This is a SPOILER! Something NOT about the Las Vegas cast. We recently got news about the Road Rulers final mission and their handsome reward. They will call it the "Blind Faith Mission". Remember how the Road Rulers had to entrust each other in Mission #1 at Appalachian State? Well, this time it's a little different.
They filmed this FINAL episode at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo back in April. It is one hour north of Santa Barbara, California. It's part of the California State University System. The WHOLE RV was lifted high into the air with a crane and attached to the RV was a platform where they had to walk across an obtacle course to the other side. Darrell was the first member to go across with no blindfold and the rest had to go across WITH a blindfold. They used the directions of Darrell on the other side to help them get across. It was pretty amazing watching the filming from the ground. Each member emerged from the RV that was dangling in mid air and had to climb up to the top of the RV and then out onto the long obtacle course tight-rope sort of thing to the other side. The handsome and final reward for this mission was a trip around the world.
Their mayors were named Ben and Katrina. Apparently all they asked when they auditioned mayors was their shirt size. ANYWAY, you can read the article Cal Poly, SLO wrote here. But most of this info was emailed to us by a student.
Thanks. That's all!
Welcome! Look to this blog for daily rumors/postings/news on the Real World and Road Rules. We won't give you bull here. Just information strictly on Road Rules and Real World. If you're looking for other information, we'll get you there too with our comprehensive section of links! So, stay tuned and enjoy our blog!
Saturday, August 17, 2002
Here's Steve, the guy who we posted exclusive pictures on, but his photo can now be found at!
The Real World cast stands at Steve, Alton, Brynn (who we thought was Bree), Trishelle, and Irulan! There's two kids missing! Email us at if anything else comes up!
The Real World cast stands at Steve, Alton, Brynn (who we thought was Bree), Trishelle, and Irulan! There's two kids missing! Email us at if anything else comes up!
And finally, here's Raquel, the rumored seventh member of Road Rules:
Email us at if anything else comes up!
Email us at if anything else comes up!
So... looks like we're going the wrong way with everything here. Reality World TV recently pointed us in this direction. Here's another picture of the cast member, Irulan... It's a name that we have yet to hear... Here's the link:
Email us at if you find the last three (or even one for that matter)! So, from the word from MTV it is Brynn, Alton, Trishelle, and Irulan!
Email us at if you find the last three (or even one for that matter)! So, from the word from MTV it is Brynn, Alton, Trishelle, and Irulan!
Fueling all the speculation, with posting pictures of supposed cast members Bree and Steve, we get another set from none other than These pictures appeared at the Tuescan Boards at first, so we will bring them here. Here's the world's first look at Alton, Brynn, and Trishelle.
Here's the link to the pictures.
So, this is it? But doesn't this add questions upon questions upon questions? Neither the names Steve or Bree bring anything up... None of the other rumored names, including ones not listed here (and we tried all of them), bring anything up. Are all the pictures uploaded yet? Is Bree and Brynn really feasible? Are they the same person? What about Alton? Is he the seventh? Are these really the castmembers? Heh. That's just the fun part of doing this I guess. We'll never, ever know until the season starts. So, just to say, everything, even the stuff on, is SPECULATION. It's just interesting to see. If you have any additional pictures, please email them to us at
Here's the links to the individual pictures:
Here's the link to the pictures.
So, this is it? But doesn't this add questions upon questions upon questions? Neither the names Steve or Bree bring anything up... None of the other rumored names, including ones not listed here (and we tried all of them), bring anything up. Are all the pictures uploaded yet? Is Bree and Brynn really feasible? Are they the same person? What about Alton? Is he the seventh? Are these really the castmembers? Heh. That's just the fun part of doing this I guess. We'll never, ever know until the season starts. So, just to say, everything, even the stuff on, is SPECULATION. It's just interesting to see. If you have any additional pictures, please email them to us at
Here's the links to the individual pictures:
A friend from Steve from the upcoming Real World Las Vegas, who goes by the name of "Biff", recently emailed us about the cast member and gave us exclusive pics! If you use these pics, please give credit to our site. :) Apparently, the Real World/Road Rules connection this year is a little more freaky than we thought.
Remember the Boyz Cellar? The bar that Shane and Darrell stripped in. Supposedly, even though he's straight, he bartended at the bar. So... he must be very free-spirited. Also, he attended Southwest Texas State, the same college that they did the bungee jump from. He also hails from Austin, Texas.
Here's the link to the pics.
Wow. Two cast members in one day. If you have pics of the cast members, email us at! As with every season, until the season premieres EVERYTHING is speculation. That's what makes this kind of thing FUN. We'll have to see if this information really pans out once the season premieres...
Remember the Boyz Cellar? The bar that Shane and Darrell stripped in. Supposedly, even though he's straight, he bartended at the bar. So... he must be very free-spirited. Also, he attended Southwest Texas State, the same college that they did the bungee jump from. He also hails from Austin, Texas.
Here's the link to the pics.
Wow. Two cast members in one day. If you have pics of the cast members, email us at! As with every season, until the season premieres EVERYTHING is speculation. That's what makes this kind of thing FUN. We'll have to see if this information really pans out once the season premieres...
Friday, August 16, 2002
Wanda that beautiful, beautiful vixen on revealed some juicy, scary tidbits on the Battle cast... as she promised and as we were reporting to you. These are spoilers... She reveals that Puck is the one who ties the knot to his lovely, lovely girlfriend. It is actually the one who he beat up and was put in jail for a year for beating her up. Anyway, don't expect that marital bliss to continue, as when one of Puck's favorite Real World girls are voted out of the girls group, he goes crazy, chasing the camera guys with a machete. WOW. Anyway, he's kicked off, and the latest Real World guy who was voted off replaces Puck for a week.
Also, Wanda dishes on James and Emily, the couple who got together after the Extreme Challenge. Well, remember how Emily was saying on Battle of the Seasons that once Chadwick was gone, Holly would crumble? Well, after the guys kick James off, Emily votes herself off. She was supposedly very close to winning. Another WOW.
And finally, as was hinted before, the guys are in the lead... but this is probably the biggest spoiler, the guys WIN the actual Battle. And this was confirmed through one of our sources who is close to some cast members who were on the Battle.
This whole dish about the Battle has also cleared up, it gives us a little insight to how the game is played. A few surprises are promised, but it's the same premise as the Seasons, expect inner circles are formed through male/female groups. Also, expect to still have some Real World/Road Rules tensions, as it'll still be Real World/Road Rules as promised!
Whew, long news day... Here's some Las Vegas dish... Here's the first, official CLEAR picture of a Real Worlder:
This is the beautiful Bree who we reported eariler that was on the cast. This is actually the Palms swimming pool that she's in, where the cast works. Also, want to see the Real Worlders boss in their stay in Las Vegas?
The guy on the left is George Maloof owner of the Palms and Sacramento Kings. (The Real Worlders were seen hanging out with Sacramento Kings star Chris Webber and his girlfriend Tyra Banks.) It is really unclear if we'll see Mr. Maloof in the season, but we do know that the Real Worlders worked in the casino under Maloof's instructions to promote and work in order to stay in the hotel.
These pictures can be seen at ESPN 920 Radio's site. You can directly link to the picture of Bree here.
In connection with the Real World Las Vegas, someone emailed me about a small relatively unknown site dedicated to the Real World Las Vegas. You can find it here. (Thanks to Mike for that.) Anyway, we already know that Trishelle, Bree, and Steve are confirmed cast members of the twelfth season. However, it adds Brandon and Ariel to the list. The two cast members supposedly found the site through a forum and signed the site's guestmap. They say that they are under contract not to release any pictures until two weeks before September 17. If you're a castmember, send your pics our way at (Heheh... I had to say it.) Ariel hails from Oregon and Brandon hails from Massachuttes. We'll see if this pans out once the season starts. Also, we recieved an email saying that Lars was a part of this cast... So far it's Trishelle, Brandon, Ariel, Lars, Steve and Bree...We just need the seventh, who can be either a male or a female.
Also, with news from BacktoRendovouz, we recently heard that Judd from the San Francisco season is working on his Green Lantern comic. He was actually lucky to catch the interview with Judd on MSNBC:
"Last night RW3's Judd was interviewed with a news reporter on MSNBC, talking about how he's adding a gay teenager to the comic book series "The Green Lantern", and there was a confrontation between someone who hated the idea and Judd. Currently Judd is working on the comic "The Green Lantern" and is happily living with wife and former RWer Pam."
Also, look for the Road Rules Halfway There Marathon this weekend on MTV. Check your local listings for airtimes. PLUS, PLUS, PLUS... enter the Road Rules Midterm Exam Sweepstakes. You have to be 18 years old and a U.S. citizen in order to enter... You don't have to take the quiz, but the quiz is relatively easy. The grand prize is a 4-day, 3-night roadtrip with your friends in the Road Rules RV. The thing is... you have to pay for gas. Enter it @
That is it, people! Have an awesome day!
Also, Wanda dishes on James and Emily, the couple who got together after the Extreme Challenge. Well, remember how Emily was saying on Battle of the Seasons that once Chadwick was gone, Holly would crumble? Well, after the guys kick James off, Emily votes herself off. She was supposedly very close to winning. Another WOW.
And finally, as was hinted before, the guys are in the lead... but this is probably the biggest spoiler, the guys WIN the actual Battle. And this was confirmed through one of our sources who is close to some cast members who were on the Battle.
This whole dish about the Battle has also cleared up, it gives us a little insight to how the game is played. A few surprises are promised, but it's the same premise as the Seasons, expect inner circles are formed through male/female groups. Also, expect to still have some Real World/Road Rules tensions, as it'll still be Real World/Road Rules as promised!
Whew, long news day... Here's some Las Vegas dish... Here's the first, official CLEAR picture of a Real Worlder:
This is the beautiful Bree who we reported eariler that was on the cast. This is actually the Palms swimming pool that she's in, where the cast works. Also, want to see the Real Worlders boss in their stay in Las Vegas?
The guy on the left is George Maloof owner of the Palms and Sacramento Kings. (The Real Worlders were seen hanging out with Sacramento Kings star Chris Webber and his girlfriend Tyra Banks.) It is really unclear if we'll see Mr. Maloof in the season, but we do know that the Real Worlders worked in the casino under Maloof's instructions to promote and work in order to stay in the hotel.
These pictures can be seen at ESPN 920 Radio's site. You can directly link to the picture of Bree here.
In connection with the Real World Las Vegas, someone emailed me about a small relatively unknown site dedicated to the Real World Las Vegas. You can find it here. (Thanks to Mike for that.) Anyway, we already know that Trishelle, Bree, and Steve are confirmed cast members of the twelfth season. However, it adds Brandon and Ariel to the list. The two cast members supposedly found the site through a forum and signed the site's guestmap. They say that they are under contract not to release any pictures until two weeks before September 17. If you're a castmember, send your pics our way at (Heheh... I had to say it.) Ariel hails from Oregon and Brandon hails from Massachuttes. We'll see if this pans out once the season starts. Also, we recieved an email saying that Lars was a part of this cast... So far it's Trishelle, Brandon, Ariel, Lars, Steve and Bree...We just need the seventh, who can be either a male or a female.
Also, with news from BacktoRendovouz, we recently heard that Judd from the San Francisco season is working on his Green Lantern comic. He was actually lucky to catch the interview with Judd on MSNBC:
"Last night RW3's Judd was interviewed with a news reporter on MSNBC, talking about how he's adding a gay teenager to the comic book series "The Green Lantern", and there was a confrontation between someone who hated the idea and Judd. Currently Judd is working on the comic "The Green Lantern" and is happily living with wife and former RWer Pam."
Also, look for the Road Rules Halfway There Marathon this weekend on MTV. Check your local listings for airtimes. PLUS, PLUS, PLUS... enter the Road Rules Midterm Exam Sweepstakes. You have to be 18 years old and a U.S. citizen in order to enter... You don't have to take the quiz, but the quiz is relatively easy. The grand prize is a 4-day, 3-night roadtrip with your friends in the Road Rules RV. The thing is... you have to pay for gas. Enter it @
That is it, people! Have an awesome day!
Thursday, August 15, 2002
We've done some sleuthing and don't expect this one to stay around long at the site as we know that they check out our site rather frequently. Hey you guys at MTVi!! We also don't know if they planted this one... we don't think so, but it should be accurate.
So, who will replace Sarah once she gets the boot. A girl by the name of Raquel. We've been reporting on this for a short while. But this should officially confirm it. No picture, but confirms it for us. How do we know...
Go to this screen capture and find out yourself.
Good stuff, huh? Don't expect her profile to be around long. MTV will probably take it off soon. Just so everyone knows... This is an official profile... so only the folks at can make them up. Here's the Link.
That's it.
So, who will replace Sarah once she gets the boot. A girl by the name of Raquel. We've been reporting on this for a short while. But this should officially confirm it. No picture, but confirms it for us. How do we know...
Go to this screen capture and find out yourself.
Good stuff, huh? Don't expect her profile to be around long. MTV will probably take it off soon. Just so everyone knows... This is an official profile... so only the folks at can make them up. Here's the Link.
That's it.
Just to tell everyone... I posted this over THREE hours ago... BLOGGER is slow.
A little more news than normal today... Thanks to BacktoRendevouz who let us use their pictures that they took off the preview from the Real World: Las Vegas house! Here they are:

The house looks great. On a related note, everyone who views these pictures say that the house looks crammed. It's not that crammed. Actually, this is one of the biggest houses in RW history. (By far, Miami holds the title for that.) However, this house is significantly larger than the Belfort, which was pretty huge.
Also, I'd like to mention a site about past Real Worlders and Road Rulers, it's called Worldwide Talent Group. If you're considering an alumni to lecture for your school, go to their website. They have the hook-ups on all the cast members and most of the cast members ONLY lecture through them.
Also, we have an alumni update. Rachel from The Real World: Back to New York is now tending bar aat Scopa on Madison Avenue at 28th Street. Looks like she grew out of her virgin qualities. If you are in New York, go pay Rachel a visit.
Also, another visitor clued us in on Lindsay from Seattle and Battle of the Seasons fame about her and a recent marriage proposal:
"Lindsay is on the Bert morning show on Q100 in Atlanta. Well, on Tuesday, her boyfriend of 5 weeks, whom everyone likes to call "Frenchy" because he's French, actually PROPOSED to Lindsay live on the air. Well, everyone, including Frenchy, had to wait until Wednesday to hear what Lindsay said. Much to everyone's disappointment, Lindsay told Frenchy that she's at a time in her life that she doesn't want to be married. Frenchy kind of new that the answer was going to be no, but he said he would have been surprised if it was yes."
Thanks to Gabe for that info. You can hear the proposal and Lindsay's respose at their website. Her boyfriend, who she met in Aspen, recently bought them a house to go with the proposal.
A little more news than normal today... Thanks to BacktoRendevouz who let us use their pictures that they took off the preview from the Real World: Las Vegas house! Here they are:
The house looks great. On a related note, everyone who views these pictures say that the house looks crammed. It's not that crammed. Actually, this is one of the biggest houses in RW history. (By far, Miami holds the title for that.) However, this house is significantly larger than the Belfort, which was pretty huge.
Also, I'd like to mention a site about past Real Worlders and Road Rulers, it's called Worldwide Talent Group. If you're considering an alumni to lecture for your school, go to their website. They have the hook-ups on all the cast members and most of the cast members ONLY lecture through them.
Also, we have an alumni update. Rachel from The Real World: Back to New York is now tending bar aat Scopa on Madison Avenue at 28th Street. Looks like she grew out of her virgin qualities. If you are in New York, go pay Rachel a visit.
Also, another visitor clued us in on Lindsay from Seattle and Battle of the Seasons fame about her and a recent marriage proposal:
"Lindsay is on the Bert morning show on Q100 in Atlanta. Well, on Tuesday, her boyfriend of 5 weeks, whom everyone likes to call "Frenchy" because he's French, actually PROPOSED to Lindsay live on the air. Well, everyone, including Frenchy, had to wait until Wednesday to hear what Lindsay said. Much to everyone's disappointment, Lindsay told Frenchy that she's at a time in her life that she doesn't want to be married. Frenchy kind of new that the answer was going to be no, but he said he would have been surprised if it was yes."
Thanks to Gabe for that info. You can hear the proposal and Lindsay's respose at their website. Her boyfriend, who she met in Aspen, recently bought them a house to go with the proposal.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002
A little insight to the next airing of Road Rules. SPOILERISH INFORMATION... This next episode, which is the voting off episode, is all about the group. The group, with the impending threat that a random person will be removed and all their prizes will be taken away, will vote to vote. It is unclear who changes their mind.. The preview puts it on either Rachel or Sarah. Anyway, one of them does change their mind and Sarah is voted off. The rest of the episode is how Kendal handles Eric's quick action to voting someone off the group. This episode will air on the 19th. On the 26th, Road Rules will take a week off. Expect the newest cast member to be introduced on the 2nd of September. The person who is rumored to be joining the cast is Raquel from Round Rock, TX. This is a rumor and hasn't been confirmed from a realiable source. It'll be interesting to see though. Also, expect three more bungee missions, as reports that they were coordinating 4 different stunts for Road Rules in Tempe, Santa Barbara, Lubbock, and Austin. In these last few episodes, they are known to visit schools in Arizona, California and Nevada. So stay tuned for that.
A few updates today: recently wrote an article about Chicago's Chris, Cara, Theo and Kyle in attendance at the Teen Choice Awards (airing Monday on Fox) to present Jennifer Love Hewitt's performance. There are one or two interesting tidbits in this: especially the part about September 11th. I'm just disgruntled now...
"The cast of MTV's "The Real World: Chicago" was on hand to introduce a musical performance from Jennifer Love Hewitt. As Kyle Brandt, Cara Nussbaum, Chris Beckman and Theo Gantt walked the red carpet, it was hard not to notice them gawking at the "American Idol" contestants being swarmed with attention. Perhaps they chose to star in the wrong reality show. When asked what their advice would be to future "Real World" wannabes, Cara shouted, "Don't do it." Admittedly, she may be bitter. She admits that she can't find an agent who wants to represent her or a film to star in. Kyle has no such worries; he was recently the lead in an independent film, adding that it won't be appearing on Hollywood marquis. Chris is still modeling in New York, and Theo has showbiz aspirations of his own. One interesting tidbit, the cast admits their filmed reactions to Sept. 11 were staged. When the tragic event was taking place, they were actually at Wrigley Field for a photo shoot. Reality TV is not real? Say it ain't so."
Also, Melissa further updated her site, giving us a clue about why she deleted that information. She talks mostly about American Idol in her latest entry:
"...What in the hell is going on? They got free makeovers and goodie bags at Sephora? I need to know who did the trade out deal for MTV. We surely didn't get Sephora and we got some ugly clothes that I would wear if I was a pre-teen living in Iowa and accessorized exclusively with Claire's Boutique. The clothes sucked this year and I am so ashamed that I even attempted to cooperate by wearing them. I swear, it was only because I didn't want to ruin my own clothes. Gross! I can't even pronounce the name of the brand, but know that it was the poor man's American Eagle and maybe even worse. More talk about that when the shit airs. Don't want to be all caught up in some confidentiality breach. That would be messing with both my emotions and my money, I think. Back to AI..."
Now, the whole losing the money thing can mean any number of things. She might get sued because she's talking too much about the challenge or either that or she won the challenge and lost all that money she got. Who knows? She also mentions in the entry that she auditioned to be one of the hosts of American Idol, positions which are filled by Ryan Seacrest and Brian Dunkleman... Melissa hosting would've been hilarious. She also mentions in her RWNO section that she hates the article about TV Guide and the Lost Season.
Also, we will keep you updated on this... but Wanda from E-online is going to write an article this Friday supposedly about the Battle of the Sexes. She is suppose to mention tiny tidbits about everything and it'll definitely be an article to check out.
A few updates today: recently wrote an article about Chicago's Chris, Cara, Theo and Kyle in attendance at the Teen Choice Awards (airing Monday on Fox) to present Jennifer Love Hewitt's performance. There are one or two interesting tidbits in this: especially the part about September 11th. I'm just disgruntled now...
"The cast of MTV's "The Real World: Chicago" was on hand to introduce a musical performance from Jennifer Love Hewitt. As Kyle Brandt, Cara Nussbaum, Chris Beckman and Theo Gantt walked the red carpet, it was hard not to notice them gawking at the "American Idol" contestants being swarmed with attention. Perhaps they chose to star in the wrong reality show. When asked what their advice would be to future "Real World" wannabes, Cara shouted, "Don't do it." Admittedly, she may be bitter. She admits that she can't find an agent who wants to represent her or a film to star in. Kyle has no such worries; he was recently the lead in an independent film, adding that it won't be appearing on Hollywood marquis. Chris is still modeling in New York, and Theo has showbiz aspirations of his own. One interesting tidbit, the cast admits their filmed reactions to Sept. 11 were staged. When the tragic event was taking place, they were actually at Wrigley Field for a photo shoot. Reality TV is not real? Say it ain't so."
Also, Melissa further updated her site, giving us a clue about why she deleted that information. She talks mostly about American Idol in her latest entry:
"...What in the hell is going on? They got free makeovers and goodie bags at Sephora? I need to know who did the trade out deal for MTV. We surely didn't get Sephora and we got some ugly clothes that I would wear if I was a pre-teen living in Iowa and accessorized exclusively with Claire's Boutique. The clothes sucked this year and I am so ashamed that I even attempted to cooperate by wearing them. I swear, it was only because I didn't want to ruin my own clothes. Gross! I can't even pronounce the name of the brand, but know that it was the poor man's American Eagle and maybe even worse. More talk about that when the shit airs. Don't want to be all caught up in some confidentiality breach. That would be messing with both my emotions and my money, I think. Back to AI..."
Now, the whole losing the money thing can mean any number of things. She might get sued because she's talking too much about the challenge or either that or she won the challenge and lost all that money she got. Who knows? She also mentions in the entry that she auditioned to be one of the hosts of American Idol, positions which are filled by Ryan Seacrest and Brian Dunkleman... Melissa hosting would've been hilarious. She also mentions in her RWNO section that she hates the article about TV Guide and the Lost Season.
Also, we will keep you updated on this... but Wanda from E-online is going to write an article this Friday supposedly about the Battle of the Sexes. She is suppose to mention tiny tidbits about everything and it'll definitely be an article to check out.
Tuesday, August 13, 2002
All the posts from Melissa's site regarding being at Jamaica and the Battle have officially been DELETED from her site. No clue as to what really precipated the deletion. However, the Battle did end yesterday, so Melissa is possibly back from the trip already. There is really no clue as to why she deleted them. BMP could've told her to go ahead and delete them. Something might have happened at the end of filming. Nothing is really clear and there is no definitive answer.
Also, we also got some news about Aneesa and someone saying they spotted her at a club at NYC a few weeks ago. So she was probably voted off earlier than previously thought.
That's it! Thanks for all the help everyone!
Also, we also got some news about Aneesa and someone saying they spotted her at a club at NYC a few weeks ago. So she was probably voted off earlier than previously thought.
That's it! Thanks for all the help everyone!
Monday, August 12, 2002
Wanda over at E-online always gets jiggy with the latest Battle info. She has the hook-ups with SEVERAL castmembers. She reported that a wedding took place Some good guesses were Keri from the Chicago season. Although she did announce that she was "pre-engaged"... (How does that work??) She is not the one. Also, were James (MVT) and Emily (USA - Tour 2), who are currently dating, but that's false. And she really didn't reveal it flat out... But expect everyone's favorite Real Worlder, PUCK to tie the knot. Maybe it was that chick who he beat up...
Also, Wanda gave us a clue as to who is winning and it's the boys. Sorry ladies...
That's it for tonight.
Also, Wanda gave us a clue as to who is winning and it's the boys. Sorry ladies...
That's it for tonight.
If you didn't read the latest TV Guide about the Real World: Vancouver you missed some pretty decent information. Well, from watching the movie, most people know that Rachel (San Franscisco), David (Los Angeles), Amaya (Hawaii), David (Seattle), Aneesa (Chicago), Mike (Back to New York), and Melissa (New Orleans) were a part of the alumni challenge cast. However, did you know that BMP had approached two other alumni to do the Lost Season?
Yes, apparently both Puck (San Francisco) and Eric (New York) were both asked to be a part of the movie. "There was a little problem with his management." said Jonathan Murray of Eric, co-producer of the shows. We also saw that little problem rear its ugly head with Eric when the All Stars cast was asked to record their own theme song. And Puck, well... Julie Patzwald who played Melinda on the movie says Puck wanted big bucks because he believes he's a big star... He wouldn't work for scale.
And you think that the Lost Season cast would show some love for the around 80 reality tv veterans that Real World has produced over the years. Most of the shows actors, who are mostly Canadians, have never seen the show and are bitter about reality TV. They all believe the craze, spurred on by shows like the Real World, has taken food out of their mouths.
And the article goes on how to say that Rachel, Melissa and Amaya feel pigeonhold by their tv personalities. Amaya will almost forever be known as the Most Annoying Cast Member as voted by TV Guide fans in 2000. Sucks to be them...
As for the Battle, I could sit here and recount hours and hours of speculation, redrudge every piece of news about the Battle that we've ever posted. But if you really, really want to know... go to our archives. You'll find the link at the left. Anyway, what most people want to know is who is left at the end. Well, these are semi-spoilers, because we know that most of these people are left. Melissa, Blair, Lori, Ruthie, Syrus, Christina, and Anne. This is last we heard. Theo, Aneesa, and Shane who were a part of this list, have been supposedly spotted or contacted at their homes. This is all speculation at this point though. They are staying at the Round Hill Hotel and the Battle is scheduled to end TODAY. The rules are still Real World vs. Road Rules, however.. SEASONS has no weight this time around. It's guys vs. girls... so expect some weird things to be happening.
That's all for today. Check the archives!
Yes, apparently both Puck (San Francisco) and Eric (New York) were both asked to be a part of the movie. "There was a little problem with his management." said Jonathan Murray of Eric, co-producer of the shows. We also saw that little problem rear its ugly head with Eric when the All Stars cast was asked to record their own theme song. And Puck, well... Julie Patzwald who played Melinda on the movie says Puck wanted big bucks because he believes he's a big star... He wouldn't work for scale.
And you think that the Lost Season cast would show some love for the around 80 reality tv veterans that Real World has produced over the years. Most of the shows actors, who are mostly Canadians, have never seen the show and are bitter about reality TV. They all believe the craze, spurred on by shows like the Real World, has taken food out of their mouths.
And the article goes on how to say that Rachel, Melissa and Amaya feel pigeonhold by their tv personalities. Amaya will almost forever be known as the Most Annoying Cast Member as voted by TV Guide fans in 2000. Sucks to be them...
As for the Battle, I could sit here and recount hours and hours of speculation, redrudge every piece of news about the Battle that we've ever posted. But if you really, really want to know... go to our archives. You'll find the link at the left. Anyway, what most people want to know is who is left at the end. Well, these are semi-spoilers, because we know that most of these people are left. Melissa, Blair, Lori, Ruthie, Syrus, Christina, and Anne. This is last we heard. Theo, Aneesa, and Shane who were a part of this list, have been supposedly spotted or contacted at their homes. This is all speculation at this point though. They are staying at the Round Hill Hotel and the Battle is scheduled to end TODAY. The rules are still Real World vs. Road Rules, however.. SEASONS has no weight this time around. It's guys vs. girls... so expect some weird things to be happening.
That's all for today. Check the archives!
Sunday, August 11, 2002
We recieved an email the other day from a faithful Real World viewer who gave us a sighting! A sighting of none other than the Real World Chicago's Theo. If you remember Theo was a part of the Battle of the Sexes which should be ending filming by at least tomorrow. Here's the sighting:
"I was at the promenade in Santa Monica and who did I see none other but Theo from Chicago? Me and my friends were all excited and we went to go and ask him questions. We knew that he was in Jamaica from this site actually, so we asked him what he was up to since the show ended. He said that he just came back from vacation "somewhere nice". Then we asked about the Battle. He didn't mention anything, he just smiled. There were a lot of people around him, so it was just a "hi and bye" kind of deal. But just to let you know, he's been voted off!"
Wanda from eonline also confirmed this as well. She supposedly interviewed him and some other castmates (not Anessa, Keri, or Tonya) at the Teen Choice Awards. Thanks to swtprincssgurl22 for this information! Have a good day everyone.
"I was at the promenade in Santa Monica and who did I see none other but Theo from Chicago? Me and my friends were all excited and we went to go and ask him questions. We knew that he was in Jamaica from this site actually, so we asked him what he was up to since the show ended. He said that he just came back from vacation "somewhere nice". Then we asked about the Battle. He didn't mention anything, he just smiled. There were a lot of people around him, so it was just a "hi and bye" kind of deal. But just to let you know, he's been voted off!"
Wanda from eonline also confirmed this as well. She supposedly interviewed him and some other castmates (not Anessa, Keri, or Tonya) at the Teen Choice Awards. Thanks to swtprincssgurl22 for this information! Have a good day everyone.
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- This is a SPOILER! Something NOT about the Las Veg...
- Here's Steve, the guy who we posted exclusive pict...
- And finally, here's Raquel, the rumored seventh me...
- So... looks like we're going the wrong way with ev...
- Fueling all the speculation, with posting pictures...
- A friend from Steve from the upcoming Real World L...
- Wanda that beautiful, beautiful vixen on E-online....
- We've done some sleuthing and don't expect this on...
- Just to tell everyone... I posted this over THREE ...
- A little insight to the next airing of Road Rules....
- Hello! A few updates today: recently w...
- All the posts from Melissa's site regarding being ...
- Wanda over at E-online always gets jiggy with the ...
- If you didn't read the latest TV Guide about the R...
- We recieved an email the other day from a faithful...
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