There are countless others that haven't been on air:
Also, we are working on a new sleeker site design which should be out in the next two days.
Welcome! Look to this blog for daily rumors/postings/news on the Real World and Road Rules. We won't give you bull here. Just information strictly on Road Rules and Real World. If you're looking for other information, we'll get you there too with our comprehensive section of links! So, stay tuned and enjoy our blog!
Boys Colin Jamie Mark Puck Theo Shane Antoine Syrus Jake James Dan Blair Eric N. Yes David B. Eric J. Latterrian David E. |
149 141 136 134 130 128 118 117 115 103 101 99 99 94 X X X X |
Girls Ruthie Emily Ellen Veronica Anne Lori Melissa Ayanna Genesis Rachel Amaya Christina Aneesa Tonya Jisela Gladys Beth Julie |
134 117 108 108 103 93 92 91 89 74 71 69 67 64 X X X X |