An anonymous e-mailer sent in this portion of the guidelines or was really unclear. But I'll paste the quote from the guidelines (or whatever they're called, maybe for the Cheap Slots game):
The Promotion will be conducted based on the airing of approximately (30) thirty episodes of "The Real World Las Vegas" (the "Program")scheduled to air weekly from September 17, 2002 through April 22, 2002 (MTV reserves the right to modify the total number of episodes and the actual airdates to accommodate changes in the onair programming schedule).
We'll see how true this is in the coming weeks....The Battle of the Sexes air date is unclear to us, we are trying to gather facts on it, and we will get it to you as soon as it's confirmed with sources at MTV.
We need your help! Send in your comments, questions, news tips, links to RW/BOTS news articles, etc. send them to
Welcome! Look to this blog for daily rumors/postings/news on the Real World and Road Rules. We won't give you bull here. Just information strictly on Road Rules and Real World. If you're looking for other information, we'll get you there too with our comprehensive section of links! So, stay tuned and enjoy our blog!
Friday, October 11, 2002
Thursday, October 10, 2002
I just wanted to add a tidbit to your Favortie places on the net....Janeen A. provided us with a detailed list of a site that has all the cast members that were ever on the Real World. If you click on the cast member's names it will have all kinds of information about what they've been up too since the show, and more. Goto it at >>> And yet another article....We found this Entertainment Weekly article...and it's located at,6115,339480~3~0~meetcastofreal,00.html. That's all for now. Send news to Thanks!
Here are some of your comments from that enquire about "Is the Real World REAL anymore?"
Anna Norman wrote us and she said:
"The Real World has really lost it's element of reality
this season. People know what fame being a cast
member can bring, so the people trying out and getting
cast are the actors and potential performers. Not
only this, but BMP tries so hard to get such dynamic
personalities and people with such crazy backgrounds
just for drama. I miss earlier seasons and even more
recent ones like B2NY and Chicago where the people
actually were relatable."
Raven Nichols from Las Vegas, NV wanted to add a comment and here it is:
"I feel that the casting for both Real World and Road Rules have become so appearance oriented. Yes, most of the people on both shows are interesting to watch, but they are also beautiful, physically fit, drink and have sex like rabbits. In the REAL world most of us do not fit those descriptions at all."
Jennifer Newnan from somewhere in GA wrote to say:
No, it's not real anymore. Gone are the days of the "Puck's" and "Irene's." R.I.P.
Michelle and Eric wrote to us and wanted to express their opinions on the current cast:
""Real Word" Las Vegas is a far fetch from reality. How many of the past cast members from previous shows got their bags carried for them on day one? How many people in the real world live in a casino and throw parties as a profession? I am truly disappointed in this season. Not in the cast members, but in the environment they were put in, and their reactions to this environment."
Send more comments to and we will post them only if they are in the 50-75 words range. I will post most of them, if they're good, and not long.
Anna Norman wrote us and she said:
"The Real World has really lost it's element of reality
this season. People know what fame being a cast
member can bring, so the people trying out and getting
cast are the actors and potential performers. Not
only this, but BMP tries so hard to get such dynamic
personalities and people with such crazy backgrounds
just for drama. I miss earlier seasons and even more
recent ones like B2NY and Chicago where the people
actually were relatable."
Raven Nichols from Las Vegas, NV wanted to add a comment and here it is:
"I feel that the casting for both Real World and Road Rules have become so appearance oriented. Yes, most of the people on both shows are interesting to watch, but they are also beautiful, physically fit, drink and have sex like rabbits. In the REAL world most of us do not fit those descriptions at all."
Jennifer Newnan from somewhere in GA wrote to say:
No, it's not real anymore. Gone are the days of the "Puck's" and "Irene's." R.I.P.
Michelle and Eric wrote to us and wanted to express their opinions on the current cast:
""Real Word" Las Vegas is a far fetch from reality. How many of the past cast members from previous shows got their bags carried for them on day one? How many people in the real world live in a casino and throw parties as a profession? I am truly disappointed in this season. Not in the cast members, but in the environment they were put in, and their reactions to this environment."
Send more comments to and we will post them only if they are in the 50-75 words range. I will post most of them, if they're good, and not long.
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
Today Wanda from wrote about Melissa, here's what she wrote:
Bitch, Bitch, Bitch: Get ready. The more I hear about this upcoming Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Sexes, the more I'm convinced it could be the nastiest unscripted catfight in MTV's history.
A source tells me that Melissa of The Real World: New Orleans set up an alliance against former housemate Julie before the show even began in Jamaica. (Rumor is their close friendship went south over a business-related dispute.) And it sounds like Melissa's plan may have paid off--Beth from Real World: Los Angeles, the first bootee from Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Seasons, managed to survive the first voting-off process in Jamaica.
I saw Beth at Mike Boogie's Big Brother bash and, despite the rumors of fire and bitchstone, decided to introduce myself (albeit timidly) and ask how the Challenge went.
"There's a lot of drama, but I think it makes me a stronger person," she said with a lovely smile. "Most of the castmembers are so screwed up I walk away thinking, God, my life's not so bad after all."
Relieved by her charming demeanor, I pressed on, asking Beth if she'd do another show. "They ask me back because they know people are going to fight with me," she said. "And I think they'll keep asking me back until somebody kills me--on the air. And I keep asking myself, Why? Why? Why the bitch comment?! Why are they calling me Osama Beth Laden?!' I'm really nice--I don't get it!" She then let out an evil cackle and the gates of hell opened before my very eyes. LOL, I wish that we seriously could get an interview with that Princess Melissa, I love her! She's hilarious. I will try to request one. E-mail me if you want one too. Our address is Melissa, if you're out there? Please e-mail us if you want us to give you an interview, also fans send in some questions. This is somethingn new we're going to try.
A source tells me that Melissa of The Real World: New Orleans set up an alliance against former housemate Julie before the show even began in Jamaica. (Rumor is their close friendship went south over a business-related dispute.) And it sounds like Melissa's plan may have paid off--Beth from Real World: Los Angeles, the first bootee from Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Seasons, managed to survive the first voting-off process in Jamaica.
I saw Beth at Mike Boogie's Big Brother bash and, despite the rumors of fire and bitchstone, decided to introduce myself (albeit timidly) and ask how the Challenge went.
"There's a lot of drama, but I think it makes me a stronger person," she said with a lovely smile. "Most of the castmembers are so screwed up I walk away thinking, God, my life's not so bad after all."
Relieved by her charming demeanor, I pressed on, asking Beth if she'd do another show. "They ask me back because they know people are going to fight with me," she said. "And I think they'll keep asking me back until somebody kills me--on the air. And I keep asking myself, Why? Why? Why the bitch comment?! Why are they calling me Osama Beth Laden?!' I'm really nice--I don't get it!" She then let out an evil cackle and the gates of hell opened before my very eyes. LOL, I wish that we seriously could get an interview with that Princess Melissa, I love her! She's hilarious. I will try to request one. E-mail me if you want one too. Our address is Melissa, if you're out there? Please e-mail us if you want us to give you an interview, also fans send in some questions. This is somethingn new we're going to try.
Here are some of your comments:
Here's one on the fact that Brynn is not leaving.
Of course she doesn't get kicked off. We already know she was there to
compete in the RW/RR Challenge AND that pic of her in the newspaper
article you posted yesterday shows her in Australia holding a koala. So
obviously she's around for the trip which usually falls much later in
the season.
From Micheal H., Las Vegas, NV
Please make sure to include City, and state when submitting comments, it is optional though. Send your comments or opinions too us at
NEW: We've got New Guy that sent us a link to this article on the Las Vegas Weekly it has information about Arissa Hill. Thanks to New Guy for that link.
Here's one on the fact that Brynn is not leaving.
Of course she doesn't get kicked off. We already know she was there to
compete in the RW/RR Challenge AND that pic of her in the newspaper
article you posted yesterday shows her in Australia holding a koala. So
obviously she's around for the trip which usually falls much later in
the season.
From Micheal H., Las Vegas, NV
Please make sure to include City, and state when submitting comments, it is optional though. Send your comments or opinions too us at
NEW: We've got New Guy that sent us a link to this article on the Las Vegas Weekly it has information about Arissa Hill. Thanks to New Guy for that link.
So next week, will Brynn get kicked out the Real World: Las Vegas House? Well as we saw the preview shows Steven and Brynn trying to fight, but both getting held back. This is going to be the most exciting episode! Send us you're opinions on last night's show, and I promise that I'll post some. Send them to Also keep sending in the names and last names of cast members.
Also, to refresh some your memories, since we've goten a few requests for the Battle of the Sexes Cast, well here they are:
Real World guys: Eric, David (LA), Puck, Dan, Syrus, Colin, David (NO), Jamie, and Theo.
Real World girls: Beth S., Genesis, Amaya, Ruthie, Julie (NO), Melissa (NO), Lori, Keri, and Tonya.
Road Rules guys: Mark, Antoine, Jake, Yes, James, Laterrian, Blair, Eric, and Shane (CC).
Road Rules girls: Emily, Anne, Christina, Gladys, Ayanna, Veronica, Ellen, Jisela, and Rachel.
I don't know about some of you, but I can't wait to see the Real World: New Orleans cast members again! AND they had to put Jisela on this show didn't they? As much as she bitches about BMP how would she sign on to do the show? Since she claims they screwed her over? I don't get that, and then she wants to talk about the fans. Whatever, this will be an interesting season. We've also recieved some rumoring air dates, Wanda from says January, but they may push it up or back, it depends. They have to fill the spot that Road Rules: Campus Crawl occupied, so it may be earlier. We'll see, I haven't even seen any commercials for it. Off-topic discussion, Is MTV bringing back Jackass (the show)???? Please E-mail me concerning that
Also, to refresh some your memories, since we've goten a few requests for the Battle of the Sexes Cast, well here they are:
Real World guys: Eric, David (LA), Puck, Dan, Syrus, Colin, David (NO), Jamie, and Theo.
Real World girls: Beth S., Genesis, Amaya, Ruthie, Julie (NO), Melissa (NO), Lori, Keri, and Tonya.
Road Rules guys: Mark, Antoine, Jake, Yes, James, Laterrian, Blair, Eric, and Shane (CC).
Road Rules girls: Emily, Anne, Christina, Gladys, Ayanna, Veronica, Ellen, Jisela, and Rachel.
I don't know about some of you, but I can't wait to see the Real World: New Orleans cast members again! AND they had to put Jisela on this show didn't they? As much as she bitches about BMP how would she sign on to do the show? Since she claims they screwed her over? I don't get that, and then she wants to talk about the fans. Whatever, this will be an interesting season. We've also recieved some rumoring air dates, Wanda from says January, but they may push it up or back, it depends. They have to fill the spot that Road Rules: Campus Crawl occupied, so it may be earlier. We'll see, I haven't even seen any commercials for it. Off-topic discussion, Is MTV bringing back Jackass (the show)???? Please E-mail me concerning that
Tuesday, October 08, 2002
and We're back!
First off I was tipped off about this article on Brynn (Thanks to AJ for the link) it's here.
We want to know if you know the Real World: Las Vegas cast member's last names. This is always fun to do. I think we know some. But just send in the one's you know to and then we'll post the final list eventually. Please send in confirmed names. Thanks a lot!
Also, just a quick note from on Coral and Mike (Thanks!) --- Mike and Coral of 'The Real World: Back To NY' were at Saginaw Valley State University on Thursday updating the crowd on what their lives has been like since the show has ended. Mike is working at a charity organization for terminally ill children, attending wrestling and acting school, and traveling to colleges across the country doing open talks. Coral is also working for charity. Coral founded Zapatos, a charity organization that gives shoes to the homeless, travels with Mike to colleges and is trying to find a job hosting a television show. (Reality World TV is also going to do an interview with Sarah from RR Campus Crawl, so go there and submit your questions.)
On tonight's episode of the Real World: Las Vegas the TVGuide has it saying that this is what's going to go down.:
Irulan flirts with her boss Marc, but becomes uncomfortable with his attention; Arissa is hurt by a “joke” Frank makes, causing Alton to come to her defense.
That's all for now, Check back later for those full names (first and last). We'll credit thosee that send!
First off I was tipped off about this article on Brynn (Thanks to AJ for the link) it's here.
We want to know if you know the Real World: Las Vegas cast member's last names. This is always fun to do. I think we know some. But just send in the one's you know to and then we'll post the final list eventually. Please send in confirmed names. Thanks a lot!
Also, just a quick note from on Coral and Mike (Thanks!) --- Mike and Coral of 'The Real World: Back To NY' were at Saginaw Valley State University on Thursday updating the crowd on what their lives has been like since the show has ended. Mike is working at a charity organization for terminally ill children, attending wrestling and acting school, and traveling to colleges across the country doing open talks. Coral is also working for charity. Coral founded Zapatos, a charity organization that gives shoes to the homeless, travels with Mike to colleges and is trying to find a job hosting a television show. (Reality World TV is also going to do an interview with Sarah from RR Campus Crawl, so go there and submit your questions.)
On tonight's episode of the Real World: Las Vegas the TVGuide has it saying that this is what's going to go down.:
Irulan flirts with her boss Marc, but becomes uncomfortable with his attention; Arissa is hurt by a “joke” Frank makes, causing Alton to come to her defense.
That's all for now, Check back later for those full names (first and last). We'll credit thosee that send!
Monday, October 07, 2002
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10/06 - 10/13
- An anonymous e-mailer sent in this portion of the ...
- I just wanted to add a tidbit to your Favortie pla...
- Here are some of your comments from that enquire a...
- Today Wanda from wrote about Melissa, ...
- We want to know something.... Has the Real World ...
- Here are some of your comments: Here's one on the...
- So next week, will Brynn get kicked out the Real W...
- and We're back! First off I was tipped off about...
- Bad news, the power has been out since October 4th...
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