Welcome! Look to this blog for daily rumors/postings/news on the Real World and Road Rules. We won't give you bull here. Just information strictly on Road Rules and Real World. If you're looking for other information, we'll get you there too with our comprehensive section of links! So, stay tuned and enjoy our blog!

Thursday, July 10, 2003

Sorry for the inconsistencies of the updates in the past few weeks. Hope you are having a great summer. Apparently, there is news leaking out... that the Challenge is going to be filmed in Colorado. The start of filming has actually been pushed back to mid-July. Thanks to the several people who have emailed me about that. We'd also like to acknowledge that the information has appeared on several other websites.

And I have recieved some information that the fourteenth season of The Real World set in San Diego, is slated to begin July 29. Word is that the castmembers are picked and are just waiting to move into the house.

Monday, July 07, 2003

Hello! Hope you had a great Holiday Weekend! First, I must acknowledge the following information at the insistance of so many visitors... Cara and Dave (South Pacific) are rumored to be DATING. Yes, Dave is at the MTV message boards, talking about (amongst other things) that he and Cara are together. Seem kinda weird? Definitely... Especially after the fact that we hear that Marybeth and Dave were supposed to be the two lovebirds of this season. We might see something on these two, we might not.

Trishelle (Las Vegas) will be starring in an off-Broadway play once she gets off the Challenge filming right now. It's a revolving cast that also stars Jenna Morasca, the million dollar winner of Survivor: The Amazon. Go to the article here. Trishelle was also nominated for a Teen Choice Award for Favorite Female in the Reality Category. Thanks to Sue for that.

Now some info about some fan-based internet games based on the Real World and Road Rules. RWRR Ultimate is now casting for their game. And JamesDDogg which we reported to you last time is no longer accepting applicants for his game.

Thanks! Have a pleasant day!