The last person that we learned of having a criminal past was Frank (Las Vegas)... Now add Donell (South Seas) to that list. Donell was booked in Wakefield, Massachuttes two months ago on assault and battery charges. No official details on what exactly happened, but he was arrested by police. Thanks to Ex-Man for that. (NOTE: Frank was arrested back before Real World Las Vegas even began for defecating a frat house. Yes, I said defecating. The Smoking Gun was the one the reveal this about Frank's prank.
And ouch! In a poll taken from Days of Our Lives fans about the new actor portraying returning character Philip Kiriakis on the show... An astounding 54% of fans said they hated Kyle's (Chicago) portryal of Kiriakis, while 24% also said they were indifferent. A minority of only 21% agreed with the decision to cast the new actor in the daytime soap.
Welcome! Look to this blog for daily rumors/postings/news on the Real World and Road Rules. We won't give you bull here. Just information strictly on Road Rules and Real World. If you're looking for other information, we'll get you there too with our comprehensive section of links! So, stay tuned and enjoy our blog!
Saturday, June 07, 2003
New news on a cast member's last name: It is Cara Zavaleta of Road Rules: South Pacific. That leaves it at:
Abram Boise
Marybeth Decker
Chris Graebe
Donnell Langham
Christina Pyle
Cara Zavaleta
Dave ???
A Yet to Be Revealed Road Ruler
And a published article (submitted by Pablo), adds something new to the upcoming Battle. It seems that Abram will be part of the Battle... It's all in this article and will start filming in July. Go to the article here. This leaves the Battle group at:
The Real World:
Norman (New York)
Nathan (Seattle)
Matt (New Orleans)
Coral (Back to New York)
Mike (Back to New York)
Malik (Back to New York)
Trishelle (Las Vegas)
Road Rules:
Timmy (USA Tour 2)
Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)
Katie (The Quest)
Abram (South Pacific
And here is the links to fan sites that we added yesterday:
Trishelle Fans
This site is dedicated to none other than Trishelle from Las Vegas. Includes photos, blog of whereabouts, newsletter, and more. Trishelle is involved with this site.
We love Ace!
This message board and Yahoo! group was actually started a few days ago, being dedicated to none other than Paris castmember, Ace. Includes discussion, photos, polls.
BOTS Online Game
This role playing game takes the players from the real Battle of the Sexes and lets you play as if YOU were actually in Jamaica. They are already half way into their first season and have begun casting for the second.
Abram Boise
Marybeth Decker
Chris Graebe
Donnell Langham
Christina Pyle
Cara Zavaleta
Dave ???
A Yet to Be Revealed Road Ruler
And a published article (submitted by Pablo), adds something new to the upcoming Battle. It seems that Abram will be part of the Battle... It's all in this article and will start filming in July. Go to the article here. This leaves the Battle group at:
The Real World:
Norman (New York)
Nathan (Seattle)
Matt (New Orleans)
Coral (Back to New York)
Mike (Back to New York)
Malik (Back to New York)
Trishelle (Las Vegas)
Road Rules:
Timmy (USA Tour 2)
Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)
Katie (The Quest)
Abram (South Pacific
And here is the links to fan sites that we added yesterday:
Trishelle Fans
This site is dedicated to none other than Trishelle from Las Vegas. Includes photos, blog of whereabouts, newsletter, and more. Trishelle is involved with this site.
We love Ace!
This message board and Yahoo! group was actually started a few days ago, being dedicated to none other than Paris castmember, Ace. Includes discussion, photos, polls.
BOTS Online Game
This role playing game takes the players from the real Battle of the Sexes and lets you play as if YOU were actually in Jamaica. They are already half way into their first season and have begun casting for the second.
Friday, June 06, 2003
The link to the Trishelle (Las Vegas) fan club is here (fixed). And the link to the website for her fan club is here.
On an additional note: I will be summarizing the sites that I add on on the main content of the page (right here) as I add them on. (Only for this first week.) That will be done daily or as often as time permits.
On an additional note: I will be summarizing the sites that I add on on the main content of the page (right here) as I add them on. (Only for this first week.) That will be done daily or as often as time permits.
We're getting unconfirmed reports, and I do say unconfirmed, that Lindsay (Seattle) is leaving her job at 100.5 in Atlanta. She was DJing there for a couple of years on the Bert Show, a highly successful early morning talk show. It is unclear why she would leave. She has been an entertainment reporter for CNN for about a year and a half now. And recently, she began reporting more often. This does coincide with the beginning of this summer's new Battle... Is Lindsay a part of it? However, not jumping to conclusions... She's probably leaving the Bert Show just to do more work with CNN. More later...
NOTE: Someone emailed in confirming that Lindsay is in fact leaving the Bert Show. It was announced a week ago and her last day is June 10. She struggled with the decision and she decided to leave. She is moving to Tampa, Florida (original home of New Orleans' Melissa and The Quest's Jisela) to work on TV. The CNN national HQ are actually in Atlanta, so is doubtful that she is leaving to work full time at CNN. And that nixes any thought about her leaving to be on the Battle. Thanks to the fan who notified us. (And another fan has just notified us, telling us she will be part of an entertainment show in Tampa. He also notes that she will have a good-bye party on the 12th and her final day is actually the 18th, not the 10th. Thanks to Kyle for that!)
And speaking of Battle news and such... What is particularly interesting is Kristin's new article on E!Online. She is holding a contest where she is going to give away Norman's (New York) movie, the Wedding Video away. But she also mentions several new people added to the Battle cast and where it will be. From the Real World side, she mentions people we have already reported on: Matt (New Orleans), Coral (Back to New York), and Trishelle (Las Vegas). But she also adds into the mix, Norman (New York), Malik (Back to New York), Nathan (Seattle), Timmy (USA Tour 2), and Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour). (No mention of Mike (Back to New York) or Katie (The Quest) who were both said to have signed on...) Se adds in rumors to the mix saying that it will no longer be seasons against seasons or male against female. It's going to take on a different turn. She also adds that when a Real Worlder and a Road Ruler get voted off at the same time, they will compete and the loser will go home. (Battle of the Shows maybe?) And apparently it's every man or woman for themselves. These are all rumors and have yet to be confirmed.
And where is this going to be filmed? Some exotic, foreign location? Well... no. It's going to be filmed in none other than Newport, Rhode Island. May be because of the rumor flying around (originated by cast member's on their websites) that there will be another Challenge filmed in September and BMP might not be wanting to wasting money on all those overseas flights, saving it for another season to be filmed immediately after this summer's installment wraps up. That's it!
Oh yeah, here's the link!
And speaking of when the Challenge will start filming: Very soon: Matt (New Orleans) just posted a good-bye of his sorts at his site, saying that he'll be gone for four weeks. Ooh! Exciting news!
And some Paris news... Seems that Ace has been a fan of the Real World for a long time. When New York first aired in 1992 (when Ace was only 11 years old...), he was an instant fan of the show and knew that he would be on it one day. He's also know as "King of Cancun 2000", in that infamous stunt where those couples on MTV Spring Break donned nothing but whipped cream on their ya-yas to compete for a grand prize. Check out the article
NOTE: Someone emailed in confirming that Lindsay is in fact leaving the Bert Show. It was announced a week ago and her last day is June 10. She struggled with the decision and she decided to leave. She is moving to Tampa, Florida (original home of New Orleans' Melissa and The Quest's Jisela) to work on TV. The CNN national HQ are actually in Atlanta, so is doubtful that she is leaving to work full time at CNN. And that nixes any thought about her leaving to be on the Battle. Thanks to the fan who notified us. (And another fan has just notified us, telling us she will be part of an entertainment show in Tampa. He also notes that she will have a good-bye party on the 12th and her final day is actually the 18th, not the 10th. Thanks to Kyle for that!)
And speaking of Battle news and such... What is particularly interesting is Kristin's new article on E!Online. She is holding a contest where she is going to give away Norman's (New York) movie, the Wedding Video away. But she also mentions several new people added to the Battle cast and where it will be. From the Real World side, she mentions people we have already reported on: Matt (New Orleans), Coral (Back to New York), and Trishelle (Las Vegas). But she also adds into the mix, Norman (New York), Malik (Back to New York), Nathan (Seattle), Timmy (USA Tour 2), and Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour). (No mention of Mike (Back to New York) or Katie (The Quest) who were both said to have signed on...) Se adds in rumors to the mix saying that it will no longer be seasons against seasons or male against female. It's going to take on a different turn. She also adds that when a Real Worlder and a Road Ruler get voted off at the same time, they will compete and the loser will go home. (Battle of the Shows maybe?) And apparently it's every man or woman for themselves. These are all rumors and have yet to be confirmed.
And where is this going to be filmed? Some exotic, foreign location? Well... no. It's going to be filmed in none other than Newport, Rhode Island. May be because of the rumor flying around (originated by cast member's on their websites) that there will be another Challenge filmed in September and BMP might not be wanting to wasting money on all those overseas flights, saving it for another season to be filmed immediately after this summer's installment wraps up. That's it!
Oh yeah, here's the link!
And speaking of when the Challenge will start filming: Very soon: Matt (New Orleans) just posted a good-bye of his sorts at his site, saying that he'll be gone for four weeks. Ooh! Exciting news!
And some Paris news... Seems that Ace has been a fan of the Real World for a long time. When New York first aired in 1992 (when Ace was only 11 years old...), he was an instant fan of the show and knew that he would be on it one day. He's also know as "King of Cancun 2000", in that infamous stunt where those couples on MTV Spring Break donned nothing but whipped cream on their ya-yas to compete for a grand prize. Check out the article
Thursday, June 05, 2003
This is kinda interesting: This article talks about the Real World: Paris kids stay in France and how they reacted to it. It talks about the neighborhood, where they worked, the war situation (and how they let the kids watch a tape of Bush's address to the American people.) It's from the LA Times.
And you'd think BMP would stay out of Chicago after filming the Chicago season with a murder on their doorstep and having protestors harass the cast throughout filming. However, BMP went to Chicago's upscale Gold Coast neighborhood to film their new series, Starting Over. (They filmed Real World in the artsy Wicker Park section of Chicago.) Now, instead of protesting against them... Gold Coast is suing BMP, read the article.
And you'd think BMP would stay out of Chicago after filming the Chicago season with a murder on their doorstep and having protestors harass the cast throughout filming. However, BMP went to Chicago's upscale Gold Coast neighborhood to film their new series, Starting Over. (They filmed Real World in the artsy Wicker Park section of Chicago.) Now, instead of protesting against them... Gold Coast is suing BMP, read the article.
Ever wonder what happened to Timmy after he came home from Cabo? Well, he's hosting his new show this summer on the History Channel. His series, called "Guts and Bolts", is loosely based on a web site called "How Stuff Works." He investigates how different things work on the show.
Among the projects that he'll be investigating, is how a taser works (and he uses it on himself). And how FedEx-ing works (He Fed-Exs himself from California to Pittsburgh.) Look for Timmy to come up on that later.
Among the projects that he'll be investigating, is how a taser works (and he uses it on himself). And how FedEx-ing works (He Fed-Exs himself from California to Pittsburgh.) Look for Timmy to come up on that later.
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Paris premiered last night and sentiment is good for the Real World. Many people love this new cast. (It is a definite change from the tawdry Las Vegas season... I mean if Brynn would've bitten Steven on the ass, he would've loved it.) Anyway, the rest of the season looks like it's going to be great.
Meanwhile, you can check out an article on Mallory at the Sun-Times here. It gives a little background on her dad. Speaking of dads, I got an email saying that Adam's father is William King of the Commodores. It's pretty much confirmed that his father was in the Commodores... We have actually confirmed his last name is King. Adam was a part of Stanford's Yell Leaders and they confirmed his last name is King.
So castmembers last name are:
Mallory Snyder
Clyde "Ace" Amerson
Adam King
Christina Pyle
Abram Boise
Marybeth Decker
Chris Graebe
Donell Langham (Thx Walsh)
Meanwhile, you can check out an article on Mallory at the Sun-Times here. It gives a little background on her dad. Speaking of dads, I got an email saying that Adam's father is William King of the Commodores. It's pretty much confirmed that his father was in the Commodores... We have actually confirmed his last name is King. Adam was a part of Stanford's Yell Leaders and they confirmed his last name is King.
So castmembers last name are:
Mallory Snyder
Clyde "Ace" Amerson
Adam King
Christina Pyle
Abram Boise
Marybeth Decker
Chris Graebe
Donell Langham (Thx Walsh)
Tuesday, June 03, 2003
Premieres tonight at 10pm ET on MTV
Interesting, interesting. Go over to Colin's (Hawaii) site and read about his dispute with "Cambodia" (From The Real World: Chicago). He uses the psuedo name of "Cambodia", but if you read on, you can tell that it's Cara. (He knows Tonya and Aneesa and Keri never appeared on Jenny Jones talking about eating disorders.) It's quite funny and for some reason, Colin has beef with Cara. Go to his site. It's in the news entries section.
Monday, June 02, 2003
Sorry for the delay in updates! It's a long story, with too little space to tell!
Anyway, People Magazine recently announced that Kelley (New Orleans) will get married. Not to Peter, her beau, while on the show... But none other than Party of Five's Bailey (aka Scott Wolf). The two started dating shortly after Kelley returned from Cabo San Lucas, filming Battle of the Seasons. Congratulations to Kelley and Scott!
Apparently, Arissa (Las Vegas) did pose for Playboy. However, what we do not know is if the issue will show up. It is has been noted that Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Katie (The Quest) who were both said to pose have pulled out. And the correct link to Trishelle's fan club is right here.
Several people have seen Shane (Campus Crawl) at the Kiss 108 concert and he actually told the crowd that we would be seeing more of Shane soon. He also mentioned Tuesday as the day we'd be seeing him. It's unclear on whether or not we'll see him on MTV or another network. Thanks to Wendy and Smiley for that.
Kristin from E! Online has posted her Road Rules column, like she promised. She gives juicy, juicy tidbits: Cara, who was absent from Kristin's foray as a Road Ruler, is supposed to be a major source of conflict this season. Marybeth and Dave do get together by season's end. And although it may seem that Donell isn't the friendliest Road Ruler, he does get accepted by the group. Here's the link to the article. The new name of the Road Ruler who replaces Abram is Chris Graebe. Thanks to Fly for that.
Anyway, People Magazine recently announced that Kelley (New Orleans) will get married. Not to Peter, her beau, while on the show... But none other than Party of Five's Bailey (aka Scott Wolf). The two started dating shortly after Kelley returned from Cabo San Lucas, filming Battle of the Seasons. Congratulations to Kelley and Scott!
Apparently, Arissa (Las Vegas) did pose for Playboy. However, what we do not know is if the issue will show up. It is has been noted that Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Katie (The Quest) who were both said to pose have pulled out. And the correct link to Trishelle's fan club is right here.
Several people have seen Shane (Campus Crawl) at the Kiss 108 concert and he actually told the crowd that we would be seeing more of Shane soon. He also mentioned Tuesday as the day we'd be seeing him. It's unclear on whether or not we'll see him on MTV or another network. Thanks to Wendy and Smiley for that.
Kristin from E! Online has posted her Road Rules column, like she promised. She gives juicy, juicy tidbits: Cara, who was absent from Kristin's foray as a Road Ruler, is supposed to be a major source of conflict this season. Marybeth and Dave do get together by season's end. And although it may seem that Donell isn't the friendliest Road Ruler, he does get accepted by the group. Here's the link to the article. The new name of the Road Ruler who replaces Abram is Chris Graebe. Thanks to Fly for that.
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- The last person that we learned of having a crimin...
- New news on a cast member's last name: It is Cara ...
- The link to the Trishelle (Las Vegas) fan club is ...
- We're getting unconfirmed reports, and I do say un...
- This is kinda interesting: This article talks abou...
- Ever wonder what happened to Timmy after he came h...
- Paris premiered last night and sentiment is good f...
- The Real World XIII: Paris Premieres tonight at 10...
- Sorry for the delay in updates! It's a long story,...
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