of the most innovative, dramat...
- Well everyone tonight as you all know is the Real ...
- Sorry for no updates yesterday... No real news to ...
09/08 - 09/15
- Guess what? I've found a sweeet game it's called M...
- In preparation for Tuesday's premiere of 'The Real...
- FYI..... Cara form RW-Chicago will be on the Jenny...
- and....... happy belated (September 11th) 21st bir...
- Another news article Provided by The Sun: by Kirk ...
- News article Provided by The Sun: By Susan Freuden...
- Today, marks the first anniversary of September 11...
- Wanda from E-online did her weekly chat. She comm...
- Just for your information... Syrus (Boston), Julie...
- So last week it was penis for dinner on Road Rules...
- About the Admin2's last post on Road Rules being i...
09/01 - 09/08
- For now the TV Guide Listings are saying this for ...
- Well, Bunim-Murray is currently casting for the 13...
- Hey, thanks to all off you who emailed us about th...
- I apologize for not updating yesterday... New stuf...
- Minor note... TVguide, who usually publishes a blu...
- As we reported yesterday, this article in Entertai...
- We finally got this sorted out! Kyle, Lori and Ane...
- Missing your Real World fix? Coming up within the ...
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