Welcome! Look to this blog for daily rumors/postings/news on the Real World and Road Rules. We won't give you bull here. Just information strictly on Road Rules and Real World. If you're looking for other information, we'll get you there too with our comprehensive section of links! So, stay tuned and enjoy our blog!

Friday, February 28, 2003

Wanna waste time? Bored out of your mind? Take some Real World quizzes here. It's a fun little site I stumbled upon. Some are actually hard.

Thursday, February 27, 2003

Thanks for the huge response! We have recieved your emails and we will keep you updated on our decision within the weekend. Keep checking in this weekend... In news, David (New Orleans/BOTS) appeared on the Chapelle Show on Comedy Central. Chapelle (who is actually David E. (Los Angeles) cousin) did a sketch called the Mad Real World. It's funny and David does "C'mon Be Your Baby Tonight"... in the sketch. This classic song back in full force!

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Looking for feedback on this one: We have several copies of Real World/Road Rules seasons on VHS tapes. Some are complete, others are incomplete. Parts of seasons may include Islands, Boston, Northern Trail, Seattle, Australia, Hawaii, Latin America, New Orleans, Maximum Velocity Tour, RR All Stars, Challenge and Challenge 2000. We were wondering if we put these tapes on E-bay, with most seasons being incomplete, would there be bidders for them? Email newrwroad@hotmail.com, if you are interested.
After last night's Battle episode, we got eleven more people left on each side. Check out Melissa, Lori, and Colin's website for the reviews.

Monday, February 24, 2003

Let us break down tonight's episode two hours before it airs on the east coast: THESE ARE SPOILERS Puck gets booted off the Battle tonight. (This is for the machete incident.) Dan is brought back, but leaves because he is again the lowest scoring member of the guys team. Aneesa is booted from the girls side. The girls' inner circle is formed of Ruthie, Emily and Ellen once again. Emily tries to pull off a Rachel thing again where she wants to vote off Veronica this time. But Ruthie and Ellen stop her. Girls win this pairs mission. It's a mission where you have to solve a puzzle. Ayanna and Ruthie are the winners. They decide to give it to Tonya.

This hasn't been confirmed. But most is correct!
So that's 3/7 Las Vegas castmembers who have ran into trouble with the law. Arissa had a warrant out for her arrest in Boston during the filming of the show. Frank was picked up on misdemeanor charges shortly before coming to the show. And Alton has been arrested for assualt. This latest edition of Real World turned Cops happened at a promotion in a bar in North Carolina. Steven, Trishelle, Brynn, Alton and Irulan were serving as temporary bartenders for the night, when Alton got into an altercation with the bar's managers. He posted bail after spending Saturday night in the slammer. The Smoking Gun reports this all in their website, saying how sweet it was for Irulan to walk Alton out to the cop car. They are still together. You can check out the Smoking Gun's report, here. His mugshot is there too, it looks like he's posing for an MTV photo shoot rather than a mug shot. Damn those beautiful RW kids!
New design. Kinda not original. Will have to suffice for now.
On newsstands this week is Reality TV Love Secrets provided by US Magazine. And featured are none other than the self-proclaimed "King & Queen of the Real World", Rachel and Sean. Check out the issue to see their feature and pictures of their children Evita and Xavier.

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